Staying in Third Prince's Mansion until dusk, Xiao Gui followed the servants arranged by the crown prince's mansion and returned to the mansion.

Compared to before, the Crown Prince's Palace could be said to have changed families.

However, in Rong Jindong's opinion, it was not that exaggerated. He did not think that the side imperial concubine Empress looked like a fox spirit.

The new servant also told Eldest Young Master that, of course, the side imperial concubine Empress was the direct descendant of the Qin family and had been a master of the art of zither since he was young.

However, Xiao Gui couldn't understand. How could such a woman, with such good conditions, be willing to marry into his father, who had been in bed for so many months, and become his concubine?

"The young master is back." As soon as he arrived at Xiao Yu pavilion, he heard that Zhang mama, who was following behind the side imperial concubine's Empress, call out to him with a smile.

He quickly collected his thoughts and greeted the old lady. Then, he respectfully entered the house and paid his respects to the side imperial concubine Empress.

Qin Zi was in the middle of removing her hair, and whenhe heard the commotion, she went out of the room. Seeing that Xiao Gui had bowed deeply to her, he immediately held his hand, patted on his head and said: "Didn't I tell you?

Little Kui embarrassedly nodded.

Zhang mama smiled and said, "Eldest Young Master respects the Empress with filial piety. This is a good thing. Even if it wasn't for the Empress, she wouldn't have been able to ask for such respect."

On one hand, her status was not low, and on the other hand, her only son was not her first son, but a bastard. She wanted to get closer to this child, and from the first time they had met, it could be said that she wanted the child to be at ease in front of her and not be restrained.

However, this wasn't something that could be accomplished in a day or two. After all, this child had experienced many things when he was young, so he had to be on guard against anyone.

After spending more than a month together, she couldn't find a single opportunity to have this child open his heart to her.

Pulling her up to the round table, Qin Zi asked: "Did you come back after eating dinner?"

Xiao Gui nodded, and obediently said: "Brother Xiaoli allowed me to eat."

Qin Zi knew that he was going to see the child from Second Prince today. She had asked around before he went in, and upon knowing that Second Prince was going to stay at the Wang Mansion, the Crown Prince had actually agreed to it.

It was simply random.

His own child had actually been sent to stay at his brother's house. The crown prince was a muddle-headed fool, but he didn't know how he had grown a brain.

However, having a good relationship with the two children was not a bad thing, she asked again: Your brother Xiaoli did not let you stay overnight?

Xiaoli did stay, but her master told him to come back.

However, these people definitely wouldn't tell an outsider. They would only say, "I want to return to my residence."

Qin Zi laughed: "I finally know that I like to go home, that's good news."

In fact, if his Master had agreed, he still wanted to live in Third Prince's Mansion. In this lifetime, he lived a very comfortable life in Third Prince's Mansion.

Although the Third Imperial Uncle's face was evil, her heart was kind. Her Master was also incredibly gentle. No matter what she said and promised, he didn't want to leave them.

"Since you've eaten, I won't have anyone arrange it. Just go back to your room and rest early."

He then chatted with the side imperial concubine Empress for a while longer before returning to his room.

After they left, Zhang mama closed the door and sighed. "Miss should hurry. Eldest Young Master isn't really that kind to you."

Qin Zi was obviously helpless with this matter. "Take your time."

Zhang mama rolled her eyes for a moment, "No, or Fifth Prince …"

"Shh." Qin Zi creased her eyebrows, stared at Zhang mama and warned, "The wall has ears …"

The Crown Princess was a powerful figure in the Crown Prince's Palace. She had just entered the house, yet the dirty things in the house were controlled by her. She didn't have the ability to fight them now, so she had to at least make sure that she didn't make any mistakes.

"Don't spout nonsense in the future."

Zhang mama hurriedly nodded, then looked at the sky and asked, "Are you going out tonight as well?" Are you afraid that the crown prince will look for you? "

"Him?" Qin Zi let out a cold snort, and on his beautiful face appeared an obvious sneer: "Feeding the medicine, will ensure that he sleeps soundly."

Qin Zi left during the third fragment of the night, so naturally, she had made all the preparations beforehand.

Two alleys away from the crown prince's residence, a carriage was waiting for them.

She boarded the carriage, and with a word of instruction, the unremarkable looking carriage began to move towards the other end of the capital.

The carriage travelled for two hours before finally stopping at the back door of a small courtyard.

He got off the car and knocked on the door. Immediately, a white-haired old man opened the door for her.

The old man said: "Fifth Prince has been waiting for a long time. Miss, please go quickly.

Qin Zi walked over, and when she was close, he heard someone speaking from inside. The person said: "Alright, let's do that."

She knocked on the door and the noise stopped. Then the door opened and there was only one person in the huge lobby.

However, Qin Zi knew that there were at least two people here before, and that it was just another person who had already left before she had even entered.

"I didn't expect that Your Highness would be so busy. Have I come at the wrong time?"

The young man who opened the door for her had a cold and indifferent expression. He glanced at her for a moment, then walked to the main seat and sat down. He asked: "Where is the item?"

Qin Zi frowned: "I didn't."

Qin Zi said in anger: That's your elder brother, you can't take whatever you want yourself, and must not order me around, although I am willing to cooperate with you, but I do not want you to order me around like running errands. Fifth Prince, we agreed on that at the beginning, equality, equality!

After Qin Zi finished speaking, she looked at the man sitting upright with that expression on her face. At that moment, she was a little weak, saying that they were equals, but from the start, wasn't she the one who begged him?

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