Two days later.

In the quiet seaside village.

The well-built Yu Han Wangping tidied up his fishing net as he said to his mother, "I won't be back for lunch today. Today, I'll be further away from the village chief, it rained heavily the day before yesterday, so the water will rise quickly. The fish we've fished out these two days will be easy to catch."

Wang Ping and the old lady were dependent on each other for life, so he didn't dare to disobey. He once again "En", but he still couldn't resist saying a few words for that silly Li family girl, "Later, send her a steamed bun. Otherwise, she'll starve again today."

"Seriously …" Old Lady Wang wanted to curse at her son for causing too much trouble, but she swallowed her words and casually replied, "Alright."

Wang Ping didn't know if the old lady was just fawning on him, but he had already done what he needed to do. Like she said, they didn't count as engaged in the past, and now that she wanted him to marry such a crazy fool, he didn't want to, so he might as well not mention it.

After Wang Ping left home, unexpectedly, the usually stingy Old Lady Wang took a steamed bun and two pieces of sesame seed cakes before walking towards the Li family's old courtyard.

There were a total of thirteen neighbors in the village, all of whom were old acquaintances. Some of them were late getting up and were washing their faces by the door, when they saw Old Lady Wang carrying a tray towards the Li family. They could not help but mock her, "Why are you so kind today?"

Old Lady Wang waved her hand. "Go, it's none of your business."

The silly girl from Black Water Village, Li Yu'er, was also a normal girl. Later on, when people became foolish and Old Man Li died, she became an orphan who was detested by all.

In the village, there were those who were merciful. Occasionally, they would send some food to the silly girls, but they would always send some at night, so that they could see what leftovers they had from the day after dinner.

Old Lady Wang walked to the Li Family Courtyard's entrance. When she saw the half-destroyed gate and the grass growing everywhere by the door, she said, "Yu'er, Yu'er!"

After a while, they heard a series of "peng pang pang" from inside. Following which, a young girl around the age of seventeen or eighteen with tattered clothes and wet hair came running out.

The girl's face was dirty. When she saw the person at the door, she would smile and jump over while laughing.

Old Lady Wang sighed and handed the plate to her. "Take it and eat. Your Brother Ping Zi asked me to give it to you."

Old lady Wang thought that she was going to eat up a bun and two pancakes. After all, this child probably hadn't eaten anything in a few days, but after eating the bread, the silly girl left the bun behind.

Steamed buns were made with fine noodles, which were different from cakes. They were made with brown rice noodles, so the steamed buns were even more expensive. The fishermen in the village weren't rich, so every family only ate white buns every day.

The silly girl put the steamed bun in her arms and timidly touched it.

Old Lady Wang couldn't help but say, "If you don't want to eat, put it away properly. Don't touch the dirt. Now you know how to store food. That's good. When you're hungry, you have a bite to chew."

The silly girl shyly looked at Old Lady Wang and said after pouting for a long time, "Give it to the child to eat."

Old Lady Wang laughed. "Yo, you have a child again? What about that pillow last time? "

The silly girl patted her belly and said, "It's a child. It was born."

Old Lady Wang laughed again. "You aren't even married yet and you want to give birth to a child? Who's going to give birth to you?"

After Miss Li became stupefied, a few ruffians from the neighboring village frequently glanced over. The village chief was very shrewd, and with a single glance, he knew that these rascals were not up to the task. They saw Miss Li was foolish and wanted to take advantage of her, so he immediately kicked them out.

After all, the villagers knew each other, and would usually keep an eye on strangers. In these two years, they had not made the girl suffer any more. At the very least, she was completely innocent.

Everyone smiled when they saw this. Some teased, while the most they said was, "If no one marries a fool like you, who will you give birth to?"

Old Lady Wang said the same thing, but Miss Li wasn't as simple-minded as she usually was. This time, she replied and pointed towards the house as if it was proof. "Child, child …" As he spoke, he pulled on Old Lady Wang's hand and dragged her into the house. "Child, child … Mine, mine … "

Old Lady Wang, who was old, staggered a few times from this silly girl who didn't know how to control her strength and almost fell to the ground. While standing still, she scolded this silly girl for being stupid, at the same time, she was being dragged inside the house.

Upon entering the room, Old Lady Wang was stunned.

In the originally empty and dirty Li Family living room, a five to six-year-old boy with a pink-white face and pitch-black eyes sat obediently within a pile of torn blankets. When he saw Old Lady Wang enter, the boy looked at her in confusion.

"This, this, this child …" Old Lady Wang was stunned.

The little boy stretched out the steamed bun in his hand and looked at the several black finger marks on it. He was stunned for a moment before looking at the silly girl again.

The silly girl was still saying, "Eat, eat, eat."

The boy took a bite.

The silly girl was so happy that she jumped up and laughed while pointing at the little boy. She said to Old Lady Wang, "Mine, my … Child … "Mine, mine, my …"

Old Lady Wang took a long time to recover her wits. She immediately grabbed Lady Li and beat her on the back, "You little brat, where did you go to bring a child back? Just you wait. I'll go tell the Village Head, see if he doesn't beat you to death!"

After she finished speaking, Old Lady Wang ran towards the door. When she reached the door, she shouted at the top of her lungs. The nearby households were all alarmed, so they all came out in twos and threes to take a look.

Miss Li got beaten up for no reason. Her eyes were red from the pain. While she twisted her hand to touch her back, she looked at the child under the blankets and said, "Eat, eat."

The little boy looked at her, then at the villagers outside who were gathering slowly. He reacted for a while before he stretched out his hand and said to the silly girl, "Come over here a bit. I want to see if you're hit red."

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