"That name sounds familiar to me too." Fang Ruotong put down the book in her hand and thought for a moment, "The former Prime Minister of the capital, Liu Cheng, is surnamed Liu."

Li Yin sat down and poured herself a cup of tea: "So what? Does my husband have any kinship with that family? "Wait, let me think, my family doesn't seem to have any grudges with Prime Minister Liu?"

"I always feel like I've heard of Liu Wei before." Fang Ruotong supported her lower jaw with her fingertips.

"But I feel that my husband must have already ordered those people to be executed." Li Yin was very confident of his lover, "When he saved us at that time, didn't his hubby say that he would deal with us?"

"I don't know." Fang Ruotong had a complicated feeling towards Liu Si Zuo, it could not be said to be good, but since the other party had done a good deed, he could not say anything bad, and could only say: "We have to wait for brother to come, then we will have our verdict."

Li Yin curled her lips: "In short, your brother won't sell me to my father and mother's side, I don't care, as long as he can follow my husband, it's enough. Marrying a chicken and following a dog, we will have a good fate.

Fang Ruotong knocked on Li Yin's head: "Bullshit."

Li Yin did not mind, and continued to look pleased with himself.

Seeing her like this, Fang Ruotong once again thought about the night he woke up and the small talk he had with the Second Prince's backyard. He could not help but droop his eyes, and his eyes revealed a trace of sadness, as he asked: "Where exactly do you love the Master Liu?"

Li Yin looked at her and tilted her head: "I remember I've answered this question of yours."

"You said that it was fated for you, so you fell for him." Fang Ruotong was puzzled: "But why? Why did he make you so stubborn that even your family didn't want him? Is it worth it to want him? "

"Ruotong, I've never loved anyone before." Li Yin suddenly calmed her gaze. He who was like this was not the type of person who would normally giggle and tease, nor was he the proud and conceited her in the past: "But when I found out that I want to marry someone, someone that I reject, I wanted to try it out urgently. Let's see what it feels like to be in love with someone."

"Is that how you feel now?" Fang Ruotong asked.

Li Yin shook her head. "I don't know."

Fang Ruotong frowned.

Li Yin said: "When I was anxiously looking around for someone that could move my heart, Master Liu appeared. At the beginning, I thought he was clean and white, with a good appearance and a good temperament. I suddenly impulsively wanted to befriend him, but he avoided me. I have never seen a man so afraid of me. When I left, I even looked at me with a look that was as serious as if this girl was sick. It made my heart itch. "

The way Fang Ruotong looked at Li Yin changed: "You like it when people don't give you face?"

"Swish." Li Yin laughed: "Isn't that the same, is the palace's feast fun? He thought it was fun when he was young, but it turned out to be fun later on. Was the empress's praise important? He used to think that it was important, but later he felt that it wasn't that important anymore. Was it comfortable to be proud and proud of being a BMW? Of course it's comfortable, but after a long time, it's meaningless. If I have to repeat the past, repeat the past life, it seems a little boring, Ruotong, you know my character, I want the best out of everything, but I already have the best, what's the better? "

"Empress." Fang Ruotong looked at Li Yin, and suddenly felt that the most immature Li Yin in the past, had really grown up: "You have noble parents, a brother with boundless prospects, I thought you wanted to be the Empress in the future."

"That is Ah Zi's wish."

Fang Ruotong paused and blinked her eyes.

Li Yin was surprised: "You don't know? Ah Zi wanted to be the empress, I've always thought of that at the beginning too, but after knowing that she did, I decided not to. Amongst the three of us, if Zi couldn't do it, then the two of us can't do it, but looking at what Ah Zi has already done, how can we snatch it away? "

The Li, Fang, and Qin families had all grown up together. Li Yin was a delicate beauty.

Li Yin said, "A'Zi knows how to be a queen. Then, to me, what is the best? I can't find it. "

"In my opinion, you must have been infuriated by your family's carelessness. If you were to randomly find one, you would have been possessed." This was Fang Ruotong's understanding.

Li Yin started laughing: "That can make me confused, and is also his ability. I'm becoming more and more bewildered, and can only be baffled by him, which is also his ability. Ruotong, I'm fine as long as I'm happy, why must you say that he's bad?"

"I didn't say he wasn't good." Fang Ruotong retorted, but she could not explain why her words would be biased since she did not feel that it was a good thing.

She did not want to fight with Li Yin anymore, she was just a fool, once she returns to the Li family, with her brother teaching her, she would slowly get better.

Some people, the more you don't let her do anything, the more she does something, be it rebellious, willful, or perverted. This was clearly the situation with Li Yin.

… ….

At the same time, on the official road outside the northern city of Qingzhou, the coachman stopped the carriage that was slowly advancing.

The guard at the front ran back and said to the biggest official car in the middle, "Sir, the gates of Qingzhou City are up ahead."

A corner of the carriage's curtain had been lifted, and the fair and clean fingers of the man were bent, resting on the edges of the window seams. He looked through the small crack in the window and saw that the lush and verdant trees surrounding him had indeed turned into a mediocre vendor.

He knew that this place was indeed not far from the city gate.

"Hurry up. After entering the city, head straight to the Azure Province."

The guard replied and raised his head, signaling the coachman to continue moving forward.

The carriage jolted and began to move again. Under the swaying curtain of the carriage, the white fingers had already been retracted.

Fang Ruzhu sat in the carriage, her eyes still misty from sleep. He yawned and touched the plate by his side. The plate was empty except for a few burnt bits of toast.

He picked up a large piece of scorch and put it into his mouth. After tasting it, he called for the servant outside. "Servants."

The manservant mounted the horse and brought it to the window. Bending his body, he asked, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

Fang Ruzhu's slightly cold fingers passed over the empty plate.

The servant took the plate and understood what he meant. He then turned around and rode to the carriage at the back and handed it over. After a while, another plate was handed over. The plate was no longer empty but was filled with fragrant roasted fish.

After sending the roasted fish to the front of the official car, the curtain drooped. Inside the car, Fang Ruzhu looked at the nine fresh, parched and fragrant fish, and picked up the topmost, seemingly skinniest one with her bare hands. She put it in her mouth, ate off the head of the roasted fish, then started chewing on it, not even sparing the head of the fish as she bit into her mouth.

A person answered from outside, "Sir, we just entered the city gate."

Fang Ruzhu saw that it was still too early, so she drank a mouthful of tea and moistened her throat. Then she grabbed a square pillow and locked it in her bosom.

By the time he was woken up, an hour had already passed.

After having eaten his fill and slept for a while, the young man looked to be in high spirits.

He stretched his body and got off the carriage with the help of the guards. Then, he raised his head to look at the majestic entrance of the Qingzhou Prefecture.

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