One second. Org, free of charge!

Wei Chou tried her best to calm her breathing, not allowing her anger to become too obvious. She purposely said explicitly, "I also have a fever …"

The guard said, "Then you should go rest. I will pack my wounds."

The shadow guard scoffed, "You didn't do anything, how did you end up suffering together?"

Wei Chou was so angry that he almost cried, he turned her legs and rushed out of the cabin without caring about anything else.

The cabin door was slammed shut. The people inside looked at each other in dismay. After a while, one of the guards sincerely asked, "My lord, there are so many things going on with this guy. Can't we just leave him alone?"

The others also nodded in agreement, commenting at the same time, "Not only is it not helpful, but it's a drag too."

"Cough cough at night, it's so noisy that you can't sleep well."

"I don't know how long it has been since I last took a bath, but it smells bad."

Rong Ling pondered for a moment under the anger of the masses and then said: "Stay here for now."

The others were unhappy. "Why?"

Rong Ling said: That man is nicknamed Pill Evil Ancestor, have you heard of him?

"I remember that two months ago, the list of wanted people in the justice courts changed, and the amount of money Grandmaster Dan Xie wanted rose by another five thousand taels."

"So it's 35,000 silver?" If we capture him, we'll get 35,000 silver? "

At this point, there was a brief moment of silence before several guards got up and left the cabin one after another.

Wei Chou stood at the bow of the ship and lost her temper, her face was extremely tight, the guards suddenly came out and surrounded him.

Wei Chou coldly snorted, and said stubbornly: "Don't think that just because you apologize, I will accept it, I won't …"

Before he finished speaking, someone suddenly attacked him. Wei Chou's reaction was usually fast, but this was not a fever, and she stayed up all night.

His opponent's attack landed on the back of his neck. His vision blurred and he fell to the ground.

When Rong Ling saw his comrades again, he saw them dragging the tied up Wei Chou into a gunny sack.

When the old boatman heard the commotion, he looked over and was very surprised. "What's going on?"

The guards quickly stuffed the sack into their mouths and said contentedly to the old boatsman, "It's fine, I was afraid he'd get cold. It's warm in the bag. "

The old boatsman looked worried and felt that something was wrong with them.

The guards stopped talking and carried the old boatsman towards the other side, asking, "Are you done soaking the cake?"

Not long after, the pancakes were brought over and the old boat family and young grandson were sent off to sleep. The eight people, led by Rong Ling, began to gather together to chat.

After last night's fierce battle, these martial arts masters who were proficient in land combat suddenly opened a door.

They huddled together in a meeting and left it open and the smell changed.

By the end of the meeting, everyone had a relaxed smile on their faces. The embarrassment and grievance they had felt during their days on the fishing boat had finally come to an end.

They had already thought of how to move things in a better direction.

Five days later.

A black ship with a diagram of a blood axe hung from its sails and sailed from afar.

The slovenly looking man in loose silk clothing crossed his legs like a hoodlum and stared at the ship in the distance. He snickered, "Isn't that Old Black's boat? Yo, why are you coming from the direction of the deep sea? There's a trade there too? "

The laborer next to the man said with a grin, "This Black Captain must be really scared of us. He didn't dare to look for business in the inner sea anymore, which is why he went to that remote place. There's no sea line in the deep sea, and there are only zero stars in the sky when we go to the ship. Dream on. "

The man waved his hand, "Don't say that, Captain Hei is an old senior in our line of work. Ask around, the pirates of the two rivers, those who know about our Red Snake, they all know about Blood Axe Old Black and Captain Hei going to the deep sea, there must be a reason for that.

The little worker laughed in schadenfreude. "Then how do we fight? We still have two cannons on the ship, both of which were looted from the official ship that went to Dingzhou last month.

"Since the weather is good today, let's try the fire. I want to see how much better the cannons produced by the Shangguan family are compared to the cannons we made ourselves."

Little Gong laughed out loudly. "Alright, alright, alright. I'll go and prepare now!"

After a quarter-hour, as the Blood Axe black ship drew closer and closer, the man gave a command. With a 'peng' sound, the entire world seemed to explode.

The man looked up and saw that the Blood Axe Black Ship seemed to have been hit. The ship swayed for a moment and black smoke came out from its stern.

The man laughed unrestrainedly. The other people beside him also laughed so hard that they couldn't even straighten their waists.

After the Blood Axe Black Ship had begun to drift, it was able to quickly maintain its balance. Then, it started to move towards the Red-Snake Ship.

The man narrowed his eyes. The worker beside him said, "You're not convinced. Are you going to confront us?"

"In a confrontation, what about Old Black's men? Captain, should we just fire another round at them to make them eat more? "

Several people were talking at once, but the man who was referred to as the captain only paused for a moment before waving his hand and saying generously, "Open, open as you wish."

His subordinates were excited, and they happily went to fire their cannons again.

However, before they could fire their second shot, the black ship had already sped up and arrived in front of them.

The Red Snake Captain stuck his head out, smiling mischievously as he waited to greet the flustered and exasperated Blood Axe Captain. However, after looking for a long time, he didn't see anyone on the deck of the black ship.

Just as he was wondering, a scream rang out from behind him.

He turned around and heard the scream coming from the direction of the gunpowder platform. He hurriedly frowned and looked over, but before he even got close, he felt a cold sensation scuttling up the back of his neck.

The sudden attack caused Captain Red Snake, who was known for his keen senses, to lose his composure.

He was eager to see the face of the enemy who dared to attack his boat. What met his eyes was a sharp blade that shone with a silver light. By the time it had flashed past his line of sight, it had already pierced his shoulder.

Half an hour later, after tying up the sixty or so people on the red snake boat and throwing them into the hopper, a certain dark guard walked out with a smile while clapping his hands.

When he reached the door, he saw his master, so he respectfully reported, "Including this time, we have encountered a total of three groups of pirates. We have captured a hundred and fifty-one enemies, and eighty-four of them are still being held in the Blood Axe Ship.

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