was just talking to Fu Ziyan, when he was suddenly attacked. The target was Fu Ziyan, who tried to block, and got slapped, causing the two of them to faint.

"Dr. Chen, Zi Yan, he …" The old tutor sat on a chair and stared at his grandson on the bed, his heart clenching.

Doctor Chen was an old doctor from Fu's Family. When he heard this, he only put Fu Ziyan's hand back into the blanket and turned his head to sigh. "My internal injuries are quite severe, my heart meridian is damaged, I'm afraid …"

As for the dizzy Old Master Fu, he barely managed to calm himself down. He leaned against the wooden chair, and his entire body was on the verge of collapse: "How could this happen … How could this be … "Everything is fine, how could such a thing happen …"

Fu Hongda consoled him, "Father, don't worry, there's always a way. As for that thief, we've already sent people to chase him, and they'll definitely come back. At that time, we'll see who has the guts to even dare to touch our family's words!"

Liu Wei watched from the side and thought about it, then walked over to the side of the bed. She first rolled her eyes, then looked at Fu Ziyan's palm print on his chest, and finally his wrist. As expected, there was also a snake mark on his wrist, which was similar to Fu Zichen's.

"Actually, it's not that serious." Liu Wei's voice was not loud.

From the moment she walked to the bedside, Old Master Fu's eyes lit up. He knew Master Liu's background even better than many people.

Although he was a doctor born to the legal medical expert, but in the past, in Jiangnan, especially in Qujiang County, he held the title of a living genius doctor. It was precisely because of this that he specially sent people to invite this person.

Unexpectedly, Zi Chen's injuries were not that serious. On the contrary, Zi Yan had already reached the point where even doctors had to give up on him.

Liu Wei took out his needle bag and took out her silver needles. She inserted them one by one into Fu Ziyan's chest, chest, chest, abdomen, side, and side, as well as his He Gu acupoint before stopping.

At this time, Old Master Fu had already stood up and looked nervously at his hedgehog grandson, before looking at Liu Wei.

As Liu Wei wiped her hands, she tightened her needle bag. "Rest assured, Old Master.

Old Master Fu nodded and could only wait quietly.

On the other hand, Fu Hongda and Fu Hongtian looked at each other. The two of them clearly did not trust this young master very much, but since their father had made the decision, they could not be disrespectful. After all, in the Fu's Family, they did not have the right to argue with guests.

Time slowly passed, and when the first doctor was brought here, Liu Wei had just finished taking out the silver needles.

The doctor thought that it was serious, so he probed Fu Ziyan's body immediately, took a deep breath and said: "Life shouldn't end, it really shouldn't end. Young Master Fu's injuries are serious, his chest is shaken, his heart veins are damaged, he should be unable to do anything, but his heaven is not destroyed, his heart actually has a strong energy that remains, waiting for this old man to guide him, along with medicine to treat him, I believe that Young Master Fu will be able to recover safely."

Old Master Fu looked at Liu Wei, the gratitude in his eyes clear as day.

Other doctors came one after another, but they all said the same thing. The only thing they said was: 'Blessed are the good people, Bodhisattva's blessings'. After that, they busily started to write the prescription.

Old Master Fu moved closer to Liu Wei and asked, "Does Master Liu have a good prescription?"

Liu Wei shook her head: "Regarding Young Master Fu's injuries, these doctors' medicine are already sufficient.

He thought that this Master Liu would send the Buddha to hell, but who would have thought that she wouldn't want to personally treat him. On the other hand, Zichen, who was not too serious, was actually willing to take care of him all by himself, to the point where he even had to personally tuck him in.

Fu Ziyan was fine here, Liu Wei understood the basic situation now, so she did not stay any longer, and took her leave, bringing the servant back to Fu Zichen's side.

Arriving at the courtyard, Liu Wei heard someone speaking from inside.

The servant beside him said in a timely manner, "It's the Second Master and the Second Madam. It must be because of this that the two of you heard about the assassination of the Fifth Young Master."

Second Old Master, Second Madam? Isn't it just Fu Zichen's parents?

Liu Wei took two steps forward, and just as she reached the door, she heard a sobbing female voice, "You're worried about Zi Chen, don't you know what Zi Han's current situation is? In that dark prison, you don't know how many hardships you've suffered, how many hardships you've suffered. You only know how to regret it after your son dies? "

Another middle-aged man impatiently replied, "In front of Zi Chen's bed, you said Zi Han would just cry. I told you Zi Han was fine, he won't die."

"I heard that the prison is a place where people eat people. People have died …"

"Who do you think you are speaking nonsense to? It's nothing, no one died, don't let your thoughts run wild."

"I'm just worried about my son, why don't you understand? Fu Hongwang, if anything happens to my son, I'm not done with you!"

Liu Wei did not know whether she should enter or not, but while she was hesitating, the beautiful woman, who was crying so much that it was raining, walked out with the support of the servant girl, just in time to meet with him.

Liu Wei knew that if she let this second wife know that she was the main culprit behind locking up her precious son, Fu Zihan, then he would probably go all out against her on the spot.

As expected, the beautiful woman looked at Liu Wei with suspicion.

Liu Wei immediately nodded her head and introduced herself: "Greetings Second Madam. I'm here to look out for Fifth Young Master."

The beautiful woman thought that he was just a doctor, so she didn't really mind. She merely answered with an "En" and didn't say anything else. As she walked past, she was still weeping.

Liu Wei heaved a sigh of relief. When she walked into the room, she saw Fu Zichen's father Fu Hongyuan standing at the head of the bed, staring at the person on the bed.

Liu Wei couldn't see his expression, but she could feel the depression that filled his entire body.

"Greetings, Lord Fu." Liu Wei shouted.

Fu Hongwu regained his senses at this point. He turned his head and glanced at him. He did not care at first, but when he saw the other party's appearance, he was stunned for a moment. "Sir, is that Liu Si Zhuo?"

Liu Wei was a little surprised, she did not know whether she should hide it or not, so she could only force a smile.

Fu Hongwu instantly understood something and explained, "My wife just said something in anger. I hope you won't mind."

Liu Wei: "I know something has happened to Zi Chen, so I came down to take a look. I hope you didn't disturb me."

Fu Hongwu quickly gave him a spot to move forward.

Liu Wei stepped forward and looked at Fu Zichen again. He looked no different from before he left, but she still carefully probed his pulse once more.

Fu Hongwei watched from the side and asked quietly, "Are you alright?"

"You can wake up after a night's rest." Liu Wei said.

Fu Hongjin heaved a sigh of relief, and did not say anything else. He just stood quietly at the side.

Liu Wei stood up, just in time to see Fu Hong Wang staring at Fu Zichen with eyes full of concern, and also containing a sense of unconcealable nervousness.

Liu Wei understood Fu Zichen's family affairs a little, but had no right to speak. She felt that the Second Elder and the heartless, unloyal father that Fu Zichen spoke of were still lacking.

Fu Hong Wang asked: "The relationship between Master Liu and my son seems to be very close?"

"Good brother." Liu Wei said: "He helped me a lot, of course, I helped him a lot too."

Fu Hongwei nodded his head: "Most of my son's achievements are under the care of the Master Liu."

For the small and large cases in the Qujiang County, Fu Zichen alone, it was impossible to settle them all. Such an efficient performance, was all thanks to Liu Wei's help, and in return, Fu Zichen did her best to satisfy any of Liu Wei's demands. As a result, the two of them were best friends in life, and perfect partners in work.

After chatting with Fu Hongwu for a while, Liu Wei noticed that it was getting late and decided to come back early to visit.

Fu Hong Wang sent someone to send Liu Wei out.

Liu Wei walked out of the Fu Mansion's gate and saw a familiar carriage.

He then rejected the Fu's Family's carriage and got on it. As expected, the first thing he saw was Rong Ling's cold face.

Sitting next to him, she asked, "When did you come? How could you not let me know?"

Rong Ling held her hand, and discovered that her palm was a little cold. She covered her hands, and said: "This way I won't cause any problems."

Liu Wei finally understood that this was, after all, the Fu Mansion.

"He's fine?" Rong Ling asked, obviously knowing about Fu Zichen's situation.

"I'm fine." Liu Wei said: "I was just touched, and was very angry, she fainted just like that, and scared me, but that Fu Ziyan is already very serious, if I didn't rush over just in time, I would most likely have met Hades."

Rong Ling was silent for a moment, then said: "There's a snake mark on your wrist?"

Liu Wei was startled, she tilted her head and looked at him: "You know this too, you're amazing, speak, how many spies are you hiding in the Fu Mansion?"

"Four." Rong Ling casually said, and asked again: "You know who the murderer is?"

"I don't know, but the Fu's Family is already looking for it. Why, do you have a clue?"

Rong Ling raised her eyebrow, and did not say a word.

Liu Wei immediately looked at him intently: "You really have a clue? "Tell me, who is it?" ) The Coroner's Consort represents the author's view only, and if it is found to be contrary to national law, please delete it. The position is devoted only to providing a healthy green reading platform.

Thank you, everyone!

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