Fu Hongda stepped forward and gripped the Lu Family's wrist, pulling them back, and said with squinted eyes: "You'd better behave for me, is that not enough of a mess?!"

The Lu family was stunned. Ever since their marriage, Fu Hongda had never revealed such an expression to her. WW. La

After that, the Lu family watched helplessly as the servants packed everything in their rooms into boxes and carried them out. Fu Hongda also pulled her out of the courtyard.

Mrs Lu bit her lip as she looked at Fu Hongda, her eyes filled with tears.

Fu Hongda could not bear to see her crying appearance and put on a stern face. "The mansion is already chaotic enough, so please don't cause any more trouble for me. You should stay in your room properly for the next few days. After today, Zi Ru won't need to study at home anymore. I've invited the female teacher, so teaching her in my room is the same."

"Husband …" Lu Shi grabbed onto Fu Hongda's hand, and his nails almost dug into Fu Hongda's flesh, "Is this true? Are you sure that the old man is under house arrest? "

Fu Hongda suddenly shook off her hand. Due to the huge commotion, the Lu family was forced to retreat a few steps and almost fell down.

"All the decisions and rules in this house are made according to father's orders. I'm following father's orders, and I'm taking orders from father, so, you better shut your mouth. If I hear those words just now again, then scram back to my mother's house!"

This time, Mrs Lu was really crying. Her face was full of tears.

Fu Hongda called a few maidservants to bring the Lu clan back to their rooms and instructed them, "Go, call Bai Xin over for me."

Everyone in the main house went to the courtyard, but Fu Ziyan didn't leave due to his injuries. Instead, he was sent to the old man's courtyard to be treated. Bai Xin was Fu Ziyan's "favorite concubine", so he had to stay and take care of her.

When Bai Xin was called, his face was full of smiles. When he saw Fu Hongda, he politely greeted him.

Fu Hongda asked, "Are you used to staying in the Manor?"

Bai Xin immediately said, "Where are you not used to it? Speaking of which, the reason why Bai Xin can have this day, is all thanks to Fourth Elder's help. Fourth Elder's great kindness, Bai Xin is truly unable to repay."

As she spoke, her jade-like pupils trembled slightly. Fu Hongda's figure was all that could be seen in her watery eyes.

Fu Hongda laughed, but said, "I don't want to use this method here, so it'll save you the trouble of being seductive. Serving your son well should be."

Bai Xin's face turned red and he was at a loss on what to do.

Bai Xin did not dare to act rashly, and could only stand a little further away. He lowered his head and said: "Yes, Fourth Master is absolutely right. Bai Xin will properly serve your words and will not let you down."

"It's good that you understand." Fu Hongda continued, "You should know that there are some unknown forces in Zi Yan's world."

Bai Xin's heart froze for a moment, and a momentary stiffness appeared on his face. Then, he calmly said: "Fourth Elder is saying …."

"It's not your Thousand Creations Workshop. Do you know of anything else?"

Bai Xin quickly raised his head and asked, "Not those from the Thousand Creations Workshop?"

"Check it out when you get back." Fu Hongda stood up and walked over to Bai Xin, saying, "Yes, there's something good for you."

Bai Xin hurriedly replied, "Fourth Master, please be at ease. If you want to know, I will investigate everything clearly for you within three days."

When Bai Xin left, someone just happened to come in. It was the maidservants who went to fetch Fu Zigru, bringing her to the main yard's new residence.

Fu ZiRu was previously nervous, but now that she saw her father, she calmed down a little and went up to greet him, "Father."

Compared to his wife who did not understand, his daughter's obedience made him feel slightly more comfortable. "Your mother is not in a good mood. Go and accompany her."

Fu Ziru did not dare to ask.

When she saw her mother, Fu Ziru found that her mother was crying.

That night was the Fu Mansion's most extraordinary night. Two rooms, three rooms, and even five rooms were brightly lit and full of discussion.

Only the big room was silent, and the lights were out early.

In the second room, Second Elder Fu Hongwei was sitting in his study room, holding the letter Fu Zichen had sent him. He read it again and again, then folded the letter and placed it in front of the candle and burnt it clean.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

After Fu Hongwei said this, the study door was pushed open. Fu Ziqing brought the ginseng tea that he had stewed earlier to his father's side.

Fu Hongwei received the tea, and a smile appeared on his face. "You learned it from your grandmother, right? This tea is made better than your mother. "

Fu Ziqing smiled and walked over to his father's table. His eyes happened to see the ashes from the cigarette in his brush as he asked, "What is father burning?"

Fu Hongwei raised his eyes and said, "A few messy written records. They were burnt without any use."

Fu Ziqing didn't ask any further. He only said, "Today, I came because of my marriage. Father should know that mother has found a marriage for me."

"Liu Ju?" Fu Hongwei put down his teacup and said, "I watched that brat Liu Ju grow up. Putting aside the power and influence of the Liu family, just him alone is not bad."

Fu Ziqing listened quietly, and waited for Fu Hongwu to finish speaking. Then he said, "I heard that he has met with great trouble and is currently in prison."

Hearing that, Fu Hong Wang actually laughed out loud: It's a labor reform, the reason is because of you, Seventh Brother, but you seem to be staying quite well right now. Rest assured, Master Liu also said that he would use this opportunity to change that brat's arrogant attitude, if you want to see him, then I'll call you in a few days … "Call your fifth brother, and take me there. From a distance, you can see that there's no need to get any closer, it's not solemn."

"Fifth brother?" Fu Ziqing's eyes lit up. "I can see fifth brother?"

Fu Hongwu laughed involuntarily, "Why can't I see him? If you want to see it, go see it tomorrow. "

Fu Ziqing smiled shyly, then thought about what happened in the residence today. "I'll go see fifth brother tomorrow. Can you tell fifth brother about grandfather's matters?" "Now that the mansion has become like this, my eldest uncle's family could not be any angrier. Fifth Brother should be qualified to know of this matter." If you want to say it, then say it. " Fu Hongwei's face darkened as he thought about all the unhappy things that had happened. "Actually, the matter isn't that serious, your uncle and third uncle are betting all this in one breath, even if you give them the authority, they wouldn't be able to take it. Who can understand the profitability of this land deed business in the manor? If your fourth uncle wants to interfere, so be it.

Fu Ziqing did not understand. "But being in charge, isn't being in charge of the right to ascend the throne a waste of time?"

"There is indeed such a rule." As Fu Hongwei spoke, he shook his head again, "Forget it, I'll go see your grandfather tomorrow and ask him about this. There have been some bandits around these past two rivers, and I've been working at the yamen all day and late at night."

Fu Ziqing stayed for a while longer before taking his empty teacup and leaving. After she left, the study sunk into silence. Fu Hong looked at the shadowy figure outside the window and knew that he was being watched.

The contents of Fu Zichen's previous letter surfaced in his mind. He knew that from today onwards, the Fu Mansion would be in chaos.

And Zi Qing …

Fu Hongwang shook his head. He did not expect that he, who had already passed his destiny, would have to face such a drastic change in his family. It was truly a worrisome experience.

On the second day, as promised, Fu Hong sent Fu Zi Ru to the inn. Fu Zichen had already received the message from the servants of the Fu Mansion and stayed at the inn.

When Fu Ziqing came and saw Fu Zichen, he immediately revealed a smile and carefully approached him: "Fifth brother …"

Fu Zichen's attitude was cold, and asked: "You want to meet Liu Ju?"

Fu Ziqing bit her lips and nodded, "Mother, betroth me to him, I … "I want to see him. Does fifth brother know him?"

"Then what kind of person is he? Does fifth brother know? If I were to marry him, would I be fortunate or unfortunate? My heart is always uncertain, I'm afraid that my marriage will be wasted like the fifth sister... But I know that as long as fifth brother is here, fifth brother won't marry me so easily. As long as fifth brother agrees, Zi Qing will dare to marry him.

Fu Ziqing spoke anxiously, and also mentioned Fu Ziqiu. Fu Ziqiu was Fu Zichen's biggest worry, but he was brought up this way with just a few words from Fu Ziqing. Fu Zichen's face immediately darkened.

However, Fu Ziqing did not seem to notice.

In the end, Fu Zichen did not say anything, nor did she judge Liu Ju's quality. She only brought Fu Ziqing onto the carriage and headed towards the yamen.

Xiaoli circled around her mother like a small tail, "Father, where did Uncle Fu go? When will he be back? "

"I'm not coming back." Liu Wei casually said, pressing his son's head, and asked: "Have you finished copying your punishment?"

Xiaoli froze, her entire person numb.

Liu Wei pushed him a little: "Don't try to fish in troubled waters here, how much is lacking, go and write."

The little guy's mouth flattened, as if he was about to cry. The golden beans that were close to his eye sockets were finally wiped clean by Xiaoli stubbornly.

When he was chased back to his room, Xiaoli was still unconvinced and looked back, sticking his tongue out at his own mother, "Scoundrel's father, the fatter I get!"

"You …"

Liu Wei went to chase after it, but the little fellow was clever enough to close the door and lock it.

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