It just so happened that Yun Xun was slowly walking over. He didn't hear Chen Tai's words and just awkwardly walked behind Yun Chu. He whispered, "Did you find out?"

Yun Chu did not have the time to bother with him. She looked at Chen Tai in surprise. "You're not the village chief of Third Village?" After she finished speaking, she subconsciously looked outside at the oxcart. The old man was smoking a big cigarette with his legs crossed in front of him, not even looking in their direction.

Chen Tai continued to deny it. "No."

"Dashu, dashu!" Yun Chu shouted from behind. He even took out his money bag and took out some money as he walked, "Can we pay for it?" Ten taels of silver, twenty taels of silver, thirty taels of silver!

But no matter how much she yelled, the donkey cart didn't seem to have the slightest intention of stopping.

Yun Chu felt that there was no hope left. Just as he was at a loss, the boy who sat on the donkey cart stably jumped out of the car and ran towards them.

"Hey, Xiaoli!" Chen Tai panicked and shouted.

Xiaoli took a few steps forward, then ran back like a cannonball to stand in front of Yun Chu, she raised her head and asked: "Silver?"

When Yun Chu saw the door, his eyes lit up. He quickly squatted down and stuffed the bag into his hands, "All of them. All of them."

Xiaoli held the heavy bag of money, looked at the numbers, and immediately laughed to the point that her teeth could no longer be seen, "Sister, what do you want to ask me about, I will tell you everything I know!"

At this moment, Chen Tai also caught up. Upon hearing the little fellow's words, his face turned black, "Xiaoli, they have good intentions."

Yun Chu hurriedly tried to defend himself, "Uncle, we really do not have any ill intentions. We are just inquiring about a person, a person from Blackwater Village."

Chen Tai harrumphed, looking at her as if she was looking at an enemy.

Yun Chu did not know if it was because everyone in the village was this vigilant, so she did not look in Chen Tai's direction. She simply asked the little boy, "Little brother, do you know Little Brother Liu from Black Water Village? "It's the one that's been spreading rumors in the county."

Chen Tai immediately poked Xiaoli's back, revealing a "look, I knew it" look.

On the contrary, Xiaoli was ecstatic as he nodded his head while holding the silver: "I know him."

"Then is he male or female? What did it look like? What age? "Is there a marriage?"

Xiaoli made a sound, then replied: "He's a man, he's extremely good-looking, and young. He's not married."

Yun Chu looked at Yun Xun. Yun Mu lowered his head and thought for a moment. He also squatted down and asked, "Have you seen him before?"

Xiaoli nodded: "I'll see you everyday."

"Is he really from Blackwater Village? Or was it from somewhere else? "

This question was a little strange, but Xiaoli did not care too much. She replied honestly, "He is not from Black Water Village, but his sister is."

"He has a sister?" Yun Meng rubbed his chin. This Young Master Rong had never mentioned it before.

"Yes, his sister is also very pretty, and she's not married yet. Big brother, are you married yet?"

Yun Meng was stunned for a moment before his face turned red. He stammered as he shook his head. "I … I'm not married!"

Xiaoli laughed, and looked him up and down, before nodding in satisfaction: "Then do you want to get to know Little Brother Liu's sister?"

Yun Xun couldn't answer, he was stuck there.

With a stifled laugh, Yun Chu pushed his younger brother away and said to the boy, "Although he isn't married, he's already engaged. It's not good for him to get to know other girls."

Yun Mo's face suddenly turned even redder, to the point where the roots of his neck were red. It was as if smoke was coming out from his head.

Xiaoli felt a little regretful, and answered with disappointment. He asked again: "What else do you guys have to ask?"

Yun Chu thought about it, and suddenly lowered his voice mysteriously, "Little brother, have you ever seen that little brother Liu naked? Is he really a man? "

Xiaoli froze for a moment, then immediately straightened her back and spoke with conviction: "Of course he's a man, he's a man, he has his little Jiji!"

"You've seen it?" Yun Chu was still doubtful.

Xiaoli was about to get angry, "Of course I've seen it before! He peed on her feet! "

If that was the case, then Brother Liu wasn't sister-in-law Rong.

Yun Chu couldn't make up his mind, so he turned to look at his younger brother, but when he did, he was scared. Yun Xun's face was even redder than before, and his entire body seemed to be burning as he stood there in a daze.

"You, are you alright?" she asked cautiously, standing up.

Yun Mu did not recover from his shock. It was as if he was lost in some unspeakable thoughts. From time to time, he would let out a vulgar laugh. "Hehe, hehehe … hehe …"

Yun Chu was stunned. He didn't know how his brother broke down all of a sudden.

After easily earning fifty silver, Xiaoli carried the silver back to the donkey cart with satisfaction.

He placed the silver on the carriage and then called Chen Tai over to take the carriage. He had a smile on his face the entire time.

Chen Tai put the Ying on the donkey cart and walked alongside Xiaoli, saying, "Although silver is a good thing, but you can't sell yourself for silver, Xiaoli, you can't do this in the future, it's too dangerous."

Xiaoli pursed her lips with a smile: "The mountains near the village are not rich in medicine, and the herbs in the medicine stores in the county are expensive, if I want to cure Sister Yu's disease, the medicine ingredients cannot be saved. With this silver, I can buy some medicine."

Hearing that he was actually doing it for the foolish Li Yu'er, Chen Tai didn't know what to say.

Xiaoli said happily: "She's the one who saved me."

Chen Tai couldn't help but laugh. He felt that this wasn't something he should worry about and said in the end, "Go back and ask your aunt to cook some muffins for you. Take them back and eat with your big sister Yu."

Xiaoli immediately agreed. "Thank you, Uncle Tai."

The donkey cart traveled for another two hours, as the sun set in the west. Seeing that they could climb another mountain and reach Bai San Village, Chen Tai let Ying get off and let Xiaoli get on the carriage.

Xiaoli had martial arts skills, so she was not tired from the journey, so she did not sit down, and let Yinzi continue to sit.

Ying Zi was only four years old, and his height made Xiaoli think of her as ugly, let alone his little sister who would not be able to walk on her own.

When the carriage reached the mountains, the donkey suddenly kicked its hooves and stood still. It was still humming towards the direction of the forest.

Xiaoli was puzzled: "Uncle Tai, what's going on?"

Chen Tai's face was dark as he pulled the donkey while saying, "These are the beasts that came down the mountain to hunt for food. The donkey is scared."

"Beast?" Xiaoli looked towards the pitch black woods and seemed to be very curious.

It was at this moment that a female's scream was suddenly heard from within the forest. "Ahh! It's a big bear!"

Xiaoli recognized the voice, it was the big sister who gave him the fifty silver just now. Without caring about anything else, Xiaoli rushed towards the forest.

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