"As long as Big Bro gives up, isn't it natural …"

"Give up?" Fu Hongda raised his eyebrows. How could he give up?

Fu Hongtian chuckled and said: "Fourth brother, if you don't worry about little brother, this matter will be left to little brother. Currently, big brother is extremely pampered by the Zhang family, and because of that child in the Zhang family's stomach … … "You know, he's my older brother's son. How can a man not be nervous?"

After reading the letter, Rong Ling placed it on the side so that Liu Wei, who was caressing her abdomen, could see it.

"He took the bait so quickly? "This Fu Hongda isn't that smart either."

Rong Ling went over and personally touched it.

Liu Wei lied down obediently, leaned her head on the soft pillow, and even hummed twice when it was being petted comfortably, she asked faintly: "What do you plan to do next?"

Rong Ling was silent for a moment, then said: "Let's keep watching."

"What else do you want to see?" Liu Wei was a little impatient, "Actually, I don't really understand. Since I have confirmed that Fu Hongda is the real owner of the Thousand Creations Workshop, I should rush in and capture him when he poisoned the old procuress. Now that things are this complicated, I still don't understand your ultimate goal. Or do you want to use him to deal with Fu Hongwu? "

"Neither." Rong Ling's eyes revealed a sharp glint of black: "Handle properly, using this matter, will be enough to take care of Fu's Family."

"Huh?" This Liu Wei did not understand. "How?"

"It's useless even if you know."

Liu Wei choked and said: "Then tomorrow, do I still need to borrow troops from the Fu Mansion? I originally thought that I would succeed on the second day, but who would've thought that the old gramps would suddenly fall ill, so I ended up delaying. "

Rong Ling: "Go."

"Go and say what?" Liu Wei frowned: "I can't possibly force him to get out of bed to find a soldier for me after all I am so sick, that it doesn't make sense."

"I'm not looking for the old man this time, I'm looking for Fu Hongda."

"Him?" Liu Wei said, "You have already found out, he has arranged many connections in San Ya, he will definitely not let go of this matter and asked me to go speak rubbish?"

"It's not nonsense." Rong Ling said as she raised her eyes to look at Liu Wei, "Tomorrow, release the Snake-Keeper."

Liu Wei did not understand. "Why did you release him? "It won't be easy to capture them if we release them."

"No need."

Although he did not know what Rong Ling meant by this, Liu Wei had subconsciously chosen to believe him.

In truth, that snake keeper was not lying, Liu Wei did not want to lock him up, after being locked up for a few days, it looked like she had already told Liu Wei everything, but she was extremely honest. In truth, many things were kept under wraps, no matter how Liu Wei threatened him, he still had that pitiful look on his face, swearing to say whatever she should not, and the more he did that, the more suspicious things were on his face.

Let him go.

Placing a long line to catch big fish was another method.

However, it couldn't be too obvious either. He still had to think of a way to make it less obvious.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Wei thought of Seeking Red.

After Wang Hong gave him the name list, and made a verbal cooperation agreement with them, Liu Wei released Xun Hong and let him return to Fu Hong Er's side.

At the moment, Fu Hongwu was still arranging for Zhang Tong and Xunhong to look for the snake-keeper. For this snake-keeper, Fu Hongwu had no choice but to obtain it.

On the second day, Liu Wei sent a message to Xunhong.

Taking advantage of the lack of people in the inn, Search Red and Zhang Tong snuck into the room and found the room of the Snake-Keeper.

When they were saved, the three of them were discovered by the guards and a fierce battle ensued.

In the end, the hidden guards were not a match for him, and they were all miserably injured. Seeing the Snake-Keeper being taken away, they hurriedly informed their master.

Rong Ling and Liu Wei pretended to rush back from the outside and scolded the secret guard very loudly. However, when they were carrying him, Liu Wei gave the secret guard a big thumbs up, praising his flawless acting.

The secret guard bashfully replied, blushing as he received more rewards. Only then did he bring the Gold Sore Medicine and the Strengthening Pill that Liu Wei had given him to go back to recuperate and magnify his injuries.

On the other side, the snake-keeper and Fu Honghao finally met again.

Due to the pain of being imprisoned, the Snake-Keeper hated Rong Ling and Liu Wei so much that he gritted his teeth. He ordered Fu Hong'er to bring the heads of the two people to him.

Fu Hong didn't argue with the snake breeder, nor did he take up the topic. Instead, he talked to the snake breeder about his connection with the Witch Clan.

The Snake-Keeper did not think much of Fu Hongwu, and it was a waste of time to deal with him, so he naturally did not go straight to the point. He returned to his room to recuperate and recuperate.

Fu Hung Hung touched a soft nail and looked very bad. When he left, he ordered Zhang Xun Hong to keep a good eye on the snake breeders. This time, he must not let anything go wrong.

The two obediently complied, but they didn't want to stay the night. The injured Snake-Keeper avoided them and secretly jumped out of the window.

The snake breeder ran to the Thousand Creations Workshop.

During the day, the snake-keeper had already sent out the news and arranged to meet with someone at night.

After passing through the brightly lit hall, they arrived at a quiet and secluded backyard. Finally, the Snake-Keeper stopped at a two-story building.

The door to the pavilion was wide open, and upon entering, the keeper of snakes saw the silhouette of a middle-aged man on the tea table.

The middle-aged man turned around, looked at the man who had barged into the foreign land, stood up and greeted him with a Witch clan salute, "You have finally come."

The snake keeper also bowed to the man: "Fourth master, you have waited for a long time."

Different from the shoddy Central Plains language at the inn, the Snake-Keeper's Central Plains language was very fluent and clear.

After inviting the snake-keeper to a chair, Fu Hongda personally poured another cup of tea for him. "I've caused you so much suffering these past few days."

At the mention of this, the snake-keeper's face darkened, and said in a gloomy voice: "I'm going to take the lives of those two!"

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