Liu Wei's hair stood on end!

It was the first time he felt that he had not studied enough, a good country bumpkin. Seeing that had studied so much, he immediately understood what was going on, even though he did not like the civil servants in the past, but now it seemed that the civil officials had the ability to make him say whatever the structure and products were. He could not even understand what was going on.

After cutting open Fu Honghu's calf, Liu Wei took out a piece of muscle and placed it on the side for a while. Then, she got Liu Wei to fetch some water.

The surroundings were filled with torches. In the darkness of the night, the bright light did not obstruct her line of sight.

After a long period of silence, Liu Wei finally came to a conclusion: "According to Fu Hongshou's height, weight, footwork, and overall calculation, before he died, he went through at least ten to twenty kilometers of exercise intensity, which was equivalent to twenty to forty kilometers of travel. Of course, this is a conservative estimate."

He frowned and said, "The distance from the south of the city to the north of the city is definitely more than forty miles."

Liu Wei nodded: "Not just that, but from the south to the north, will anyone really come running here? The amount of manoeuvres within these forty miles should have been due to Fu Hongwu escaping from our control and meeting up with another group of people during the run. Therefore, our search area should be around the forty miles around the southern part of the city, and we should be able to find any traces of the existence of the other group. Also, Fu's legs and hands were scarred from the fire, and one needed to look closely to see it. However, it was still easy to judge by the color of the inner fat, apart from the skin. "During the process of sending Fu Honghao back, he should have been tied up on a horse carriage, so all the government camps in the north of the city have to inquire if there are any horse carriages passing by during the period of time from 1 to 3."

Liu Wei had said everything that she needed to say, the range had already been listed, and the possibility of success had also been repeated. The remaining, would require a large number of soldiers and horses to investigate, and not just using their mouths to get the results.

Coldly deciding, he ordered his men to search according to Liu Wei's orders.

At the same time, Leng Ying couldn't help but feel admiration for him, "As expected, Liu Sizhao is extremely intelligent, shrewd and decisive, and even more rare is his young age. He can be called a young genius, no wonder General Rong would bring you everywhere, even more than the entire staff."

As he said that, he wrapped his arms around Liu Wei's shoulders and patted her shoulder while laughing probably because she admired Liu Wei too much.

Rong Ling's eyes immediately narrowed in danger, and without saying a word, she pulled Liu Wei back.

Rong Ling's strength was great, so she was pulled to the side and smashed her head against the man's hard chest.

She steadied herself, held onto the man's restless hands, and said with a smile to the cold and ignorant face: "I am sorry for your praise, but it is already getting late. Although there was an accident and Fu Honggong died, but others, please do as you have planned."

Leng Ning understood Liu Wei's words, and immediately ignored the matter of Rong Ling pulling others, turning and looking at Fu Hongda and the Snake-keeper coldly.

Fu Hongda was the patriarch of the Fu's Family and the Snake-Keeper was an outer sect.

Only after the cold intent had left far away did Liu Wei turn around and look at Rong Ling, and coughed: "Don't always try to do anything in front of others, it seems weird."

Rong Ling lowered her eyes, her eyes that were like black stars unblinking as she looked at Liu Wei's face. Under the other party's obviously stingy expression, she sneered: "The wedding will be in the next day, isn't it a little early now that it's strange?"

Liu Wei choked, like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, her fur exploded. "Could it be that you want to invite all the guests to a feast?"

The man's voice was cold. "I have such a plan."

Liu Wei grabbed his sleeves, held down her throat, and said: "I'm still a man!"

Rong Ling looked at her sarcastically.

Liu Wei coughed: "Everyone thinks that I am a man. Rong Ling, don't take things for granted, let's just get married, do you really want to spread the news? If I were to say that you are a scoundrel, I didn't say that you can't get married. Why are you rushing it like this? Or is it that we can't talk about this after we return to the capital? "

The corner of Rong Ling's eyes glanced at her stomach. Recently, Liu Wei's clothes had become more and more loose, and his stomach could no longer be covered.

After thinking about it a few times, and seeing that Liu Wei was still using that incomprehensible gaze to look at him, Rong Ling's throat was a little hoarse. After holding back for a bit, she finally grabbed her wrist and asked: "Do you want to marry me?"

Liu Wei looked at him, of course.

"Have you thought about it?"

The man's tone was heavy, faint and not obvious, but how could Liu Wei not feel it when he was so close to him?

She looked at him, and the hand she wasn't holding gently covered the back of Rong Ling's hand: "I thought about it."

This time, it was Rong Ling who was shocked.

"But I didn't think of the specific time and place."

Rong Ling frowned, her throat moved: "I have thought it through for you, just come to me the next day, you."

With that, he took the autopsy report and walked toward the cold.

His IQ had been abused so much, so he simply threw the paper back at Rong Ling and said in a strong tone, "Regarding the things related to these documents, General Lao Rong will do the best he can to ask about them."

What happened afterwards was that Rong Ling contacted the garrison army camp, regarding Fu Hongda's evidence, financial situation, and property situation, she had already given them all to Leng Yi.

And the background of the snake breeders.

Putting aside the information related to the King of Quan, the Witch Clan, as a people from outside the borders, who were not from the Central Plains, received a lot of attention on this matter.

Fu Hongda had a deep relationship with an enormous power in the outer world. Just this point was enough for him to exterminate his entire family.

The one who was in trouble was still the snake breeder. A snake breeder was not enough of a nuisance, so it didn't matter if he was found guilty or beheaded. The most important thing was still the power behind him.

Even if the evidence was conclusive, the Witch Clan's roots were intertwined, their power was incalculable. If they were to make a move, who knows how many ministers, including King of Quan, would be implicated, and they would not be able to escape unscathed.

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