One second. Org, free of charge!

Rong Ling sneered, his lips pressed against Liu Wei's cheek, kissing on it a few times, tasting a bit of cool air, he frowned and said: "It's windy."

Liu Wei caressed her face, not feeling anything, and said indifferently, "I'm not cold."

Liu Wei half sat up and made some sounds.

Rong Ling turned around and asked: "Did we disturb you?"

"Nope." Liu Wei said softly, then fell back into the blanket without strength, and asked: "Did you find anything?"

"Yes, there are some clues." Raising the blanket, Rong Ling got onto the bed. There was still some coldness on her body, and touch the ice.

Liu Wei moved forward and gently hugged her, lazily placing her face on his chest: "What clue?"

Rong Ling asked: "Not cold?"

Liu Wei muttered vaguely: "Hot." As she spoke, she kicked the horn away.

Rong Ling smiled, she then tucked her in and secured his before saying: "According to his route, if I'm not mistaken, she's on patrol."


"Liu Lianyun, he has a lot of businesses."

"Oh." Liu Wei was confused.

On the second day, Rong Ling sent someone to inform the King of Quan, and the clues in front of him, it was time to share them with the King of Quan.

Of course, the purpose of sharing this information was to let the King of Quan run errands more. After all, after this matter ended, the biggest beneficiary would be the King of Quan.

Rong Ling was in charge of contacting the King of Quan, but she was not interested in handling all these. She ran to the yamen alone to look for Ji Bing.

Logically speaking, she should be making another trip to the Fu Mansion today, but wasn't this a sudden improvement from last night? As a result, before King of Quan and Rong Ling could determine how to execute the follow-up plan, Liu Wei temporarily did not need to ask about the matter of borrowing troops.

Ji Bing and Ji Feng were going to wait until Ji Xing came to the Azure Province, then the three of them would head to the capital together.

When Liu Wei arrived at the yamen, he coincidentally saw Ji Fengxian leave the room.

Seeing Liu Wei, Ji Feng Ji Bing was a bit surprised.

When Liu Wei found out that the two of them were heading to the dock to pick up Ji Xing, she said smilingly: "I'm on my way, I'll take you guys there."

This route was a little unfathomable, but seeing that it was getting late, Ji Feng did not persist and got into Liu Wei's carriage.

In the car, the three of them did not speak.

Ji Feng actually had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, but because his relationship with Liu Wei was not good in the first place, he had no position to ask.

Ji Bing, on the other hand, was a cold and clear child. She was usually silent, and when she met someone she was unfamiliar with, she was even more so unable to speak for an entire day.

In the end, it was Liu Wei who spoke first, breaking the silence. She asked Ji Bing: "Do you want to know the follow-up to that day?"

The thing that Liu Wei was talking about that day was the thing that surrounded and killed the python that night.

After Ji Bing found out about the poison powder, she was sent back to Ji Feng's side by Liu Wei. What happened afterwards, Ji Bing did not specifically ask him, and Liu Wei also did not find him to tell him.

Thinking back to when he left, and saw the densely packed field, with a flock of birds surrounding drinking water, Ji Bing's eyes flashed, and then he slowly nodded.

Liu Wei had a very good impression of this child, and didn't hide anything as she said, "Those birds were alive and kicking when they weren't poisoned. My family's pearl also said that two of the sparrows know you."

"Huh?" Ji Bing was startled, then asked: "Sparrow?"

"Is there a nest of sparrows on the locust tree in front of your house?"

Ji Bing nodded, thought for a while and said: "But there are a lot of sparrows."

"Did they speak to you?"

"Yes." After Ji Bing finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something and was suddenly ecstatic: "They really know me?"

In the end, he was still a child, so he was still curious and fond of things like birds and dogs.

A benevolent smile appeared on Liu Wei's face, she raised his hand and rubbed Li Chang Zai's head: "I really do know them, then when you go back, what do you want to say to them?"

Ji Bing's eyes immediately lit up: "I want them to take care of the White Orchid Spider that is tied up in a web on the top of the tree for me."

Liu Wei, "... "White Blue Spider?"

Due to the fact that its color was white, it was called the White Orchid Spider. I had long since noticed that there was one on the locust tree outside the door, intending to capture it before leaving, but I was afraid that it would be a long way to the capital. I was afraid that I would not be able to serve it properly and cause the spider to spoil itself, if someone could take care of it for me, let it continue growing in Qingzhou, and when we return to the Lingzhou, it would be fine. "

Ji Bing spoke very slowly, as if there were two sparrows as nannies that could raise spiders for him.

But Liu Wei had to say: "I know what the White Orchid Spider is. Do you know why it is called the Overlord Spider?"

This, Ji Bing really didn't know.

Liu Wei said: "The White Orchid Spider has a huge appetite and eats everything. If you want to eat ants and insects, you should eat birds too.

Ji Bing's eyes widened, "But those sparrows are nesting in the middle of the trees."

"Then there's only one explanation." Liu Wei looked at him faintly and said, "This nest of sparrows might be the spider's food reserve."

Ji Bing: "..."

"However, it's obvious that the grain reserves do not know that above their heads lives an enemy who only wants to eat them."

On the way to the dock, Liu Wei and Ji Bing began a series of discussions about how to catch the White Orchid Spider, and how to take it to the capital without getting spoiled along the way.

Xiaoli also liked to raise some strange little insects, but since Xiaoli was rather wild with them, he didn't expect these Snake, Insect, Rat and Ants to bring him anything.

Ji Bing was different. He would use spiders to refine poisons, so she definitely could not raise them casually.

When they arrived at the pier, Ji Bing benefited a lot from it. He decided to capture the little spider when he returned.

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