"Star leading the way" is a more romantic term, but it does not describe a person, or a kind of. net

Nature is ever-changing, and animals survive and reproduce in various ways. Among them, there is a group of animals whose ability to discern directions is extremely high. Therefore, humans often distinguish directions by the pace of these animals' habits.

Bats' sensitivity to ultrasound, pigeons' dependence on gravity, geese migrating south for thousands of miles, in the desert or the sea, animals, they might save your life when men couldn't tell which direction.

The old man raised his eyebrows. "If you can't discern the road, at least you'll recognize your home."

Liu Wei guessed a few things.

"Is it abandoned?"

"No." The old man seemed to have something hard to say, he looked at Liu Wei after saying it, and asked tentatively: "Can I not tell you?"

Liu Wei pursed his lips, his expression as warm as spring. "No."

The old man frowned. "Everyone has their own secrets …"


"Even Ah Ling would not dare to force me to do so..."


The old man: "... "Sigh."

This sort of disciple's daughter-in-law, she really wanted to throw one at him.

"At that time, they planned to return to the Central Plains. After coming out from the floating island, they made it all the way to this island, and at that time, they only wanted to rest for a few days. But who would have known that ever since the Gu worm in that person's body passed away, his body became very bad, and there were even abnormalities …"

Liu Wei received another piece of information.

"Coming out of the floating island?"

Old man: "..."

"Are you talking about the floating island? Are you talking about the small island that we saw before?"

Old man: "..."


The old man's body arched and he suddenly started coughing. As he coughed, he pressed his chest and said, "The old disease has returned, I want to rest …"

Liu Wei frowned, with a serious face: "Master, don't pretend anymore, do you think I can't see the pain?"

The old man could no longer continue acting. He stomped his feet in hatred.

Liu Wei straightened her posture, and faced him face-to-face: "Master, how many things have you been hiding from us? "Now that we are all on the same boat, and you know so many important things but have never revealed them, do you really want us to die here?"

The elder laughed dryly as he stroked his white beard. "You are all smart. What can I do to make things difficult for you two …"

Liu Wei slapped the table: "Master, I hope you can be more correct!"

Old man: "..."

After being taught a lesson by the younger generation, the old man no longer dared to hide it anymore. He depressingly told Chu Feng about his old friend.

Liu Wei listened and nodded from time to time: "Which is to say, near that floating island, under specific circumstances, a path underwater will be opened."

The elder muttered, "I've never seen it either, but I heard that..."

Liu Wei stared at him, "Have you really not seen it before?"

The old man could not continue pretending after a while. He could only sigh and droop his head, "Yes, I have seen him once. However, before I could enter, he was slapped back by the waves."

Liu Wei said in her heart that the elder had hidden his strength well, and asked again: Then why didn't you say it before?

The old man did not utter a single word, but his eyes quietly looked out of the window.

Liu Wei finally understood that his master's goal wasn't just the floating island. He wanted to come back and see if the white wolf was still there, and if his old friend was.

Liu Wei asked again, "You insist on taking the white wolf away, so that it can find the way home and its master? His master and you are very close friends? "

"Saved me once." The old man continued, "But I have saved him three times." Then, he looked at Liu Wei: "Perhaps, there's still the fourth time."

Liu Wei nodded, and asked again: "Rong Ling said, the white wolf seems to be very sensitive to maps of this region of the ocean, it might be able to recognize it, you have seen the map before, you know the way it came from, I think, you would have known about it since a long time ago?"

"Howl." He searched through the drawer and took out a small piece of cloth to wrap around before handing it over to Liu Wei: "I still have a seal, which is compatible with the map."

Liu Wei: "..."

The old man passed the seal forward and asked, "Do you want it?"

Liu Wei: "..."

Liu Wei grudgingly grinded her teeth as she took the small cloth bag. When Liu Wei opened it, she saw that it was indeed an imprint of a seal.

Liu Wei pinched her fingers and asked: "You still have this?"

The elder said honestly, "It was borrowed from a child."

Liu Wei guessed that it was Zhong Ziyu, and glanced at him: "Lend? Did you steal it? "

The elder coughed, "That child is not in the right body, what's wrong with using him to order something?"

Liu Wei did not speak further. She rubbed the tendons at his temples and asked again: "What's wrong with that white wolf? Does it really recognize the map?"

The old man nodded. "The original version of the map was drawn by its owner. Of course I recognize it."

Liu Wei gritted her teeth, "Don't tell me that the master of the white wolf, your old friend, is related to the Ji's Family? "Could it be that survivor?"

The old man said, "I know the survivor you're talking about. It wasn't him, it was another one. Back then, in order to survive, he abandoned his family and friends. Otherwise, how could he survive?"

Liu Wei frowned: "Is the master of the white wolf even from Ji's Family?"

The old man did not deny it. "Yes."

Liu Wei muttered in her heart for a while, and at least she had settled the matter a little.

After a long while, she asked with worry, "Other than this seal, that floating island, there is also the origin of the white wolves. As for the survivors from Ji's Family, what else do you know that is related to us?"

The old man thought for a moment, then asked hesitantly, "Do you want to know the master of the white wolf?"

Liu Wei felt that she wouldn't be able to recognize his even if she knew, but she still nodded her head: "What's that?"

The old man said: "Ji Nanzheng."

Liu Wei thought that this name was pretty nice, very gentle.

He then heard the old man say, "His wife is called Bai Cai."

This name was also very gentle and beautiful.

"My daughter is called Ji Xiaqiu."

Liu Wei: "..."

"He's your grandfather."

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