Liu Wei did not answer him. After experiencing such a long ordeal, she had now instinctively maintained his clarity of mind. There was only one thought in her head.

However, no matter how hard she tried, it was still as painful as ever. It was so painful that it felt like her entire body was going to shatter. She was afraid that she would not be able to endure it any longer.

But as a healer, she knew that she couldn't faint, that if she fainted, the child would suffocate to death in her belly. She had to breathe, she had to supply the child with enough oxygen to let the child out of her body.

Liu Wei opened her eyes like a patient that had just awoken from a coma.

In fact, her vision was very blurry, as if she was in a trance. All she saw was white light, and within that white light, she gradually saw a figure, an outline.

A pair of eyes that she would never forget.

Liu Wei's body seemed to have been hacked into two. The instant her body felt like it was being hacked into two, he looked at the pair of scarlet, sharp eyes in front of him and slightly opened her mouth. Yun … Rong Ling... "

"It's me, it's me." The man's voice was hurried and panicked. His eyes were red and hot. He used one hand to hold the woman's face close to his ear and continuously whispered, "It's me, it's me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry …"

Liu Wei looked at it for a long time, but she still could not tell if this was a dream or reality, but no matter where it was, with the man in front of her, all of her grievances exploded forth.

"So, it hurts …" If the tears from before were just the tears of nature from the pain, then now, these scalding tears were the feeling of being wronged from the bottom of her heart.

People are like this, when they know that even if you cry, no one will feel any heartache, and instead, no matter how much pain you suffer, you can endure it without changing your expression. However, once you know that as long as you cry, there will be people who will panic, and they will treat you like a treasure … …..

When she couldn't see Rong Ling, Liu Wei relied on her strength and stubbornness, and with her unyielding will, she forcefully wanted to give birth to the child. Even if the pain almost took her life, she could still grit her teeth and keep awake, so that she wouldn't faint from the pain.

But the moment Rong Ling appeared, no matter if it was a dream or not, as long as she saw him, she would feel terrible, and it was hard to say if he was going to act coquettishly with him, but it was just so painful, so tough. She wanted this person to know, he wanted him to understand, that she was actually afraid of pain, and really could not hold on any longer.

When Rong Ling heard her cry out in pain, her eyes reddened even more. He hugged her and kissed her, time after time, letting her know that he would always be by her side, never leaving his.

The process of production was too long, and Liu Wei had to suffer from the difficulties of production caused by the miscarriage of babies.

Fortunately, the child's feet had already come out. After asking Xiaoli, the little doctor, for her consent, Ming Xiang Xi began to pull the child out of the womb, ignoring everything else.

almost died from the pain during this process. She cried out and cried, almost unable to hold on any longer.

Rong Ling held her tightly, calling and apologizing again and again. He told her that this must be the last time, that in the future, they would never have another life, that they would never have another life. He could not let her suffer this kind of pain again!

Two hours later, the wail of a baby resounded through the cabin.

Outside of the first door, Xiaoli was in a daze, and continued to maintain her worried expression for nearly four hours, but then suddenly turned into wooden carvings.

The guards were muttering to themselves. Finally, they were born, finally, they were born.

In the room, the fragrance of incense wafted through the air. The four girls surrounded the dirty-looking baby and carefully wrapped her up.

After taking in the greatest breath, Liu Wei finally relaxed. She looked at the Rong Ling in front of his, and tightened his grip on his hand. His eyes and nose, were all red.

Rong Ling also looked at her in such a manner, and she even hugged her tightly, her heart sticking to her chest, allowing her to feel his heartbeat.

The four girls were very excited. They had actually given birth to a child, a living being. Ming Xiang carefully held the child in her arms as she walked towards the bedside. "Miss, Prince, it's a young prefecture lord."

Liu Wei's gaze was soft and her lips were white and dry as she looked at Rong Ling: "What you want … "Daughter …"

Rong Ling did not look at the child. He only hugged the child's mother painfully, hugging her tight and carefully, as if she wanted to massage her into her bones. "This king only wants you."

Liu Wei laughed and looked at Mingxiang, "Give me … "Let's take a look."

Ming Xiang lowered the child in her arms for the young lady to see.

Liu Wei turned her gaze, and then, her face stiffened.

Rong Ling was suspicious and turned her head to look. She saw a little fellow that looked like bean sprout, curled up in a red cloth, with his eyes closed, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Liu Wei's tone was extremely hard to accept, "Why … This way … "Ugly …"

Rong Ling laughed, and hugged her even more tightly.

Mingxiang, on the other hand, felt that this child wasn't ugly at all. He was obviously incredibly beautiful. "How could he be ugly? Look at his eyes, he looks like a little miss, his nose looks like a prince, and his mouth looks like a little gongzi. Haha …"

Liu Wei looked at Ming Xiang as if she was looking at a liar.

Xiao Xiang stepped forward and said, "I heard that all the children that were just born were like this. Their eyes and noses were squeezed together, and once they are older, they will grow up."

As for who looked like whom, it was probably Mingxiang who took things first. In fact, how could anyone tell who the newborn child looked like?

Liu Wei didn't dare to agree. She stared at the baby, and retorted with grievance: "Back then … Xiaoli is not ugly. "

Rong Ling caressed her hair, and then kissed her forehead, and said: "Since you say she's ugly, why don't you call her by his nickname, ugly?"

Liu Wei thought for a moment, thinking back to what the elderly often said about how it was bad when a child was young, that it would become better when he grows up, so she decided to agree after some consideration.

She only hoped that if she called him an ugly one, she would really turn into a beautiful one when she grew up. If she grew up, she would become even uglier … Then she might suspect that she had given birth to a false daughter.

Rong Ling and Liu Wei's daughter was born, his big name was Rong Ye, and his little name was Ugly.

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