Although he didn't know the way, he could still ask and go back.

Walking to the Thousand Creations Workshop's entrance, Ji Bing looked around, and since she did not see any places that could hire a carriage, she walked along the main street. After walking for a long while, she finally saw a horse carriage parked at the street entrance.

Ji Bing immediately walked over and asked: "Treat you as a guest?"

Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, "I can take you there, but we will have to wait for a while."

Ji Bing looked around and determined that there were no other carriages around, and could only accept, he got on the carriage, it was very simple and crude, but it was very clean, he sat down obediently and looked out the window.

After a while, a lady came out of the building where the carriage was pointing at. She was wearing a veil, so her appearance could not be seen, but it was not hard to see that she was pretty.

The woman went straight to the carriage and got on. She was surprised to see that there was someone else in the carriage. She asked, "What happened?"

The woman got into the car, looking displeased. "You're not afraid of stratagem. You've done a lot of wicked things, and now you're being kind."

Zhang Yu coldly said, "Shut up."

The woman wanted to argue, but when she saw the child beside her looking at her, she did not say anything.

The horse carriage immediately headed out of Lianlian Lane. During this time, Ji Bing kept looking out the window, feeling somewhat agitated in her heart.

After about an hour, they stopped outside a medicinal herb shop.

The woman got out of the car and asked Zhang Yu, "I did bring the items, but can you really pay the price?"

Zhang Yu replied, "You really want Auntie Hong to personally tell you?"

"That won't be necessary." The woman turned and entered the medicine store.

Ji Bing had been looking at this entire time while she was in the carriage, and her gaze was fixated on the medicine shop's signboard.

When the woman left, Zhang Yu turned around and said to the child, "You can go home now. Sit down."

Ji Bing opened her mouth: "This medicine shop, is really big."

Zhang Yu smiled and said defensively, "I sold a lot of herbs, so it was big."

But, there was no scent of medicinal herbs in it.

Of course, Ji Bing did not say those words, he faintly knew that this coachman had problems with that lady, but it had nothing to do with him, so he did not want to meddle in other people's business.

It was because he had meddled with other people's business on the ship that he had gotten himself into such a troublesome situation. He would not make the same mistake again.

The horse carriage continued on, but before they even left the street, it suddenly stopped, Ji Bing saw that outside the carriage, a middle aged man with a face full of killing intent chased after him, stopping the horse carriage, she said to the driver: "Second brother, something happened."

Zhang Yu looked at his third brother, Zhang Tong, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Something's wrong."

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment. "Zi Hua can't be mistaken."

Zhang Tong said, "If not, then she has already been discovered by Bai Xin. Otherwise, what Bai Xin said would be false."

"Not likely." Zhang Yu muttered to himself, but he was unable to confirm. In the end, he could only ask, "Where's the purple flower?"

"There's something wrong with the item, of course we'll have to deduct it first."

"Let's go back and take a look." Zhang Yu said.

"I picked it up on the street. It's nothing." Zhang Yu said, then turned to Ji Bing and said: "Uncle has some matters to take care of, walk along this road, can you see a car-hiring shop, do you have any money?"

Ji Bing shook his head, "Bring me back, Uncle Sixteen will give you money."

"I don't have time to send you back." Zhang Yu then threw him a silver tael and said, "Go ahead and hire a car."

Ji Bing took the silver, "How do I pay you?"

"It's just a tael of silver. Uncle thinks you're cute, so I don't want you to pay me back."

Ji Bing held onto the silver and did not speak. Zhang Tong looked at him and asked his second brother: "When we were receiving the purple flowers, was this child here?"

"Yes." Zhang Yu nodded, "I picked it up from Flowing Cloud Lane."

"Flowing Cloud Lane?" Zhang Tong was startled, then suddenly glared at Ji Bing fiercely: There's something wrong with this child, who is it that has children?

"No." Zhang Yu looked at him, "He's just a kid."

"We can't be careless. Bring him back so that Xunhong can have a look."

"But …"

"Let's go."

Zhang Tong was a domineering person, and Zhang Yu would never go against her brother for the sake of a child she had known for less than an hour.

He hesitated for a bit, then said to Ji Bing: "Uncle will send you back later, but you have to go somewhere else for now."

Ji Bing looked at the two people in front of him.

So, could he refuse?

He couldn't even break Liu Mo's thin arm and thin leg, that white-faced scholar.

Ji Bing did not say anything, but Zhang Yu agreed to it and turned to start driving, and in a short while, she returned back to the medicine shop.

Ji Bing was brought into the medicine shop, and sure enough, there were no medicinal ingredients inside, other than the large hall at the entrance and the dried medicine that was placed in front of the entrance, there was nothing else in the inner hall.

After passing through the inner hall, they entered a room. Pushing open the bookshelves within the room, a secret room appeared.

Ji Bing was pushed aside, and staggered into the secret room, followed by Zhang Yu and Zhang Yu, who also walked in, and the door closed behind them.

"Don't be afraid." Zhang Yu rubbed the child's head and comforted her.

Ji Bing was a little afraid, after all, he currently had nothing on him that could protect herself, but she was indeed not some spy, so she was not afraid of being questioned by these strange people.

This secret room was very deep. It took them quite a while to see that there was light within.

The woman who was travelling with Ji Bing just now was in the room at the deepest part of the pathway. At this moment, her face no longer had the veil from before, he was trembling and kneeling, prostrating himself at the feet of a beautiful woman who seemed to be in her thirties.

Seeing Zhang Yu and Zhang Tong bringing a child over, Xunhong was a bit surprised.

After Zhang Tong explained everything, Ji Bing felt that the lady in red was looking at him in danger.

He glanced at the jade pendant on the table with the corner of his eyes.

Zhang Yu walked over, picked it up and looked at it for a moment, but could not find any difference. She asked, "How can we distinguish if it's real or fake?"

Zhang Tong said, "Firstly, this material is not He Tian Yu. Secondly, the engravings on it do not last more than two days."

Thus, there was no doubt about it.

Zhang Yu looked at Zi Hua.

Zi Hua's pretty face was already in tears, her body trembling as she said: "I absolutely do not dare to lie to Aunt Hong, ever since Miss Bai Xin and Young Master Fu were together, I have been sent by Aunt Hong to the Thousand Creations Workshop. In these few years, I have loved money, but I have always been loyal to Aunt Hong. "Yes."

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