Not expecting his son to understand this, Liu Wei was quite surprised. He said: "More or less."

"Uncle Rong?" This time, Xiaoli was surprised. He asked while bulging her eyes: "Uncle Rong is marrying my father?"

The moment the child heard this, he was immediately excited, "I understand, I'm knowledgeable!" If not, pretend it is: "Love, I know, of course I know."

Rong Ling looked at his son and laughed: "What do you know?"

"So, love each other." The little guy puffed up his cheeks and stretched his neck as he said, "If you love each other, then you must get married. Everyone knows, how could I not know!"

"Then do you agree?"

Agree? Agree to what?

Xiaoli wanted to ask, but under the burning gazes of her mother and Uncle Rong, he was unable to ask, so she could only bite the bullet and say: "Of course I agree, everyone agrees, why shouldn't I agree!"

Liu Wei was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. She poked his son on the forehead and said, "What do you want to agree to, do you know what we're talking about?"

"Of, of course, I know everything!" Xiaoli said, then looked at Uncle Rong seriously, placing special emphasis on him: "I really do know, especially know!"

Liu Wei didn't know what to say to Xiaoli.

However, Rong Ling touched the child's forehead, thinking that this child was very silly, and followed: "Then from now on, you have to call him by a different name."

"Change the name?"

"Call me father, call her mother."

Liu Wei immediately looked at Rong Ling, frowning.

Xiaoli immediately shook her head, she could not agree to it, "Uncle Rong is a Uncle Rong, not a Father. Father is father, not mother. "

After he finished speaking, the little guy went over and whispered into Rong Ling's ear, "You can't call mother mother as mother, or else mother will break my legs. You have to call me father for sure." It was obvious that he had suffered a great deal in terms of form of address.

Rong Ling frowned, she obviously wanted to continue arguing, but she was afraid that if she was too hasty, her son wouldn't be able to digest this much.

Liu Wei seized the opportunity and pulled Xiaoli out from Rong Ling's embrace. She put him down on the ground and patted his son's back: "Good girl, go wash your face and brush your teeth. You're so dirty this early in the morning, wash it with salt water."

After Xiaoli was chased out, Liu Wei stared at him seriously and said: "There are some things that I am not in a rush for. Changes in how I address him, in the future, when I take my time, he's still young, and I'll explain it when she's bigger …"

"Second marriage?" Rong Ling suddenly interrupted Liu Wei's words. His expression was solemn, and his eyes were filled with the intent of storm, as he asked: "Other than his looks being not bad, and having a bit of money, are there no other good things?"

"Cough." Liu Wei coughed slightly, her entire body stiffened, and said: "I really don't remember I said those words before, I suspect that it was made up by that guy. Xiaoli has always been the same when she lies, there are many ways, don't let him cheat you."

"In the end, we will never meet again. It doesn't matter whether we live or die?"

"I didn't know you back then, just listen to my explanation …"

"To begin and end with chaos, to forcefully take away a commoner, to be a shameless person. One should be struck by lightning, and one must die a horrible death."

"This is what Fu Zichen said, I didn't say it …" Grudges always have a leader, and debts always have a master!

Liu Wei was about to cry, but before she could cry, he only saw Rong Ling's face become colder and more ruthless than it was at that moment.

… ….

If one were to say that this hasty marriage had only gained a single title, a sense of mutual love, and a sense of belonging and comfort from the inside, then, when Rong Ling left the inn for four hours and returned, she would bring back a set of red clothes and eight large palanquins. This matter would then become extremely delicate.

Liu Wei stood at the door dumbly, staring at the large red bridal sedan, which had been set up properly in the back courtyard, and then looked at the fine, beautiful, clean, and tidy bride's red robe, which was placed on the main tray, unable to say a single word.

Rong Ling personally checked all the items. After finishing her confirmation, she paid the delivery boy a considerable amount of rewards, turned her head and said to Liu Wei: "It's a bridal sedan chair, a red robe, not a match for a remarriage."

The expression on Liu Wei's face finally cracked open. With red eyes, she grabbed onto Rong Ling's hand and gnashed his teeth: "You want me to wear this tomorrow? Sitting on this thing? You seem to be trying to make me laugh? "

Rong Ling's expression was gentle as she patted the back of her hand with her palm and said gently, "The wedding will be arriving tomorrow.

Liu Wei was about to go crazy.

She took a deep breath, and seeing that the man was not joking, she quickly softened her tone and pleaded, "I was wrong, I really was wrong. I shouldn't have said anything bad about you behind your back, and I shouldn't have instigated such evil thoughts in my son.

But Rong Ling had obviously made up her mind, and did not have any face to speak of.

… ….

When Fu Zichen returned in the evening, she was still thinking about the incident with the Fu's Family, but when she entered the main hall, she saw that there was a red and green light inside, the entire hall was decorated with big balls of joy.

He was stunned for a moment. After confirming that he had not gone through the wrong door, he asked the servant who was hanging up the silk: "What is he doing?"

The servant turned around and said: "It's the prince of the second floor. He clearly has some happy occasion and wants to welcome the bride. He ordered for the main hall to be decorated."

Fu Zichen choked, how could Rong Ling be so righteous in the hall? Was she trying to tell everyone that Liu Wei was disguised as a man?

He frowned and hurried up to the second floor. He pulled at the wound and grimaced in pain.

Pushing open the door, just as he was about to ask for forgiveness, he saw that Liu Wei was the only one in the room.

Rong Ling was not there.

"Where's the Second Prince?" Fu Zichen asked snappily.

Liu Wei turned her head resentfully, and her eyes that were filled with yearning, looked at the person who came over and said: "He went to buy firecrackers and date peanuts. She said that setting the fire at an auspicious time is a formality, date peanuts symbolizes the early birth of a noble son … …"

Fu Zichen covered up her gloating expression, seeing that she was feeling really pitiful right now, she walked forward and rubbed her doggy head: "It's still not too late to escape the marriage, do you want me to arrange a fast horse for you?"

"You might be able to die first." Liu Wei said.

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