Liu Wei took the teacup, but Fu Zichen interfered and took the cup away, and said: On this point, I agree with the man's opinion.

Liu Wei: "..."

Without a doubt, that person was Rong Ling.

"I'm sure you know that in the past, a brutal murder case occurred in a ship that landed at a port in the Azure Province. A total of three people were killed, and up until now, the case has not been solved."

As if he didn't know about this, Old Master Fu looked towards Fu Hongda.

Fu Hongda said, "I heard that something like that happened. However, didn't they say that the magistrate court has already decided on the culprit and is currently searching with all their might?"

"I just couldn't find him. He seemed to have a backer in the Azure Province, and I couldn't find him just by using the troops from the Azure Province's branch. Now that I have no other methods, Second Prince ordered me to come and ask for his help." Saying that, Liu Wei stood up and raised his arm under the big cape to show his respect for the old man, and then cupped his hands to show his respect for the old man, "The old man is of great virtue and prestige, if you want to capture the culprit as soon as possible, you have to rely on the power of the Fu's Family, the old master of the Fu's Family is the Chief Secretary of Qing Zhou, the second master is the salt transport envoy of the two rivers, the third master is the general of the two rivers, regardless of whether it is the Chief Secretary's office, salt transport envoy, the head of the yamen, their military strength, they will definitely win over the yamen."

At this point, although Fu Hongda knew he shouldn't, he couldn't help but interrupt, "My three brothers, I'm afraid …"

"Hongda." Old Master Fu stopped the rest of Fu Hongda's words. After a moment of silence, he asked, "If this old man were to touch them and agree to borrow their troops, then my matters …"

"Old Man, don't worry. I've brought the medicine here. Take a look." Liu Wei said as she took out a porcelain bottle and placed it on the table.

Old Master Fu took it and uncorked it. He sniffed it and smelled a medicinal pill, but he was still worried. "This medicine is really …"

"I have seen Eldest Young Master's injuries before. If you don't say that this medicine can heal him immediately, after strengthening his body and nurturing his vitality, and with my unique method, he will definitely wake up within seven days."

With Master Liu's words, even Old Master Fu was moved.

However, the old tutor didn't immediately agree. He instead said, "We still have to discuss this matter with the three of them. Go back first and I'll give you an answer within today."

Liu Wei nodded: "Thank you, Old Master."

Old Master Fu raised his hand, gesturing for Fu Hongda to send them off.

Fu Hongda sent him off in an attentive manner.

After sending the person to the door, Fu Hongda could not help but say, "Even though I should not have said those words, the matter of borrowing an army in Master Liu is likely not easy."

Liu Wei paused for a moment, then turned around to look at Fu Hongda, "Fourth Elder seems to be aware of something?"

Fu Hongda sighed and said, "It is true that father is a man of high virtue and prestige, but ever since he sent his men back to the land, he has had very few leaders. His three brothers respect him, but it is unlikely that they would listen to the elder on official matters … Especially with Zi Han's incident, I'm afraid the three brothers have some resentment towards the Second Prince. "

Hearing his words, Liu Wei became silent for a moment.

Fu Hongda only stopped there, he did not continue further. When he returned to the residence, Liu Wei turned to Fu Zichen and said, "This Fourth Uncle of yours knows quite a lot."

Fu Zichen was the first to step into the carriage, and said: "It's a family, it's not strange that you know about them."

Liu Wei followed up: "Then, do you think borrowing an army is difficult, or easy?"

"Difficult." Fu Zichen replied quickly, "Regardless of anything else, Chief Secretary would definitely not lend it to you."

Liu Wei said: "I think that it's easy."

Fu Zichen looked at her.

Liu Wei said, "A woman's intuition."

Fu Zichen scoffed, "Do you still remember that you are a woman? "It's not easy."

The horse carriage slowly drove on. Liu Wei couldn't help but lift the carriage's curtain and look towards the Fu Mansion's main entrance.

In a tall and wide courtyard, there was a plaque with flowing words. The family of the most powerful person in the Azure Province was getting more and more interesting.

Returning back to the inn, Liu Wei went to the room where the Snake-Keeper was imprisoned. The person inside was tied up severely and curled up into a ball, sticking to the ground while they dozed off.

Hearing the door, the snake keeper woke up. Seeing that it was Liu Wei, he sat up a bit more.

"This nap, I think it's a bit early." Liu Wei casually said.

The Snake-Keeper did not make a sound, nor did he move his eyes. Instead, he looked at Liu Wei with hidden vigilance.

Liu Wei pulled a chair over and sat down: "Talk more about the matter between you and Old Master Fu."

The Snake-Keeper frowned. "Th-Th-Th-Th-th …"

"He said it already? "It's fine even if you say it, but if you don't have enough information, you should think about it again." Saying that, Liu Wei took out his scalpel, "It's fine if you don't want to think about it further, I can do it myself, no need to waste my time thinking about it."

The Snake-Keeper stared at Liu Wei's blade and felt her blood run cold, she almost wanted to rush over and bite her to death.

Liu Wei did not mind arousing hatred from others, and said unsteadily: "I will count to three, one, two …"

"No, no, no, there's …"

Since you and Old Master Fu have agreed to meet at the Thousand Creations Workshop, then there must be a reason. As an old man, even if he had strong intentions, if he showed up at that place in broad daylight, he shouldn't be suitable.

With regards to this, there was nothing much to hide from the Snake-Keeper. "Min, Dao …"

"Is there a secret passage in the Thousand Creations Workshop?" "What's in the passage?"

The snake keeper shook his head. He was captured before he even saw the person. How did he know?

"You've never been there before?"

The snake breeder still shook his head, "First, second, third time …"

Liu Wei pondered as her mind quickly spun.

… ….

Just as Old Master Fu had said, he indeed gave a reply today.

The three families only borrowed Fu Zichen's father, Fu Hongyuan's Salt Transport Emissary.

"Will the other two families have a chance?" Liu Wei asked Fu Hongda, who had come to report.

Fu Hongda frowned. After a while, he shook his head and added, "Second brother said that there are two hundred elite soldiers in the Salt Transport Envoy's yamen. It should be quite a lot."

There were only a few hundred troops stationed at the yamen, coming and going were a few hundred, transferring two hundred in one go was indeed a painstaking effort, but Liu Wei's intention was not to borrow troops, the real culprit, the snake-keeper, was being played around with by her, why did she chase after the entire world.

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