The strong wind blew the sails into a mess.

Rong Ling stood on the deck, frowning as she looked at the spiralling black wind that was getting closer and closer, the sky was completely dark.

Liu Wei carried the ugly man into the cabin. She was shaken to the point that she had to use 100% of her inner force to maintain the stability of her daughter.

How could Rong Ling not know that there was an experienced helmsman standing beside him, everyone was busy adjusting the sail, but under the strong wind and rain, it was extremely difficult to achieve success, maybe if his center of gravity was not stable, he would fall into the violent ocean.

Rong Ling turned around and with a few steps, she walked to the deck. She hugged Liu Wei and said: "Don't come over, take the children to the back and put on the life jacket."

As long as Liu Wei was there, the safety of the sea would naturally pay special attention to him.

Lifejackets were also available in ancient times, but they were very simple and had a very low buoyancy. They were all brought along when Qingzhou boarded the ship again. Liu Wei had continuously worked on it during these past few months of sailing, and she had also taught the boatmen how to make one for each of them.

Liu Wei nervously gripped Rong Ling's hand. She did not speak, but her breathing was heavy.

Rong Ling knew that she was worried about him, so she fiercely kissed her on the lips and said, "Don't worry."

Liu Wei was pushed into the cabin.

The usually mischievous old man held her up. The old man's eyebrows were tightly knitted, and he did not get angry. Instead, he looked outside at the wind and rain, and said in a deep voice, "Prepare for the worst."

Liu Wei's heart jumped, thinking that her master might have met with such a storm, she grabbed her master's hand and asked: "Can we live?"

The old man's tone contained a trace of dejection: "Listen to Ah Ling, protect yourself well."

Everyone on the boat was told to immediately put on their life jackets, and when everyone was dressed, the black tornado was already very close to them.

Liu Wei repeatedly wrapped the ugly one up, her eyes were moist, it was unknown whether it was because she was blown away by the wind or some other reason.

The fragrance of incense filled the air. All four of the girls were standing by the side, wearing their clothes.

Xiaoli had also donned a thick and heavy life saving clothing, he grabbed onto her mother's clothes, but his pink face was so pale that it was terrifying.

Liu Wei squatted down and said, "No matter what, you have to protect yourself and not leave your mother's side, do you understand?"

Xiaoli nodded her head heavily, the grip on the corner of her mother's clothes tightened.

The white wolf was swaying and could not stand steadily. Although it had four legs, it was no steadier than a human's center of gravity.

Liu Wei then found a life jacket and wrapped it around the white wolf. As it was not custom-made, there were many places that needed rope to be fixed, causing the white wolf to not move. After Liu Wei put it on, she patted the white wolf's head and said: "You have to live, too."

It was unknown if the white wolf understood her words, but it gave a low cry, "Ao!"

Everyone was fully armed. Those that could be of assistance would go to the deck to help secure the sails. Some had already prepared small boats. If the big ships were to overturn, they would have enough life boats to move them.

However, if a storm were to come, even a large ship would not be able to stay afloat. As for that small boat that was like a drop in the ocean, how could that be possible?

In such a huge disaster, these land combat experts were like birds with their wings cut off, unable to fly.


A huge wave came crashing over, and the wall of water that was at the top of the deck was attacked. After a few breaths of time, almost half of the deck had been flooded, and more water flowed into the cabin.

Rong Ling and the rest stood in the water and pulled on the reins with all their might. Everyone used all their strength, all the martial artists used up their Qi, but under the pressure of the hurricane, their strength was nothing.

The boat rocked and rocked until the next big wave hit and the boat tilted.

Screams filled the ship, and everyone struggled to keep their balance. Outside the deck, several soldiers and sailors at the edge of the deck fell into the sea. Someone on the boat immediately put down the rope, but the waves were too big and the wind was too strong, so those people were almost immediately swept dozens of meters away by the sea water.

Shouts and cries for help rang out incessantly. Until they could no longer be seen, everyone felt as if a rock had been pressed down on their hearts, making them unable to breathe heavily.

They knew that if this continued, those who had fallen into the water would soon become their ending. Perhaps in the next breath or the next quarter of an hour, they would also fall into the water and be struck by the waves until they could no longer swim.

"Come on, everyone, come on." If the direction of the sails could be changed as quickly as possible, they might have a slim chance of survival.

The seasoned helmsman knew how to motivate people. He kept talking and cheering for the remaining people to survive.

Liu Wei hugged onto his unsightly face, protected by the white haired old man beside her. Xiaoli pulled at her mother's clothes, not letting go, even the white wolf did its best to protect her.

Yue Dansheng and Xi Zi were helping on the deck. Basically, all the men on the boat that could help had already gone over, but they could do too little.

"Crash." Waves kept crashing into the boat.

The balance of the boat became increasingly unstable. Finally, after holding on for another hour, the last straw that crushed the camel overturned the entire boat.

This was not a calm lake, even people who knew how to swim might not be able to survive in this kind of bumpy sea wave, not to mention there were many people who could not water, everyone only relied on the life jacket, but after all, these life jackets were not omnipotent, the power of the waves overshadowed the life jacket's power.

People were constantly being pushed into the water and disappeared without a trace.

Liu Wei did his best to raise his head, and used both hands to hold the ugly child above the ocean water. His mouth continuously drank water, and from the start, his eyes could only see the people around her, to the point where he couldn't see anything.

As she gradually weakened, almost becoming one of those who did not come down to the bottom of the sea, someone lifted her up by her waist.

She barely opened her eyes, only to see Rong Ling's anxious and flustered face. She grabbed onto the man's shoulder, and gasped for breath.

The ugly one was in her arms, crying his lungs out, but he was still alive, but Xiaoli had already been smacked away, so she couldn't see him, nor could she see her son …

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