When Liu Wei first saw the hostility on Rong Ling's face, she finally remembered. In the past, this General Rong was a big shot who could frighten over ten children into tears with a raise of her eyes!

Because he had calculated the time before leaving, when he arrived at his destination, the sky had just turned dark. Look at this, free of charge. kà lA

Liu Wei first looked at the so-called hole, and discovered that the hole was indeed big, but its shape was very strange, it was a barrel-shaped hole.

Liu Wei's hands were stained with some of the blood as she let Voley go.

If it was ordinary blood, she wouldn't say it out loud.

Rong Ling understood and asked: "Human blood?"

Liu Wei nodded, and wiped her hands with a handkerchief, while continuing to stare at the entrance of the cave: "Voley eats everything, including grains, dead chickens, and people who eat human flesh. If there is a mouse nest nearby, then this corpse will definitely not be preserved, and in less than a month, it will all be eaten."

Rong Ling said: "The farmlands need to be turned, and the corpses buried here?"

"What if someone intentionally buried the human body inside it to feed Voley?"

Rong Ling looked at her.

Liu Wei said: "Snake and mouse are natural enemies. Ordinary field mice are small, skinny, and don't taste good.

Rong Ling did not say anything for a while.

Liu Wei pointed at the hole again. "What do you think this hole looks like?"

"It's similar to …" Rong Ling just said one word, and her eyes suddenly squinted.

"This is a snake hole." As Liu Wei spoke, her eyes were equally cold: "No wonder that snake-keeper wants to live in the suburbs. Since he's already grown so big, wouldn't it be a mess if I put it in the city?"

"Are you sure it's the snake?" Even if it was a mutated snake species, it would grow in a few days. So big?

"He must have fed something good." Liu Wei counted with her fingers, "Thousand Year Ginseng and Myriad Spirit Ganoderma, if these things were to be kept, how could they be raised with a snake? They are obviously monsters!"

Rong Ling's eyes became even colder.

Liu Wei said: "I need help."

… ….

Liu Wei did not stay in the fields for long, the sky was already completely dark. If there were really a few corpses at the bottom of the snake cave and some nests of mice were raised, then the big snake would definitely come here to look for food at night. At that time, they would have to see what the snake really looked like.

Because the snake was not human, and such a large python was so huge, the danger level was immeasurable. Therefore, Rong Ling had personally arranged for thirty plus bailiffs and fifteen secret guards to be placed in the right positions.

For a man used to fighting in the army, it was his forte to set up a line of defense.

While Rong Ling was busy predicting the possible dangers, Liu Wei borrowed a house, grabbed Ji Bing who had just been brought over, and poured in a batch of various medicinal ingredients.

"We don't have much time. This place is Xiong Huang, this place is alcohol, and the ones in front are saltpeter and arsenic. Just wait and see."

Ji Bing was about to go to sleep, but the moment she got onto the bed, she was suddenly tied up by five robust men.

"You said there was a snake disaster here?"

"Right." Liu Wei replied, and at the same time, placed Xiong Huang near the saltpeter.

Ji Bing surveyed her surroundings and frowned: "There is no snake disaster here. I am the closest to the insect, rat and ant, and also practice the five senses technique, I can sense that in a radius of thirty kilometers, not only are there no snakes, there are no snakes at all."

Liu Wei looked at him and snorted: "There are no snakes in the fields? Do you believe it? "

Ji Bing was startled, but thinking about it, it made sense, this place was already in the suburbs, there were fields nearby and forests in the distance. In this kind of place, if there were no snakes in the winter, it would be alright.

"This …" He mumbled and bit his lip.

Liu Wei said: "There's someone keeping a giant python close by, the other snakes were afraid of their own kind so they hid away long ago."

"Python?" Ji Bing was startled: "Cultivating?"

Liu Wei pushed a bag of yellow coins in front of him: "Tonight, we are going to catch that python, and maybe the owner of the python too. If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid no one will be able to live past dawn among the guards outside."

Ji Bing finally realized the severity of the matter, but looking at the table full of medicine, he said, "I can only concoct poison."

"So you can make poison." Liu Wei said: "The poison that destroys the snake."

The moonlight slowly sprinkled down.

Liu Wei and Ji Bing busied themselves with making more than fifty saltpeter bullets in the room. The ammunition was filled to the brim with snake repellent items and when worn on their bodies, they could drive away snakes. In times of danger, they would ignite the saltpeter and smash it onto the large python.

After distributing all the saltpeter bullets, Liu Wei handed Ji Bing over to the women of the nearby farmers.

Ji Bing was unhappy: "I can help!"

"You've helped enough." Liu Wei said, patting his head: "Leave the rest to Master, stay here."

Time trickled by, and Rong Ling accompanied Liu Wei by her side. The two of them stared at the sky until it was midnight, and then, the sounds of patter could be heard from their surroundings.

"A snake?" Rong Ling asked.

Liu Wei shook her head, adapted to her night vision and looked at her own feet: "It's a mouse."

Just as Liu Wei had said, the mice in all directions seemed to be out of control as they ran out in all directions. The densely packed rat shadows passed through the ankles of the people hiding in the shadows and headed in the same direction.

Liu Wei looked in that direction, and after waiting for half an hour, she heard the sound of crawling animals moving.

"He's coming."

Smelling a fishy smell, Liu Wei knew that the giant python was near and his palms started to sweat.

Rong Ling held her hand and pulled her behind him. Looking at his shoulder, she said: "The bigger the head, the less flexible it is. Don't be afraid."

Rong Ling rubbed her trembling fingers, exposing her struggle: "You're the one who's scared."

Liu Wei shook her head, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I'm excited!"

Rong Ling: "..."

"Do you know how valuable the snake's medicinal properties are? Snake Bile, Snake Skin, Snake Slough, Snake Whip, Snake Meat! I've always wanted snake soup! "We'll catch it after the great python eats all the field mice, the fatter it gets, the sweeter the meat becomes. Tomorrow, I'll make you a python cooker, with chicken wire, bamboo shoot silk, meat thread, and mushrooms, it's delicious!"

Rong Ling: "..."

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