Wei Chou being robbed out of the prison was a very serious matter in Qingzhou, but Liu Wei and the others who were far away from the prison had no way of knowing. kgege

The research lasted for half a month.

Liu Wei finally used the technology she had at hand to find what she had temporarily called "anesthetic" secretions from the thin layer of glands within the Frigid Fish.

Liu Wei extracted the anesthetic. After repeated experiments, a month later, she created the antidote to suppress the poison.

Because of the scarcity of medicine on the ship, the antidote still had many unknown factors and some side effects, so Liu Wei didn't recommend taking it for everyone.

Of course, the helmsman had to take it.

The aphrodisiac may sound scary, but it had been in this sea for millions of years and belonged to this sea. In this sea, there were other fish that lived, which meant that the aphrodisiac was not life threatening.

Its function was like its name, just temporarily paralyzing.

After two hours, four hours, when the morning mist dissipated and the violent winds and torrential rains came, the poison would precipitate and everyone would return to normal.

But who knew when it was normal?

Facing the water without direction and the sea on all sides, I said that I am normal now, but can I determine the direction?


Then am I abnormal?

Not necessarily.

The "antidote" that Liu Wei produced was a type of forced sobering drug that strengthened the brain and helped the brain to remain clear.

Like caffeine, marijuana, and even more dangerous addictive drugs.

Feather leaf pill is also a kind of forced sobering agent in nature.

In the face of disgusting things, people instinctively wanted to vomit. With the addition of mint in the Feather Leaf Pill, the mint would sober up one's brain while the mint's smell could suppress the stench, which was why it could soothe one's chest and greatly relieve vomiting.

Yu Ye Pills had always been a medicine for Liu Wei. She was a dry legal medical expert, it was normal for her to undergo post-mortem examinations. She had adapted to the blood and internal organs, but not everyone was used to it.

And this kind of forced awakening medicine was also improved on the basis of the Feather Leaf Pill. There was no other way but to have this by her side the most.

Outside, there were very few other drugs.

The antidote he made was liquid and it was stored in a glass bottle. Liu Wei first experimented with fish, and after observing the effects for two days to ensure its safety, he gave it to others to consume.

Five days later, the test was completed.

Liu Wei took the medicine and fed it to all of the helmsmen in the steering room.

At first, no one felt anything. After all, you said that the entire ship was affected by the anesthetic, but others didn't feel it because they didn't feel dizzy, didn't feel like vomiting, and didn't feel like they could stand unsteadily. They were just lost, as usual, and didn't know the direction.

But four hours after the sobering drink, the helmsmen began to feel, some said they had clear vision, some said they were not sleepy, some said they were in good spirits, and some said they thought Shadow Joe saw the green island ahead.

To the last one, Liu Wei defined it as the side effect of the sobering agent. What you saw was not Green Island, but a mirage.

Yes, if you strengthen your brain too much, you might have hallucinations.

The last helmsman had his Awakening Potion stopped by Liu Wei, he was not suitable to take it again, if not he would be in danger.

There were old and young on the boat. Rong Ling's master, along with Xiaoli, Ugly, Big Girl, and Little Girl, had all been specially inspected by Liu Wei.

After confirming that Rong Ling's master had a deep level of inner strength, and that the children's metabolism was quick, and that there weren't many remnants of the poison in their bodies, and that they were even healthier than normal adults, Liu Wei finally calmed them down and advised them not to go to the deck until the wind blows and the fog rises every day.

During the two days that the helmsmen had taken their medicine, their senses were varied and varied. There was no helping it, each of them had their own unique physique. Naturally, the results were biased as well.

But three days later, after adapting to the dosage, everyone made different discoveries.

For example, everyone was an experienced expert in sailing. In the past, they had all encountered times when they lost their direction in the sea. At that time, they could use the sunlight and wind to determine their route.

But in this devilish sea, they were unable to confirm that the sunlight was fake, that the wind was fake, and that the sun didn't seem to have risen from the east.

The way that everyone had used to determine the direction had failed here.

However, after taking three days of medicine, everyone clearly felt that the sun had started to rise from the east. If they felt the southeast wind, then it must be the southeast wind, not some random wind.

A few of the helmsmen poked their heads around, and three days later they drew a map, a correct route back.

Comparing the map with Yue Dansheng's map made from human skin, everyone came up with a direction. Going towards the southwest, maybe the deserted island that was marked on the map made of human skin would be in the southwest.

Logically speaking, this was the time to return to the ship as soon as possible. Leaving the Sea of Devils or even the deep sea was the safest option. To go to some deserted island, it would be great if they could survive.

But the success was right in front of him and he could now determine the direction.

Liu Wei also indicated that the current clearing agent could help them return to the Southwest.

Since the supplies could keep up, Rong Ling decided to take a risk. Perhaps, once she reached the Desolate Island, she would be able to answer to everything that had happened.

If the Devil Sea had gone out to sea, what else couldn't it be?

With a direction, everyone would be able to move at full speed.

In the middle of the meal, because everyone was angry, they would eat 80% of the fish that they would eat, but before eating, they would have to cut off their glands. This job was initially done by Liu Wei, but later, she gave the food to the chef, who cut it up cleaner than Liu Wei.

It was obvious that the chef was fuming. They had been lost in the sea for over a month and had almost finished all the food. They ate so much that their mouths were bubbling. Who wouldn't get angry?

Indeed, many people had their own opinions when it came to eating fish every day. Even ugliness was disliked.

Liu Wei also ate the fish, so it was as if there was a fish in the milk.

Liu Wei had no choice but to let Rong Ling think of a way. Your daughter is picky with her food, what do you think we should do?

In the end, he went to his master's room, and when he came out again, he was holding two bags of cured meat.

Liu Wei looked at the cured meat, then looked at her master who followed behind Rong Ling with an embarrassed expression. She quietly took the meat and went to the kitchen …

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