"Father!" Xiaoli's voice sounded once again.

Liu Wei felt her head ache, she was in so much pain that she crumbled.

When Gu Ge placed her down, a small figure had already rushed into her embrace. Xiaoli's warm hands embraced her mother's round waist tightly.

… ….

When Rong Ling saw Liu Wei, she saw Liu Wei sitting on the corner of an old house that was just like ruins.

In its eyes, it was definitely far from the scene of the fire.

Liu Wei did not cry anymore. Her eyes were red and her face was covered in dried tears.

She was in a very sorry state. Some of her hair was burnt, her clothes were covered in soot, and her face was also completely black, piece by piece.

Xiaoli leaned right beside his mother. Her small body was half-leaning on her, not saying a single word. She silently stared at a dirty and tenacious wild flower growing on the corner of the wall, her eyeballs seemingly not moving at all.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Xiaoli turned around first. Seeing that it was Uncle Rong, she bit her lips, and tears started streaming down her face again. He stood up, ran to Rong Ling, and hugged his waist. He's still alive, right? "

Rong Ling did not reply, she only patted his son's head and moved him away, carefully moving closer to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei was very tired.

Rong Ling stopped and looked at her, asking, "Are you injured?"

Liu Wei did not look at him, he only closed his eyes and stood up.

Today, she was severely exhausted, and had cried for so long, her entire body seemed to be floating. Seeing her stagger, Rong Ling anxiously went forward to support her, but was stopped by Liu Wei.

With a slight frown, Rong Ling looked at her somewhat powerless arm.

"Rong Ling." Liu Wei did not notice his abnormality and at this time, she basically could not contain her emotions anymore. She raised his eyes to look at him, his gaze deathly still: "How much do you know about today's matter?"

Rong Ling once again raised her hand and held her face. No matter how she struggled, she still used her finger to wipe the dust off her face slowly.

Liu Wei looked into his eyes and asked: "Those who achieve great things all climb over piles of bones to enter the Dragon Gate. What you want to tell me, is this it?"

Rong Ling increased her strength and pulled her into her embrace.

However, Liu Wei pushed him away abruptly, his face contorted in pain: "I'm sorry, I don't want to step into the Dragon Gate. I am just a small legal medical expert, I do businesses that ordinary people avoid, when I deal with corpses, before I meet you in the Second Prince, I am just a small person who can eat and live with corpses.

After saying all that hoarsely, she moved away from him and walked unsteadily towards the outside.

Rong Ling allowed her to leave, and only turned her head to look at her back without blinking.

This night was too long. The flames in the Fu's Family had become the topic of discussion for the entire Azure Province.

As for the identity of the arsonist, there were also various opinions.

Of course, everyone had speculated about the people who had died in this fire. After all, the yamen had not made public the number of people who had died in this fire.

Liu Wei walked outside for a long time and only returned to the inn after dawn.

It just so happened that Rong Ling came down from the second floor with a few doctors carrying medicine boxes beside him.

After personally escorting the doctor out of the door, Rong Ling turned around and looked at Liu Wei, walking up, and grabbed her hand.

Rong Ling rolled up her sleeves, her entire arm was wrapped around the elbow.

"I'm injured. The doctor said that if I didn't get bandaged in time, my arm might have been crippled."

Liu Wei stared at that arm, without saying a word, after a long while, she turned and walked up the stairs.

Rong Ling followed behind, and watched her enter the room, taking out the luggage from the closet one by one. He went up and pressed on her hand that was holding onto the clothes, and spoke with a cold voice: "Is Fu Zichen that important to you? More important than me? "

Liu Wei raised his head to look at him, her voice calm: "What are you competing against a dead person?"

Rong Ling frowned, her expression showing sorrow: "Then if I die with him, who will you choose?"

This was a meaningless question. The people who were jealous did not know of it, so Liu Wei was even more lazy to answer and continued to take clothes from the closet.

Rong Ling lost her mind and spoke up for her: "You would rather me die than let him live again?"

Liu Wei frowned and was about to say something, but shesheuddenly grabbed her hand and brought her out of the room. At the same time, she rudely pushed open the door to the room next door, and inside, Fu Zichen who was just bandaged up laid on the bed. When she saw the person outside, he called out in surprise: "Liu Wei."

Liu Wei looked at Fu Zichen in disbelief, her entire person standing on the spot, unable to even move a single step.

After barely escaping from death, Fu Zichen's mood seemed to be very good. He smiled, raised her right hand that could still move, and beckoned towards Liu Wei: "Did you scare him? I'm still alive. "

Liu Wei immediately looked at Rong Ling, pleasantly surprised.

Rong Ling threw her hand away and turned to leave.

Liu Wei stood at the doorway, stiff and unable to move.

Fu Zichen hesitated, but then said: "Did you quarrel? Although I don't want to speak up for that person, he blocked a fire pillar for me last night in order to save me. His arm was completely burnt, go and take a look, I should be concerned about something. "

Liu Wei thought about Rong Ling's arm that was wrapped in white cloth, her heart skipped a beat.

Rong Ling went down from the first floor to the first floor.

When King of Quan saw that Rong Ling had come down, and was about to pull him down to talk, and then saw that Liu Wei's expression was not good, they laughed and teased: "Yo, the couple quarreled?"

Liu Wei didn't want to pay any attention to King of Quan. She walked to Rong Ling's side and tentatively opened her mouth: "Just now …"

Rong Ling did not even turn his head as she coldly replied, "You care about him."

Liu Wei said, "I thought you would really sacrifice Fu Zichen for the sake of forcing Fu Hongda's entire force, I …"

"You're right." Rong Ling's tone was harsh, "I really should have let him die in the fire."

Liu Wei knew that Rong Ling was only saying that. He hurriedly grabbed onto the corner of his clothes and pulled at it: "I, I, I really … "I don't know …"

Rong Ling turned and suddenly looked at her.

Liu Wei looked into his eyes, which were filled with guilt.

Gently lowering her head, she did not say anything, she could only allow Rong Ling to vent his anger, she could only endure even when she was beaten or scolded.

"Get married." Unexpectedly, Rong Ling suddenly said these words.

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