One second. Org, free of charge!

King of Quan was startled, she did not think that Rong Ling would bring up the Witch clan. She could not help but suspect, "You suspect that the snake breeder is a Witch clan member?"

Rong Ling only looked at her royal uncle.

"Abuse?" King of Quan was surprised for a moment as she stared with wide eyes: "When did this king order people to torture them? They should eat and drink well and rest well. Although the place to rest is a little far, wouldn't it be easy to be discovered if it was placed in the mountains?"

Liu Wei interrupted: "Prince, you didn't order anyone to abuse those children? When they were sent back, they were in a very bad state. "

King of Quan snorted. "This king will not bully some children!"

Liu Wei smacked her lips in disbelief and gave another example. "Some kids said that what they eat everyday are not steamed buns with rice, but raw meat. If they don't eat it, they will starve to death … …"

King of Quan slapped the table: "That's impossible!"

Liu Wei muttered: "So what if I did, if I don't admit it, I really have no sense of responsibility … …"

"This King does not have it!" King of Quan glared at Liu Wei. "If this king was such a vicious and merciless person, would they have brought back a living child?"

Liu Wei still did not believe in King of Quan.

The condition of the children at that time was still fresh in her mind.

King of Quan didn't know how to explain herself. He looked at Liu Wei, then looked at Rong Ling, and finally took her words of Rong Ling seriously.

Liu Wei had a clear understanding of the situation and stroked her chin: "The Witch Clan raise some strange Gu worms for their own use. I have also seen it before, it's a venomous snake that is similar to a snake, if it's really the killer that killed the three Mu brothers and the snake is indeed raised by witches, then why would they kill the three Mu brothers? Why did the three brothers of the Mu Clan come to the Azure Province? "

After he finished speaking, Liu Wei looked at Rong Ling again, "The news you gave Xing Yi, you said that the person under Fu Hong's command, Zhang Tong, has been to the port before, and is this also a lie?"

"No." Rong Ling replied.

Liu Wei nodded her head: "Then from my point of view, maybe the three brothers of the Mu family were invited by Fu Hongwu. These three people are all desperate criminals, and if Fu Hongwu were to look for them, then it might be because he wanted them to do something despicable. But he died before even reaching the Cyan Plains, and they died in such a strange manner … Don't forget, the crime scene was disguised as a hack and kill, and if it was really caused by the Gu snake, and the snake keeper changed the situation by changing the situation, then his goal was obviously not to let others know that the three of them died from the venom. Since he didn't want to, then it means that he had his reservations. To care about the King of Quan s that were still in the Azure Province? Or is it someone else who is related to the three brothers of the Mu Family? "

Rong Ling raised her eyes, her gaze sweeping across King of Quan: "If Witches were unfaithful to royal uncle, then who are they attached to now?"

Rong Ling's reminder was like a loud shout, shocking King of Quan to the point that her head was buzzing.

Witch Person, Fu's Family.

Could it be that the Witch Clan and the Fu's Family had some sort of relationship?

King of Quan didn't want to believe that she had been betrayed, but Rong Ling's words about how those children were abused made him uncertain.

He never gave any orders about what to do with the children, and after they were brought back he never did, only told her to look after them.

"Hiss?" Could it be that he was defying the will of the heavens?

Impossible, if one were to say who was the most loyal to him, it would be the slightest bit more reasonable.

She was meticulous and intelligent, always knowing when to do and what to do.

He was happy to let her do things that weren't too important. It wouldn't be too much to say that she was the housekeeper of the Prince's Mansion.

King of Quan was still thinking about her family's matters.

However, Liu Wei and Liu Wei had already reached an agreement. The two stood up and planned to go to the yamen to see the corpses of the three Mu Clan brothers.

"At the very least, we have to confirm first whether it was the Gu Snake that killed them or not. To be honest, I am not sure how much I can find out, I do not know what the Witch Clan did to raise the Gu worm, other than them, no one else is clear about what they mutated and transformed the insect, and since we can't figure it out, we can't make a decision on it. So, when I check the corpse, you need to use all the power you have under you to find the snake breeder, as soon as possible, if he left Qingzhou, I also want to know where he lived, even if there are any traces of him, we can't miss it."

Liu Wei said, then looked at King of Quan again: "I think you should also ask yourself, what exactly the Witch Clan have done behind your back, you can ask them about what you need to ask about, and after that I have ways to prevent them from going back to complain, to ensure that we do not alert them beforehand."

Liu Wei's argument was reasonable, but the King of Quan really could not refute it.

When he left last, Liu Wei checked the crime scene again. Sure enough, he had a target this time, so when he looked again, it was easy.

Under the bloodstain in the room, she found some green snake poop.

Thus, it was confirmed that a snake had entered the room of the deceased at the time of the murder.

Next, as long as he was sure that the snake owner was a witch man and the giant snake in his hands was a Gu snake, then this case could be solved.

However, whether or not it could be broken and how to break it, he still needed to think carefully.

If there was any internal conflict between the Witch Clan and the King of Quan, they would have to respect the wishes of the King of Quan and act accordingly.

When he returned to the yamen, it was already dark. Liu Wei planned to go to the morgue to look around for a while, but just as he entered the yamen's entrance, he was blocked by the bustling yamen runners.

"Second Prince, Master Liu, finally found two people!"

Liu Wei looked at the bailiff, who was gasping for breath and sweating profusely, and was startled: "What's wrong?"

"Something big has happened!" The bailiff said excitedly.

… ….

According to the little bailiff, it wasn't that something big had happened at the yamen, but rather something had happened to the Prefecture Overseer of his family.

This afternoon, an uninvited guest came to the yamen. He was a very young man and requested to stay at the yamen. He said that he would only stay for a few days and would not trouble anyone.

If you want to live here, then so be it. This isn't a good house anyway, so there's nothing to be reluctant about.

The Prefecture Overseer agreed generously. He was afraid that the quilts at the yamen would not be clean, so he sent someone to his house to fetch some good quilts.

At this time, Sir Fu Zichen had also returned to the yamen, but Sir Fu did not return alone, she was carrying a graceful middle-aged lady. The middle-aged lady said that she was looking for Master Liu, and since she knew that she was not there, she was escorted by Sir Fu Zichen to the hall to talk.

But right at this moment, the not too tired Official of the Supreme Court who had just settled down just happened to come out for a stroll...

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