One second. Org, free of charge!

Liu Wei asked Xiaoli for more information, but Rong Ling was stumped by her master's words.

The old man wasn't a child after all, so he probably felt ashamed and didn't want to say anything.

Liu Wei did not ask further, pushing him and said: "Go back to your room."

The main force would be staying on the island for a few more days, in order to study the next route.

Some still slept on the boat at night, since there was only one bed on board, while others had built houses around the island and slept on the land.

Rong Ling had no objections to this. After arranging some sentries and other people, he no longer restricted herself. After working hard for such a long time, she should be able to relax now.

After two days, Rong Ling and Yue Dansheng were almost inseparable from each other.

If Liu Wei wasn't able to give any suggestions on the route, she wouldn't go and join in on the fun, and would take the elderly and children to the beach.

Ever since he and had gotten off the boat on the first day, Liu Wei had been keeping an eye on them wherever they went in these two days.

The old man took out another piece of cured meat from somewhere in the early morning and hid it in his bosom, preparing to drill into the forest.

Liu Wei saw it, and walked over with three steps and two steps, calling out sternly: "Master?"

The elder stopped in his tracks in embarrassment, turned around to look at his daughter-in-law: "Little Wei, I'll go take a look."

Xiaoli, who was beside his mother, scolded her after hearing what she said, "I smelt it! Master Ancestor took another piece of cured meat!"

Liu Wei squinted at her Master's tight clothes.

The old man hurriedly retorted, "No, no. I just came out of the kitchen and got the smell."

Liu Wei did not believe it.

However, she was still an elder so she did not expose him directly. "I saw wolves in the woods last night. If there's nothing important, do not get close."

The old man raised his head. "I am not afraid of wolves." Liu Wei frowned, he did not say who it was that was being chased by the wolves until they almost lost their lives, but said: "We'll stay on the island temporarily, it's better if we don't harm our relationship with the creatures on the island."

When the old man heard this, he vaguely replied, "I'm not going in. I'm just going to take a stroll around."

Liu Wei did not believe him: "Then master, come over there with me to take a look. Someone picked mushrooms and ate them at noon to stew bear's paw with mushrooms."

The old man straightened his clothes again, coughed once, and compromised, "Let's go. Let's go."

He might be able to stop it, but he might not be able to stop it a second time.

Liu Wei acted like a scout captain, treating the old man as his important target, but this old man was not an ordinary old man. He could flip the windows, walk through the back door, and even train his skills.

Liu Wei went to find Rong Ling with a dark face, and told him about her master's escape.

Rong Ling was busy talking to Yue Dansheng and the other helmsmen, the tables were filled with all sorts of charts, but when Rong Ling heard him, she did not even raise her head, and said: "He knows her limits."

Liu Wei clicked her tongue: "Then we'll see."

The facts proved that Liu Wei was right.

In less than two hours, the old man returned with more than ten wolves following behind him. He ran with bared fangs and brandished claws. There was no more cured meat in his arms, and his clothes had been torn several times.

Liu Wei felt a headache when he saw this, waiting for the soldiers to chase the pack of wolves away. She stood in front of her Master and asked with his hands on his hips, "Do you have to enter the forest?"

Liu Wei frowned: "What is it, I'll do it for you if you say so."

The old man paused as he stared at her.

Liu Wei showed him.

She didn't believe that this old man had some serious matter to attend to.

He made Liu Wei wait a bit before running back onto the boat. When he returned back to the cabin fifteen minutes later, he carried a whole bag of cured meat and pushed it in front of Liu Wei, saying: "Help me lure that white wolf out."

Xiaoli roared from behind: "Master Ancestor wants the King of the Forest, mother, I want it too, I want it too!"

Without even turning back, Liu Wei poked his son's head, causing the little fellow to not dare to make a sound.

Looking at Xiaoli's wronged expression, the old man explained to Liu Wei: "I know the owner of that white wolf."

Liu Wei was expressionless: "You really know a lot of people. Do you even know anyone on this deserted island?"

The old man could tell that she was mocking him. He rubbed the tip of his nose and said, "I just want to know where its owner is now."

Liu Wei was speechless: "Then, I'll bring the white wolf out, and you can ask it? Does it even know how to speak human language? "

However, the old man said, "We have to give it a try."


Liu Wei was officially sure that this old man was spouting nonsense, she decided to report to Rong Ling that your master is crazy.

However, after the old man said these words, he started to size Liu Wei up again, and said meaningfully, "It would also be beneficial to you if I can find out what it is."

Liu Wei didn't even bother to reply.

It had to be said that Rong Ling truly had feelings for his master.

And the next day, he brought his men into the forest.

When Xiaoli saw that there was a Uncle Rong, her scar immediately healed and she forgot about the pain.

Liu Wei dragged him over, pinched his ears and asked: "Is your skin itchy?"

Relying on his numbers, Xiaoli knew that her mother would not dare to make a move, so she both cried and made a ruckus, insisting on going with her.

Liu Wei's head hurt from his argument. He picked up the child and threw him into Rong Ling's embrace, then fiercely said: "Seeing a beast you like, throw it out and feed it!"

Rong Ling caught his son, hugged him and pinched the tip of his son's nose, saying, "Don't make your mother angry."

Xiaoli puffed her mouth in displeasure, hugged Uncle Rong's neck not letting go, and insisted on following him.

After the group of people had left, Liu Wei hugged onto the ugly man lonely and said sorrowfully, "Your daughter is still the best."

Liu Wei was unhappy: "You want to go as well?"

The ugly man could not speak, nor did he know if he understood, but he laughed until his teeth were revealed.

Liu Wei's heart was stuck.

The big girl knew that her young miss was unhappy, so she tried to make her laugh. Seeing that they were working so hard, Liu Wei decided to cooperate and smiled, pretending to be fine.

The two were worried that the wangfei and the prince were at odds with each other, so they made a few insinuations and blabbered on and on about their prince. Having said that the prince could fold his clothes into four folds, they probably felt that this was a rare advantage.

Liu Wei listened for a while but did not hear the main point, and even got tired from listening, so she carried Chou Chou to sleep.

When she woke up again, the world had changed.

Liu Wei expressionlessly looked at the white wolf that was as big as a lion that followed beside Rong Ling, and asked dryly: "What are you trying to do?"

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