
3 Ch3 Best, worst day ever Pt 2 of 2

Cairn had just left his apartment, only to realise that one of the few things a person like him needed in this world was no longer in his possession, a car. His former vehicle of choice was currently burnt to a crisp inside a trash compactor along with the corpse of a member of his old group that was used to fake his death. The trick worked mainly because Judge Orname was known for burning her opponents to death.

As Cairn attempted to decide how he was going to get to the suppression department he suddenly heard a loud boom followed by a screeching sound almost as though someone had just....broken the sound barrier...and the wall...to his room. Slowly Cairn turned around and saw the exit wound in his apartment that was just big enough for him to see the hole in his ceiling as well. "Oh that is just, Perfect!" Cairn cried out through gritted teeth. While massaging the bridge of his nose he pulled out his new phone that came with the job and texted out 5 words to a caller ID only shown as Drill Sgt. 'I'm sending you the bill.'

Without waiting for a reply he used an app called SocMap to find the Judge Yurin branch. After he hit the search button he almost did a double take at the distance from him to the branch. "I'm never going to get out of from under her thumb am I?" He said Dazedly as he dropped his arm and let it hang from his side while looking up at the sky. On the phone displayed the distance from him to his workspace, Judge branch Yurin 60yds away.

While Cairn slowly moved next door to the Judge branch there were only 3 reasons that he could think of as to why he didn't recognize the large building as the Judge branch, for starters he was dragged at high speeds, while still exhausted from a fight, to an apartment at night. Secondly he could never imagine a place like a judge branch being as quiet as this place actually was. And lastly he highly doubted that any Judge branch would let the scene currently playing out in front of him. He watched as a man of possibly Italian descent with wild short black hair and brown eyes with a scar going down the left cheek of his face with an unusually brawny body was laying on a table while a woman of possibly korean descent had a stake placed over his heart the woman with green hair tied in bun with blue eyes and a slender body began to attempt to use a hammer to slam the stake into the mans heart, she continued to slam the hammer down harder and harder 50 times over, the man allowed her to stop and rest. The man then noticed Cairn staring at him, he then said, "Don't worry boy, one day you will also be able to experience this kind of pleasure." Cairn gave the man a disturbed stare and continued to look between the man and the women for 2 seconds before he sighed and shook his head while mumbling the words," I don't get paid enough for this crap." After all, to Cairn he still didn't know his salary so he was currently under the impression he was getting paid 0/hr and to Cairn nothing worth doing was done for free. Cairn walked by the weird people and into the Judge branch reception area.

Once He set foot into the Reception area the first thing he noticed wasn't the huge statue on his left, the big screen behind the reception booth that was showing the news or even the way the turrets in the room attached to the ceiling were pointing at the door which he was currently standing at. What drew his attention was the group of 5 judges standing shoulder to shoulder that were currently staring at him while at parade rest and the man and woman he saw outside earlier were in the middle and to the man's right respectively now dressed in the standard dress blues uniform once used by the now absorbed U.S. to the man's left was another male who had blond hair and green eyes and a thin body with a female with ginger hair and and green eyes with slightly buff body, beside the green haired woman was another man of possibly African american descent with black hair and brown eyes.

The man in the middle decided to speak, "I have some good news and some bad news for you son, the good news is that you get to join the 54th squad of the suppression department. The bad news is not only that you get to join the 54th squad but also that as judge of the 54th I must also tell you that you currently have 2 strikes against you, one for allowing a crime in progress to continue and two for failing to report on time on your very first day. Seeing as it is your first day I'll let you off with slightly nicer punishment but before we do anything else let's get names out of the way, I am Judge Dub, to my right is 1st class squire Angela, to my left is 2nd class squire Deker, to Anglea's right is 3rd class squire Hank and to Deker's left is 3rd class squire Noir. Usually New guys like you are taken straight to academy and only allowed to reach student rank once you pass your second year but thanks to Ms. Sicily you have been allowed to bypass that rank, but you cannot go any further than Apprentice 2nd class until you prove yourself." Cairn internally cursed his luck as not only was he the lowest ranked member of his squad but also because the leader of his unit was only at judge rank, one had to know that going through the different ranks a student was at the 1st level of power or hephaestus at least and 2nd or Aphrodite level of power at most while the an apprentice only had between 2nd or 3rd level of power other wise known as Apollo, a judge had between 3rd and 4th the 4th level being Hermes while Cairn was on the verge of the 5th level of power or Artemis. he was still talking to him for what felt like an hour at least. "Now then Squire Angela will guide you past the door to your left, that door will take you directly to the suppression department office from there she will show your desk and tell your next task and punishment, Angela once your finished getting the newbie settled report back to me." As soon as Dub finished speaking he vanished bringing in a blast of air as it rushed to fill in the sudden void he left. Deker and Noir soon followed with Deker saying, "See you later newb!" Hank gave Cairn an appraising glance before he also took off while saying only two words, "fresh meat." He and Angela were the only two left. Angela nodded her head to the door practically telling him to follow her.

Cairn calmly walked behind Angela. He soon noticed that the hall they were walking down had several portraits upon closer inspection he realized that the portraits to his left were the different Judge branch leaders all of whom were at least Arc judges, to his right were the department leads of the Yurin branch all of whom were celestial judges. After walking past those portraits Cairn saw more portaits only this time there were fewer on each side but he easily recognized these. On Cairn's left side were the council judges all twelve of them titled after a member of the knights of the round table, all twelve of them wearing porcelain masks, both as a way to hide there identities and to allow the council judges to investigate whatever leads they followed in secret. To Cairn's right were the head judges, there were only 5 of them, one for Vent district, where the Prisoners were kept; The Fort AKA Knight. One for Bella and Chet disticts; The Snap AKA Weaver. One for Lortnoc, the district that housed Judge headquarters; The Leader AKA Gunnra. Last but not least, one for the northern border of the last 20 districts of this 3rd of the planet otherwise known as Yurin; The Peacekeeper AKA Clack. Cairn continued to look at the portraits until Angela said, "You'll have plenty of time to admire the portraits later we still have business to attend to."

Cairn stopped staring and continued down the hall with Angela and until they reached 2 large doors guarded by 4 more uniformed judges. Once the 4 judges saw Angela and Cairn they took out their weapons and got into combat stances, Cairn intended to do the same at first, he started thinking about how to quickly escape while believing he had been tricked by celestial judge Orname, until Angela stopped him. Nobody spoke, Angela slowly pulled out a badge showing that she was with the suppression department after looking at the badge the 4 judges put away their weapons and opened the doors. While attempting to slowly calm his raging adrenaline Cairn walked through the doors to see 6 hallways all of which had signs labeled from left to right, 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60. Angela pointed to the sixth hallway and said, "Our Squad is down this hall, odd squads are on the left, evens are on the right, we're the second door on the right, let's go." Soon they reached the second door on the right and on the door it had a sign with the number 54 pyrographed to the front.

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Angela quickly opened the door and walked inside Cairn followed soon after noticing the multiple cubicles in the room only to duck down after hearing a noice cocking followed by a gunshot. Angela turned around upon hearing the gunshot to see Cairn on the ground with a smoking bullet hole in the door frame. Deker immediately cried out, "Shit! I forgot to disarm the bio scanner!" Deker quickly ran out of his cubicle to see Cairn kneeling and Angela looking at Cairn, Deker walked over to them and sighed in relief he then said, " Thank goodness you're okay I thought I almost killed you for a second there but hey, all's well that ends well right?" Deker pulled Cairn up and dusted imanginary dirt off of Cairn's shoulder before running back to his cubicle. Cairn was stunned by how quickly Deker talked and ran off. He looked at Angela hoping that she had some answers she simply shook her head and told him to follow her to his workspace. After 60 steps they reached his cubicle which had several books stacked on top of one another on the right side of his desk and 2 folders on the left side along with a fountain pen. Angela told him to have a seat. "Your current task is to read each one of these books in it's entirety, fill out the documents in the first and second folder to the best of your Ability and then give them to the Judge he's in the 2nd cubicle off to the right. Afterwards Angela walked away and left Cairn to his work. Cairn laughed dejectedly to himself while thinking sarcastically, This has just been the best day ever.

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