One second. Org, free of charge!

Zhang Feng didn't see his second brother, Zhang Yu. It was not only because Zhang Yu had disguised herself before, but also because his entire focus was on his young master.

The young master had always been a sensible and obedient man. Even when he ran away from home, it was only to look for the Young Master Yue, and in essence, the young master was a good child who did not eat, drink, or gamble.

Liu Wei frowned, and pushed his away.

The lady then stuck close to him and said with a smile: "This side is for poetry, and the other side is for couples. Miss Bai Xin from our Thousand Creations Workshop has written a couplet, would young master like to match it? If the match is neat and beautiful, then Miss Bai Xin will have a thank you gift. "

Normally, when the number one beauty of the Azure Province, Lady Bai Xin, was brought out, very few men would refuse.

However, Liu Wei was not a man, even though she was also curious about Miss Bai Xin, but now, his brother was more important than the wild woman outside.

Liu Wei did not bother with his, and continued to walk forward.

The gorgeous lady did not want to let anyone go, she immediately stepped forward to stop Liu Wei, then shouted out loud: "This young noble wants to face big sister Bai Xin's first couplet."

Upon hearing her shout, quite a few people in the surrounding turned to look at her.

In truth, there were already many literati who had already gone through the first half, and more than a dozen versions of the first half. However, Miss Bai Xin had always been dissatisfied with the person who had written the first half.

Even when they were hesitating, they still had yet to determine the outcome of the battle.

Many of the scholars were already unhappy. They felt that this Miss Bai Xin was making things difficult for them. After all, there were more than ten editions, and they were all so fat. Why couldn't you pick the best one?

At this moment, hearing that there was another person who was right, many people had expressions of contempt in their eyes. They did not seem to feel that the person right could satisfy the number one beauty of the Azure Province.

Liu Wei was already starting to be displeased. She pursed his lips and stared at the gorgeous woman with a cold gaze.

The lady then went closer and whispered in her ear: "Sister in law, don't be anxious, I am Fang Que."

Liu Wei was startled, the look in his eyes became strange.

The gorgeous woman pretended to be intimate with Liu Wei as she pulled Liu Wei towards the direction of the couplet, and said: "I don't know if I can meet sister-in-law here, I hope sister-in-law can help me, I hope sister-in-law can help me lead Bai Xin away, Yu Ran and I have something important to find in this Thousand Creations Workshop."

Liu Wei frowned: "You and Yu Ran came to the Cyan Plains? I have never heard your senior brother mention it. "

Fang Que replied softly, "Senior Brother does not know, this is Master's orders."

"Your Master..."

"Please help me, sister-in-law."

Liu Wei didn't have the time to ask any further, as she had already pulled ahead of a hung up couplet.

Liu Wei turned her head, and when she looked again, she only saw a lady who had a strange appearance and called himself Fang Que, standing outside the crowd and secretly giving her a look.

Liu Wei's mood was actually very bad, but she was not sure what Fang Que wanted to do. After considering that she and Rong Ling were disciples from the same sect, it was not a good idea to take down the show, so he could only hold in his anger and look at the hung couplet.

For those who speaking, for those who speak, it would be better to not speak.

This couplet uses a winding couplet. There are many overlapping words, making it difficult to form sentences. However, it is very easy to match the couplet to the second couplet.

Liu Wei looked at the tables at the side, where ten different couplets were placed side by side. No matter which one it was, they were all linked with the previous couplet, and had a perfect rhyme.

Liu Wei felt that her current level was not much better than these scholars. What she had said should be about the same level as these scholars.

"Young master, have you decided?" An elegant young master holding a fan asked as he stared arrogantly at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei glanced at him, and only saw the man sneering, pointing at Sang Huai she said: "There are already thirteen second half couplets, but there is not a single one that could catch the eyes of us noble and clean young lady Bai Xin, I wonder, with your talent, will you be able to surpass the previous generations and create the final line?"

After this young master finished speaking, the surrounding people all started laughing. They didn't know if it was Miss Bai Xin, who had yet to show her face yet had requested so much from others, or this person, who was destined to create the second half of the couplet but would not be lucky.

Liu Wei thought about Fang Que's words.

Fang Que wanted to draw out the white heart for them. How was she supposed to do that? Naturally, it was to match the second verse and guess Miss Bai Xin's thoughts. She was to chat with her and stall for time.

Rubbing his chin, Liu Wei looked at the first half of the couplet, repeatedly grinding the meaning of the sentence, and then secretly pondering what the answer this Miss Bai Xin wanted to hear was. After pondering for a good quarter of an hour, he finally walked to the front of the table, started writing, and started writing.

Liu Wei's words were sharp, free, and unrestrained. This was something that she had learnt from Rong Ling, and Rong Ling's words were similar to this style. The two of them had been together for a long time, and could not help but listen attentively.

After writing the second half in a fluent manner, Liu Wei put her brush aside and stood to the side.

At this time, the young master who had mocked them walked over, closed his folding fan, and pointed at the second half of the couplet as he recited each word, "Deeply in love."

As soon as this person finished reading, everyone around him burst out into laughter. Someone teased, "Young master, you're quite a neat and proper person, just like a creative concept. Aren't you a little too petty? You don't seem like the right person."

Liu Wei ignored the people around him and only looked straight ahead, waiting for the old procuress to pass her words to Bai Xin xiaojie, who was in the room on the second floor.

The old procuress went up and came down very quickly. When she returned back, her expression changed a little as she looked at Liu Wei and said: "Congratulations, Miss Bai Xin. This way please."

The moment he said this, the surroundings went into an uproar.

The guy with the fan was not convinced. He slammed the table and jumped up, "Why is he the one being chosen? What is he up to?" For those who love love, it will be hard to get into the class of elegance! "

The old procuress smiled and said, "But we, Miss Bai Xin, are just emotional people. She just likes these hypocritical things that are meaningless to others."

The young master was choked. He harrumphed and left with a wave of his hand.

The old procuress said to Liu Wei: "Young master, after you."

Liu Wei turned her head, and she could no longer see Fang Que's figure in the crowd.

Sighing, Liu Wei followed the bawd upstairs. In her heart, she was calculating, just how much time would be wasted trying to stall for time?

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