Hearing his words, Rong Ling couldn't help but discuss with him. "According to what you said, we should have some understanding about the Fear Snakes …"

"The villagers." Ji Bing knew what he wanted to ask, and interrupted him: "I just said that ordinary villagers know how to catch snakes."

Rong Ling understood and touched the child's head.

Genius poison master?

Maybe it was true.

On the other side, Liu Wei was still wandering in the ocean of books inside the inn.

She always had that thought in her heart. From the moment she saw the gray color in her blood vessels, she had something that she wanted to say. However, she couldn't say it out loud.

This kind of lingering feeling made her very uncomfortable. Thus, when she flipped through the books, her hand strength became very strong.

Li Yin laid on the ground and peeked at her lover. Seeing that her lover was anxious, she felt especially pained. He personally soaked a pot of good Longjing and timidly sent it in.

Hearing the footsteps of an outsider, Liu Wei immediately raised his head. Seeing that it was Li Yin, he lowered his eyes.

Seeing that he did not want to kick her out, Li Yin was excited. She placed the tea cup beside his hand, looking extremely cautious.

Liu Wei did not have the mind to bother with her, and simply asked: "What's the matter?"

Li Yin was nervous in her heart. She clenched her fingers and pointed to the book on her table, revealing a puzzled expression.

"I'm looking for something." Liu Wei said, her heart was still feeling bored about walking away with Rong Ling, he thought that the two of them would come back to look for him, but in the end, she did not know where Rong Ling had gone to, and when she got on the carriage, there was no one around.

Her heart was not happy, and searching by herself was slow, so she was very annoyed right now.

Li Yin interrupted Liu Wei as she rummaged through the books.

Liu Wei looked at her: "You want to help me find it?"

Li Yin hurriedly nodded.

Someone helping him would definitely be faster.

Liu Wei thought for a while, then said: "Then may I trouble Miss Li to take a look for me, inside this book, is there a poison that will cause one's blood to change color?"

Li Yin happily agreed as she moved the chair over and sat down beside Liu Wei. After sitting down, she moved the chair closer to her sweetheart without leaving a trace behind.

Liu Wei did not notice Li Yin's tiny movements, she was completely focused, and was flipping a book.

Finally, an hour later, after spending nine Qilins and five minutes of effort, Liu Wei found a kind of snake called Dreadful Snake among one of the books called "Records of the Ten Thousand Snakes".

"A snake." Liu Wei patted her head, "How could I forget?

Seeing that he found it, Li Yin was happy for him, but she still quickly pulled his hand and waved him off, indicating that she should stop hitting her head when she was happy.

Liu Wei removed her hand and thanked Li Yin: "Sorry for troubling Miss Li."

Li Yin gently shook her head to show that it wasn't hard work, but her heart was filled with sweetness and her face was bashful.

When he found the snake, other memories would follow.

When Liu Wei returned to the yamen, she immediately went to look for Si Ma Xi.

Si Ma Xi had already returned from Flowing Cloud Lane and was talking to Rong Ling in her study.

When Liu Wei saw that Rong Ling was actually here, she was unhappy, but she endured it and told Si Ma Xi: "As for the two female corpses, the culprit …"

"Master Liu is back." Upon seeing Liu Wei, Sima Xi naturally said, "The culprit has already been brought back. Do you want to interrogate him now or later?"

Liu Wei was surprised: "Murderer, brought back?"

When Sima Xi saw that she did not seem to know anything, he was stunned for a moment before he looked at Second Prince.

Rong Ling walked in front of Liu Wei, pulled her, who was travel worn, to a chair and sat down. She then poured a cup of water for her before saying: "I was the one who asked me to bring back the culprit."

Liu Wei held onto the cup of water and looked at him: "Do you know who is the culprit?"

"Thousand Creations Workshop's Brothel Keeper."

Liu Wei instantly widened her eyes. "How do you know?"

Rong Ling took a small box and opened it in front of her eyes.

"Inside, a black and grey snake gall was revealed." Fear of snakes? " Liu Wei immediately extended her hand out.

However, Rong Ling slammed the box shut and placed it far away.

"Let me see." Liu Wei said.

"Poisonous." Rong Ling's face became serious: Don't touch.

Liu Wei clicked her tongue, and frowned: "How do you know it's Snake Venom? How do you know it's snake gall? "

Rong Ling said a name: "Ji Bing."

"Ji Bing?" Liu Wei froze for a moment, and then his tone changed: "Why are you looking for him so much? Did Ji Feng see it? "

Rong Ling paused, and looked at Liu Wei with a strange expression: "Didn't you see him?"

Liu Wei looked around: "Where did you see it?"

Rong Ling: "..."

Rong Ling did not say anything, and he did not know what to say either.

Liu Wei smacked her lips: "Since you already know that it is venomous due to fear snakes, why don't you let people notify me and cause me to look for it? You clearly know that …" He was aware that ever since she became pregnant, her silly pregnancy had become more and more serious. This time, if there was no one to remind her, she could rely on himself.

Seeing the grievance in her eyes, Rong Ling went forward and pulled her hand, and comforted her silently.

Liu Wei was not bribed by his small kindness. He withdrew his hand, raised his head and asked Sima Xi, "Where is she?"

Sima Xi recovered from his shock and said, "Keep it in the next room. Does Master Liu want to interrogate it now? Do I need to bring him to the torture chamber? "

"No need." Liu Wei said as she stood up and brushed off the wrinkles on her clothes and walked out.

Rong Ling took the snake gall and walked beside her.

Massey followed.

In the next room, the old procuress was trembling as she paced back and forth in the room.

When the door was opened, the old procuress was shocked. When she saw who it was that came in, she almost stopped breathing and stammered, "Ladies and gentlemen, didn't you guys already inquire further? "Why, why did you bring the commoner back?"

Liu Wei walked at the front, laughed, and waved her hand: "It's just that I thought of a few things that I haven't asked about clearly, so I asked mother to come back again. Mother, please sit."

The old procuress sat down tensely, twisting her sleeves with all the strength she could muster.

"Mom is nervous?"

The old procuress laughed dryly, "This humble woman, this humble woman has never seen the world … If Master wishes to ask, then ask. This humble woman will definitely not hide anything from you. "

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