An hour later, at the Qingzhou Inn.

Ji Xiaqiu sat at the seat close to the first floor and looked at the dishes on the table. She then looked at the young man sitting across from him who had grilled fish and was using chopsticks to shave the bones of the fish.

Fang Ruzhu glanced at Ji Xiaqiu, then cut off the head of the fish and placed it into his mouth along with the roasting incense.

Ji Xiaqiu took it, looked at the picture of her, then looked at the words written below, and placed the paper back on the table: "My arrest warrant."

Ji Xiaqiu had been wanted before, and a long, long time ago, when Liu Huan had just returned from the border, he brought along her illustrious military exploits and wanted her back from the empress's side.

The empress has released him, but the empress and Qianling Emperor are not willing to give up. They haven't even gotten their hands on the secret of the treasure map, how can they let you leave just like that?

One month after they left the palace, the Qianling Emperor summoned Liu Huan and talked for an entire day.

That night, Liu Huan returned and said, "Pack your things."

Ji Xiaqiu knew that something even more troublesome was going to happen, at that time, she was already holding onto his top six, but he did not realise it, nor did she realize it yet.

After packing their belongings, they fled in secret that very night. Unfortunately, they did not walk for long. The wanted posters that filled the interior and exterior of the capital caused them to be caught as soon as they left the outskirts of the capital.

After being brought back in custody, Liu Huan had become a traitor, while Ji Xiaqiu had also been imprisoned in the Ministry of Justice's Prison.

From that time onwards, Ji Xiaqiu did not see Liu Huan, but every day, from morning till night, she was interrogated endlessly.

Under the torment of her mental breakdown, she was gravely ill. It was also that illness that made the imperial physician diagnose that she was already pregnant.

After that, Ji Xiaqiu was still locked up, but the interrogation was stopped for two days. On the third day, she was released back to the Liu Manor, and after hearing the news, Liu Huan admitted to betraying the nation, waiting for her death.

At that time, Ji Xiaqiu had almost gone mad. The criticism of the Liu Family members, Liu Huan's life or death was unknown.

In the end, she had still confessed the secret of the treasure map. That day, she had asked to see the empress and personally tell her everything she knew.

Her only request was to let Liu Huan go and forgive the Liu Family.

Qianling Emperor agreed, but she had to verify if her words were true or not, so before she could confirm whether the treasure map was real or not, she couldn't let his go.

Therefore, Ji Xiaqiu just waited like this, waiting until her stomach was big, but she still did not see Liu Huan again.

Until the news spread out that the traitor Liu Huan had escaped from prison, and was killed on the spot with her head separated from her body.

Ji Xiaqiu was about to go crazy, this was impossible.

She was risking her life to become a saint, cursing the Qianling Emperor and Queen in the Liu Manor.

She washed her face with tears and became thinner and thinner. In the end, if it wasn't for the fact that she had a child in her womb, she would have died a long time ago.

It was also at that time that King of Quan came to the capital and thought of a method to free her. This was Liu Huan's last wish.

The truth was, in order to let Ji Xiaqiu and the child live, Liu Huan had to lower her head and surrender, willingly to die.

Originally, Liu Huan had already arranged everything when she returned to the capital from the border. She had sent a letter to the King of Quan, saying that if she were to die, no matter what, she had to save his wife.

Ji Xiaqiu survived, faking death to escape and roam the martial arts world. However, because she was ambushed halfway, her martial arts skills were completely wasted and her physique gradually weakened.

Fortunately, she still managed to preserve her own whereabouts. The imperial court's secret guard didn't kill her, but instead was killed by her. Due to the years of not being able to determine her whereabouts, the imperial court finally seemed to have stopped its pursuit.

Many years had passed, and when Ji Xiaqiu saw this wanted poster, her sharp gaze ruthlessly pierced Fang Ruzhu's face.

"Did Fang Shaoqing really think that a wanted poster of a rotten grain of old sesame seed would be effective against a commoner?"

Fang Ruzhu glanced at Ji Xiaqiu, his tone calm and indifferent: "The justice courts issued an order, what does Madam think?"

The 30 years time limit was indeed still in effect.

However, this wanted poster was posted when Ji Xiaqiu and Liu Huan escaped the capital. At that time, they were already caught and brought back.

But Ji Xiaqiu knew clearly that there were many people in the imperial court who were interested in her whereabouts.

If Fang Ruzhu really brought her back with such a reason, that slut empress would probably make a mistake as well, and would be more than willing to do so.

Ji Xiaqiu did not want to fight with this Fang Family child, even though she had an old grudge with her mother, it was not to the point of life and death.

Now that Fang Ruzhu had put on such an ugly front, Ji Xiaqiu was somewhat angry.

"Then let's do it." Ji Xiaqiu raised her head to look at Fang Ruzhu's body, his face expressionless: "Where are Lord Shaoqing's shackles?"

Fang Ruzhu was still eating his fish and chewing on the roasted meat until it became crisp. She casually swept a glance over Ji Xiaqiu: "This inn is full of Madam's people, how would this official dare make a move?"

Ji Xiaqiu did not make a sound, she could tell that Fang Ruzhu had something else to say. If he really wanted to take her back, this child would definitely not do it alone.

Fang Ruzhu continued to eat his dinner. Previously, she had caused some trouble at the yamen, so he was already hungry.

Ji Xiaqiu waited for him to eat for fifteen minutes before she saw the young man wiping her mouth. At the same time, she picked up a cup of wine.

When he walked past, he threw a piece of paper into Ji Xiaqiu's hands.

Ji Xiaqiu frowned, and opened it.

There were four words written on it — "Enemy is hidden, you are bright".

"Thank you Madam for the hospitality." Fang Ruzhu's voice came from behind, Ji Xiaqiu turned her head, and saw the young man's skinny back, walking out of the inn, and gradually disappearing.

Hong Jie'er walked over and asked curiously: "Madam, how did he …"

Ji Xiaqiu waved her hand, looked at the empty relay building and said: "He came to remind me."

"A reminder?"

Ji Xiaqiu said: "Someone has their eyes on me."

Hong Jie'er leaned over and looked at the four words on the slip of paper and frowned.

"Hong'er." Ji Xiaqiu called out.

Hong Jie'er approached.

Ji Xiaqiu whispered something into Hong Jie'er's ear, and Hong Jie'er replied as she quickly ran out of the inn.

When Hong Jie'er was chasing after Ruo Zhu, who had just walked out of the main street, she dragged him into a small alley to the side and pressed the dagger against her neck.

Through the dim white moonlight, Fang Ruzhu could barely make out the person in front of her. Her clear and shallow eyes narrowed: "What is she doing?"

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