One second. Org, free of charge!

"Master Liu's stomach, is it because of that large python from before?"

Liu Wei frowned.

Liu Wei gave a fake "hehe" laugh and did not speak anymore.

The other party was a man, so how could a man get pregnant? Hence, if his stomach was too big, it would either be due to poisoning or an incurable disease, so there was no third choice.

Now that the Master Liu had said that it would be fine in a few days, it could be considered as having been poisoned by the venom.

However, as long as it was good, there would be no problem.

He wanted to stay by Second Prince for a long time, so naturally, he had to form a good relationship with the prince's trusted aide. The Master Liu was obviously the most popular person around the prince, the two of them lived in the same room, and when they slept, they would definitely discuss matters of national policy.

Sima Xi thought that he had gotten along well with the Master Liu and admired her abilities as well. Seeing that they had gotten along well, if this person was really poisoned, wouldn't she be the envy of the heavens?

As his heart relaxed, Sima Xi continued with more words, repeatedly mentioning that his wife had prepared many special products from the Cyan Plains that she wanted Liu Wei to take away when she left.

Liu Wei was in a complicated mood as she dealt with Si Ma Xi, but as she caressed her stomach, she silently sighed.

… ….

The time to return to the capital was set for the morning of the eighth day.

Today, at dawn, Liu Wei woke up.

She saw that Rong Ling had already woken up and was checking the things she had packed.

Seeing that she had woken up, Rong Ling walked over and half carried her, saying, "It's still early, rest a little longer."

Liu Wei shook her head, her sleep a little drowsy: "Let's rest on the road again."

Rong Ling frowned: "The carriage is bumpy. If you can't rest well, go back to sleep for a while."

Saying that, he took her back to the blanket, covered her up, and forced her to not get up.

Liu Wei decided to just lie there. She looked at the man's face, which was just inches away from his, and saw that the man was pinching her hand inside the blanket. She pinched him back, it was hard and didn't feel anything, but it was very heavy and gave people a sense of security.

Rong Ling felt her pinching him, and thought that he had something to say, "Hmm?" A voice rang out.

Liu Wei laughed and pulled his hand out, counting her fingers as she played. "Tell me, what is my mother doing now?"

Rong Ling went silent for a moment, realizing that his wife was probably missing loved ones, she said: "After we return to the capital, I sent someone to fetch you. You gave birth, so she can accompany you."

"That's the capital." Liu Wei said: "Even if she wanted to, I didn't want her to come. That place once gave her fear. Later on, sadness.

Rong Ling no longer spoke. Regarding the conflict between the Ji's Family and the Imperial Family, Ji Xiaqiu and Liu Huan's past was a tragedy that had come to an end.

Liu Wei had just brought it up on a whim and she had dreamt of the werewolf just now. His intuition told her that this dream was definitely not simple.

However, when she woke up, she felt an indescribable longing for her mother, for her grandmother, for her brother, for her relatives that she couldn't see or be by her side right now.

When they left, the sky was already bright, there were many people sending them off. Even Xiaoli's good friend the beggar girl who had been begging on the opposite street was waving at the back of the carriage.

Xiaoli also stuck her head out and waved her hands, and muttered: "Don't eat strange steamed buns, and don't pick up the meat from the canals, I gave you 10 days' worth of medicine, once your mother finishes eating the medicine, you will be completely healed …"

Seeing that his son was shouting from far away, Liu Wei pulled him back and sat him down, then laughed: "I already knew that I would meet Master Sima, when his mother is better, I will hire them to the yamen's kitchen to help out. Don't worry."

Hearing that, Xiaoli's eyes lit up, she embraced her mother and was extremely happy.

The little beggar boy had short steps. After sending him off for two streets, he could no longer keep up.

However, Sima Xi, someone from the Fu's Family, had sent them all the way out of the city.

Fu Zichen warned her a thousand times, telling her to be careful along the way, but in the end, he still glanced at Rong Ling with a bit of worry, as if considering whether or not the other party would be able to properly take care of Liu Wei, who was in the nick of time.

Finally, Fu Zichen simply turned her head and threw a piece of meat at the pearl on the carriage and said: "You must take good care of your master and not let her suffer. Take good care of her and I will bring you good food next time."

It was unknown if Pearl was listening or not, but she buried her head and ate the meat chunks while savoring the fragrance of the meat. Finally, there were two pieces of jerky left in her mouth, intending to leave the outskirts of the city in a while to be eaten by a group of people who had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing that the Realm Monument was right in front of them, Liu Wei asked everyone to stop.

But when they were far away and the curtain lifted, they could still see shadows behind them.

Once they entered the official road, Liu Wei was surprised to see a team of 50 people regular army once again. And looking at the person in the lead, if it was not cold, then it was who!

He didn't have to send them on their way for too long, but he had sent fifty elite soldiers to escort them out of the city.

It was only then that Liu Wei realized that he was not doing this for her sake, but for Rong Ling's sake. After hearing that, in the last two days, Rong Ling would head to the encampment everyday, as if she had taught some important parts of the encampment army's battlefield warfare and military formations.

These were all things that Rong Ling had personally experienced, but not everyone in the local army had gone onto the battlefield to kill people. Some of the youths who had not seen blood were startled upon hearing this, their faces completely red, their eyes shining.

They did not utter a sound when they coldly ordered an increase in the training program.

Leng Yi laughed loudly, saying that it was all thanks to Rong Ling's contribution that those brats deserved to be taught a lesson. They always thought that being soldiers was one or two of them, and because Qingzhou was a peaceful place, they would not be able to bring out one or two soldiers every year.

With the protection of these fifty elite soldiers, the originally low-key carts unconsciously became high-profile.

Along the way, they met some passing merchant carts. They were timid and scared to the point that they didn't even dare to hurry. The bold ones would only approach them at most, and were able to benefit from these serious and orderly soldiers.

The horse carriage lasted for more than half a month.

Logically speaking, the distance between Qingzhou and the capital should be extremely large, but Rong Ling was unwilling to allow the carriage to travel faster. He was afraid that the carriage would not bumpy and Liu Wei would feel uncomfortable, hence she kept on walking at a leisurely pace, afraid that it would make people uncomfortable.

At first, Liu Wei thought that it was unnecessary, the imperial carriage was moving normally, but in less than half a day, she had a pale look on his face, and felt uncomfortable everywhere, no matter if he was sitting or lying down.

In the end, he had to let the car continue on its way slowly, and with such a slow pace, it would only delay them for a longer time.

When they were at most three days away from the capital, unfortunately, Rong Ling's secret guard sent a pigeon over.

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