The disappearance of the Second Prince was a huge matter and it was not seen at sea. Who would know that there were many calamities occurring at sea?

Did something really happen?

The people that stayed in the Azure Province could be said to be anxious and restless. On one side, they sent people to continue their search at sea, and on the other hand, they sent people back to the capital to report to Liu Siszo.

As for the True Wolf, he had already pounced forward and bitten the wolf-faced man from the back. With a ripping of his teeth, he ripped apart the flesh on the man's neck.

Before the wolf-faced man died, his eyes were once again aimed straight ahead. In that direction, he once again locked eyes with Liu Wei.


Liu Wei sat up, she stretched out his hand and touched her forehead, it was full of perspiration.

When Xi Xiang heard the sound, she ran out on her shoes. When she saw that the young lady had sat up, she hurried over with water and asked, "What happened to the young lady?"

Liu Wei took the cup of water and gulped it down.

Xiao Xiang was worried as she watched. She stretched out her hand to touch it and cried out, "Why is it so cold? If Miss is not feeling well, I'll go get a doctor. "

"Wait." Liu Wei did not let Xi Xiang leave. Instead, she turned his head and stared at his face with her dark pupils.

Xiao Xiang felt numb from her stare and panicked, "Little, Miss, what happened to you? Please don't, don't scare me."

Liu Wei closed his eyes, concealing the fear in his eyes. When she opened his eyes again, she said: "Prepare carriages.


… ….

In the morning of the next day, three inconspicuous looking carriages stopped outside the narrow alley at the back door of Third Prince's Mansion.

Servants walked in and out quickly, filling up two of the cars. They also placed cushions on the first car and prepared a lot of pillows. Even the part of the window was carefully sewn with wool felt to ensure that there was no wind when walking.

Liu Wei sat calmly in the center of the hall, listening to the butler Uncle Ming's earnest words, constantly nagging her to not be impulsive, and also saying that if she were to leave now, her body would not be able to take it.

Uncle Ming had also promised repeatedly that Second Prince would be safe and sound, but if you knew that you did not care about your own hardships, I don't know how much you would feel.

Liu Wei blocked Uncle Ming's words with a few words, then said to the four girls: "When I go out this time, I'll prepare twenty Dark Guards and have them serve me. However, there aren't many seats.

The little girl and Ming Xiang had already prepared their luggage, and the news they heard last night in the middle of the night also made them advise the little miss first. However, seeing that the little miss had made up her mind, they knew that they couldn't do anything, so they could only ignore it and pack their luggage first.

But at this moment, the Miss suddenly said she would only take two of them with her, and the little girl and Ming Xiang immediately refused to do so.

Ming Xiang carried a large luggage and said with red eyes, "Miss, if you don't bring us, then don't even think about going. I will knock my head on the door. If you want to leave, then step on my corpse."

When the little girl heard Mingxiang's decisive words, she hurriedly nodded her head and even rushed towards the door.

Fortunately, Xiao Xiang's eyes were bright and her hands were quick. She pulled the child and was so scared that her heart nearly jumped out.

Liu Wei exhaled, and said to Ming Xiang: "You're about to get married, if I can't find the Prince, I won't be able to come back for a while, if you leave the capital with me, what will happen?"

Ming Xiang and's Third Squad's Vice General Qi already had a crush on their concubine, the Ming Xiang elves were being mischievous, and that Vice General Qi couldn't coax her into doing so. After settling the marriage with great difficulty, they would have to pass the door.

Ming Xiang raised her head and said, "It's just marrying. If he can't wait for me, then just marry him."

Liu Wei felt that this Alignment Vice General was too unfair, but Ming Xiang refused to give in. If he didn't bring her away, she would cause trouble.

Liu Wei was in a rush to leave the city, in hopes of finding Rong Ling as soon as possible. After talking to his for a while, she did not have the mood to argue with her, so she said: "If you want to follow, follow me.

Ming Xiang immediately responded, hurriedly moving her luggage onto the carriage, afraid that the little miss would go back on her word.

Since Ming Xiang was brought along, the little girl was even more unwilling to stay alone. In the end, without any other choice, she dragged the random things along and brought a total of four people.

The guard said in his mind. Aside from the three of them acting like they were coachmen and walking along the same road as the six, the other seventeen all followed behind them.

After the carriage left, Liu Wei's heart never relaxed. That werewolf's dream was something she had been dreaming about for a long time, but he had never associated it with Rong Ling.

She had also privately opened some books on interpretation of dreams, and saw that someone had said that it was bad luck to dream of wolves, which meant that there would be great disasters or great diseases around one's side.

Liu Wei thought that her grandmother's dementia would worsen, but she never thought that the one who answered her dreams would be Rong Ling.

If you can do it once in a dream, then that is what the heavens give you. But if you can do it ten times, or twenty times, then what is it?

Liu Wei sat in the car, and when she closed his eyes, the image of the werewolf's face appeared in her mind, along with the look in the werewolf's eyes when he was about to die.

Because Liu Wei was anxious, she ordered her men to ride on horses fast. However, when he thought about her body, the guards who drove the carriage restrained themselves.

But it was unknown if it was because of the change in his mentality, but after the carriage sped up, Liu Wei did not feel uncomfortable at all. It was as if those so called "pregnant women 'reactions" had long become insignificant in front of Rong Ling's safety.

When Liu Wei was pregnant with Xiaoli, he did not pay much attention to it, but this time, he was spoiled to the point that he had problems with himself. But at the critical moment, she was not made of tofu, and the person driving the carriage was not her.

Xiaoli, on the other hand, did not understand why they had to leave the capital in such a good manner.

His mother did not tell him the reason. She only said that she had urgent matters to attend to in the Azure Province.

After separating with the little beggar, Xiaoli missed him. She was also happy to be able to see her little buddy again, but on the way back, the sensitive little guy noticed that something was amiss.

First of all, Gugu and Zhubing didn't follow them, as if their mother had sent them out to Qingzhou first.

The carriage moved quickly, as if everyone was hurrying on their way. Mingxiang, Xixiang, and the girls were all frowning. Even their mother, who had been out for so long, didn't show a single smiling face.

Xiaoli faintly felt that something big had happened, but he didn't know what it was. Since she was free, she grabbed onto Spider Little Flower and started chattering, asking it if it knew what had happened?

Little Flower ignored him. Aside from coming out to eat when he was given the worm, it would fall asleep in Xiaoli's hair everyday.

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