Li Yin was firmly tied up in the carriage, she looked at her best friend and did not say a word, she turned and went back upstairs to take her luggage.

Passing through the corridor, Fang Ruotong stared at Rong Ling's room. After hesitating for a moment, she knocked on the door.

She had intended to say goodbye to them last night, but no one came back until she went to bed, so she had to disturb them now.

"Hmm …" Fang Ruotong was a little bashful, and secretly looked around the house.

It was already noon...

Liu Wei saw through the other party's thoughts at a glance, and called out: "Second Prince, someone is looking for you."

"No, no." Fang Ruotong quickly waved her hand, and was extremely embarrassed: "It's the same as yours. Master Liu must have seen my brother yesterday too, he's here to pick me up, Ying'er, we're leaving now."

Liu Wei subconsciously looked downstairs and vaguely saw that there were quite a few carriages parked at the entrance.

"Are we going back to the capital?" Liu Wei asked.

Fang Ruotong nodded: "It should be."

"Miss Li is also leaving?"

Hearing Liu Wei's question, Fang Ruotong smiled, "Ying'er would be extremely happy if she knew that Master Liu is asking about her."

Liu Wei shook his head helplessly: "Miss Li is indeed well, but I already have someone I like, so I can only disappoint you."

Fang Ruotong did not speak, she did not know how to answer for Li Yin.

Liu Wei then said, "Miss Fang, please wait a moment, I'll change my clothes and send you guys off."

"There's no need..."

"Nothing." Liu Wei interrupted her and turned to call out: "Second Prince, you're still awake?"

Rong Ling's lazy voice came from inside: "En."

Liu Wei smiled apologetically at Fang Ruotong, she then closed the door and walked inside the house while complaining: "Miss Fang and Miss Li are leaving, Second Prince, wake up … …" Fang Ruotong did not listen to what was behind his. Although she wanted to listen, but since he had the modesty of a daughter, she walked to a place far away and waited.

After waiting for no more than a quarter of an hour, the door opened.

Rong Ling came out first. When Fang Ruotong saw him, she quickly nodded her head to greet him.

Rong Ling answered, and asked: "You're leaving today?"

Fang Ruotong's heart thumped, and her face became a little red. She had lived in the inn for so long, this was the second time she had talked to her alone.

She hurriedly replied, "I had originally thought that I would have to stay for two more days, but brother seems to have some matters to attend to. He just arrived yesterday, so it wouldn't be good for me to delay him even if I were to say that I'm leaving today …"

Saying that, Liu Wei came out, because she had hastily changed her clothes, her hair was pressed into her collar.

Rong Ling reached out her hands to straighten her hair, carefully pulled it out and tucked it behind her back before straightening her hair. In the end, she even pulled up her sleeves to make it smooth.

"You're done?" There was no mirror here, so Liu Wei directly asked him.

Rong Ling caressed her face.

Liu Wei touched it and asked: "What's wrong?"

"A pillow mark." As Rong Ling spoke, her fingers rubbed against the red marks on her abdomen, and at the same time lightly berated: "I slept restlessly."

Liu Wei pushed his hand away.

After the two of them were done packing, Liu Wei turned to look at Fang Ruotong and smiled: "Let's go down, Fang Shaoqing, I'm afraid we've waited for too long."

Fang Ruotong looked at the person who spoke, then looked at Second Prince, who was by her side, and walked ahead.

After walking up half the stairs, Fang Ruotong suddenly realised, how could she walk in front of the Second Prince?

But the stairs were narrow, and it was awkward to give way now, so she forced herself to go down. When she reached the first floor, she hurried to one side.

When Rong Ling walked out, she followed him.

Although they said they were seeing him off, it was actually just a formality.

Because of what happened at the dining table yesterday, Fang Ruzhu did not like Rong Ling, and neither did Rong Ling.

Liu Wei, on the other hand, acted like a peacemaker as she greeted them politely in the middle with a fake smile. After seeing Fang Ruotong get on the carriage, she quickly said, "You two take care."

Fang Ruotong actually wanted the two of them to meet, but before she could finish, she was stopped by Fang Ruzhu.

When Fang Ruotong got on the carriage, she suddenly stopped and turned her head to say: "Master Liu seems to have gotten fatter recently."

Fang Ruzhu's expression didn't change at all, "Ruotong, don't talk nonsense!"

Fang Ruotong also knew that she was just a girl, talking to an outsider like Yue Yang was too frivolous. She quickly lowered her head, but her eyes still secretly glanced at Liu Wei's lower abdomen.

When Master Liu opened the door, she was only wearing her undergarments. Although Fang Ruotong did not see it due to the difference between man and woman, she still saw it in the corner of her eyes.

Master Liu seemed to be wearing dark clothes recently. He was dark and thin, but his undergarments were white. He didn't know if it was an illusion or not, but under the white clothes, she felt that this person's stomach was a little too big.

Liu Wei glanced at Fang Ruotong, and then replied good-naturedly: "It's probably because I've eaten too well recently, and I've gotten fatter."

Seeing that the other party was not angry, and had replied without hesitation, Fang Ruotong did not know what to say, and hurriedly got onto the horse carriage, sitting beside Li Yin who was tied up like a dumpling.

A long line of carriages was moving slowly towards the city gate.

After the horse carriage had gone far, Liu Wei looked at her stomach with a slight headache, and asked Rong Ling: "Am I really fat?"

Rong Ling didn't hide anything and reached out to his shoulders, pulling his into her embrace and putting his ear close to her ear, she said, "This king likes it."

Liu Wei elbowed him: "It's not that I'm fat, it's just that your son is fat."

However, Rong Ling said: "It's my daughter."

"My instincts as a doctor tell me that this is a son."

Rong Ling did not make a sound.

Liu Wei looked at him: "You think she's a daughter just because of that? If it were your son, would you not like it? "

"I like it." When Rong Ling replied, her eyes were brimming with warmth.

Liu Wei then said, "I knew that my son was quite troublesome. Just by looking at Xiaoli, I knew that he was extremely mischievous and even loved to hide things. He had previously stolen all sorts of treasures from me and thought that I did not know about it, but he already knew how to hide things when he was only two years old.

Speaking of his son, Liu Wei was very tactful.

After she finished speaking, she touched her own stomach, and looked at Rong Ling sternly. "This child has been given birth, we cannot let Xiaoli touch it, otherwise he will definitely be corrupted."

Seeing her so nervous, Rong Ling comforted her: "Alright, I won't touch it." Then he said, "I'll take it."

Liu Wei thought about the scene of Rong Ling carrying a baby inside her embrace, inside it was a baby who was eating his fingers. In the imperial court, he would discuss politics with the ministers around, and felt that it was a little weird: "Let me take him." Her work environment was lower than Rong Ling's. ) The Coroner's Consort represents the author's view only, and if it is found to be contrary to national law, please delete it. The position is devoted only to providing a healthy green reading platform.

Thank you, everyone!

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