Thinking about all these, and looking at the table full of food, Ashi had no appetite left. He told that he was not hungry and let the young man enjoy his meal slowly, before he turned and returned to Fang Que's cabin. ww

After Ashes entered, the young man stared at the closed door for a moment before saying to the servant beside him, "You eat."

The manservant laughed heartily as he sat across from her and began to eat while grabbing his chopsticks like a young man.

The servant didn't believe him, "You specially went to find those unrelated people, and even stayed in the room with that Young Master Zhong for a day and a night? However, why are we in such a hurry to leave the next day? And why is that Young Master Wei chasing after us? "

The young man raised his eyes and looked at the attendant with a gaze that had a trace of anger mixed within.

The attendant was shocked and hurriedly lowered his head. Holding the bowl, he sullenly didn't dare to make a sound.

"It's not like there's anything that can't be said." The young man picked up his chopsticks again, picked up a piece of red-hot meat, and put it into his mouth. As he chewed, he said, "I killed his good friend. He's after me for his revenge."

The servant blinked his eyes, "You mean that Young Master Zhong? Why did you kill him? "

The youth's voice was dull and hoarse, and the color in his eyes deepened. "You're hateful, so I'll kill you."

The attendant nibbled on his chopsticks and said, "Young master has such a good temper. The people you hate, they should be killed. You killed them well, you killed them right."

The young man was amused again. He looked at the servant for a while and said, "In this world, it's only you who say that my temper is good."

The servant raised his head and said, "Young master is difficult to serve, tricky, has a lot of random things to do, has young master's temper, and loves to be spoiled. But your temper is not bad, I am speaking the truth!"

Youth: "..." He didn't feel very happy.

On the second day, after noon, Fang Que woke up in a daze. At that time, Yama Minamiya could not take it anymore and fainted on his chair.

Fang Que's hazy gaze swept across her surroundings, and then saw the black circles under Yama's eyes, unable to wake him up for a while, and could only unsteadily lie down for a while.

Moments later, there was a knock on the door.

Fang Que turned her head to look at the direction of the door, only to see that Yama Minamiya had been awakened by the sound of the door knocking.

He opened his eyes and subconsciously looked at Fang Que's position. When he looked, he was ecstatic: "Are you feeling better now that you're awake?"

Fang Que's face was still pale, but the fever was gone, she nodded his head vaguely, and asked softly: "Can I have some water?"

"There's water, there's water." Ah Shi immediately poured half a cup of water from a teapot beside her and helped Fang Que drink.

Fang Que moistened her lips, and felt much more comfortable, and her breathing also became much smoother.

At this time, the knocking on the door sounded again. Ashes said: "We were rescued by the boats after you passed out yesterday. You lie down for a while. I'll go take a look."

Fang Que nodded and went back to sleep on the bed, lying on it.

The door opened to reveal a young man who looked like a servant holding a tray, "This is Young Noble's lunch. My young master said that you can't be at ease with your sister, it's the same if you eat in the house.

Ashes accepted the tray politely, regardless of whether she was afraid or not.

Through the gap in the door, the servant saw Fang Que lying on the bed and exclaimed: "Your sister is awake, that's great! My young master knows some crude medical skills, do you want me to report to young master so he can come and take a look?"

Ashes frowned and said at once, "I won't bother you any longer."

However, the attendant waved his hand. "No need to trouble yourself, no need to trouble yourself. I'll call the young master over now..."

As he spoke, he disappeared like a wisp of smoke.

Fang Que saw that his expression was not good and asked: "What's wrong?"

"That master and servant pair are a little strange. I want to avoid contact with them."

Fang Que did not expect this, in her view, for the other party to save his, should be a good person.

Not long later, the young man arrived.

The other party's expression was indifferent, with a cold expression, but the moment Fang Que saw him, she was completely stunned. This person's appearance, was at least slightly similar to her sister-in-law.

Ah Shi had only met her sister-in-law twice, but Fang Que was different. She had known her sister-in-law for a long time, so she was extremely clear about her sister-in-law's true appearance and facial features.

She blurted out, "Young Master, could it be that your surname is Liu?"

The young man stood elegantly in the small cabin as he stared at the stupefied gaze of the beautiful woman on the bed. He casually smirked and said, "My surname is Yue."

… ….

In the white and green interlaced wilderness, in the astringent yellow sky, Liu Wei fell into a dream.

She was standing in the depths of the grassy fields. Beside her was a large brown wolf. She stared at the scenery in front of her with a somewhat dumbfounded expression. However, she saw a few wisps of smoke rising from the towering mountain.

She could not help but walk towards the direction of the smoke. Before she even got close, she heard a voice in her ear. "What are you doing here?"

The childish voice brought Liu Wei back to reality.

Liu Wei looked at the boy who had appeared behind him at some point. Looking at the boy's completely different appearance from the man from the Central Plains, she replied, "I'm looking for someone."

The child blinked and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Liu Wei paused for a moment, then looked at the sky, a little perplexed. I forgot who I'm looking for. "

The child giggled. "Are you looking for your husband?"

Liu Wei was startled, then nodded: "I think so right."

"You can't do this." The little boy walked forward and knelt down, stroking the head of the big leopard at Liu Wei's feet. The big wolf rubbed against his palm, it did not look fierce at all.

"What can't?" Liu Wei asked.

The little boy raised his head. "How can you forget your husband? You're going to have a baby. "

Liu Wei was stunned for a moment as she looked down at her own round stomach.

The boy stood up and stretched out his hand. He placed it against her abdomen, closed his eyes, and used a strange voice to mutter a few words.

Liu Wei asked: "What are you doing?"

The child opened his eyes and smiled. "Blessing upon your daughter."

"Is this your daughter?" Liu Wei rubbed her stomach.

"She is a very beautiful and filial child. She will lead you to your husband in your stomach."

Liu Wei's expression slightly froze, she stared at her own stomach without making a sound.

The boy asked again, "Haven't you thought of your husband?"

Liu Wei furrowed her brows, her voice sounding a little erratic: "I, I can't remember …"

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