When he returned, his body was a little dirty and his face was completely grey. It was obvious that with his current abilities, he still wouldn't be able to move around in the sea of trees without being touched by a leaf.

Yun Chutian was waiting for him, the moment he saw that tiny figure, he immediately rushed over to welcome it.

Xiaoli looked at them while beaming, and asked: "Are you alright?"

Yun Chu quickly agreed and went to inform the ox-cart old man.

Yun Mu did not leave, but he stood there with a nervous look on his face, staring at Xiaoli with his two shining eyes.

Xiaoli was frightened by his gaze and asked softly: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine … …"

It didn't look like it was going to be okay …

Xiaoli did not know what to say, and stealthily took two steps away from him.

He looked around but didn't see anyone. As his gaze moved over, his infatuated gaze was like a shadow following him around!

Xiaoli panicked a little. He swallowed his saliva, grabbed his little hand and asked: "Little big brother, what's the matter?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Xiaoli was about to cry: "Then don't look at me …. "I, I'm afraid …"

In the end, Yun Xun was driven away by Yun Chu, the beautiful young lady stood in the middle of the group, separated them completely, and then secretly said to Xiaoli: "Don't bother with him, he just admires you and can't speak, he's just like a fool."

Yun Xun heard it, but he did not beat Yun Chu up like he usually did. Instead, he lowered his head in silence.

Yun Chu pulled Xiaoli along, and after they had walked far, she asked Xiaoli, "What is the inner strength you mentioned? "Our family also has a teacher who can teach us martial arts since we were young, but we learn external martial arts."

The forms practiced by external martial arts, inner martial arts, and orthodox martial arts were actually all combined from the inside and the outside.

If it was just training in external martial arts alone, that would only be a slightly better way of speaking. To put it harshly, without the inculcation of inner force, the external martial arts were just a flowerpot, a foot of cat martial arts.

Xiaoli did not say it out loud, but explained the meaning of inner strength to her.

Hearing that, Yun Chu came to a realization, he turned around and said to Yun Mi: "Isn't that what father is like? Is father this powerful? "

He did not know, but he had never seen his father use martial arts. His father's so-called inner strength was used when he was using acupuncture. His father always said that the needle that contained inner strength was the needle used to cure the patient, the needle used to revive the dead.

But they didn't understand at all.

"You are so young and your martial arts is so high. You are really capable, then who is your master?"

"My mother." As Xiaoli said this, a slender and white figure flashed through her mind. He smiled widely: "My mother is the most capable one!"

"That's great." Yun Chu was envious, "My mother scolded me and punished me. She kept asking me to copy books …"

Xiaoli stiffened, and rubbed her nose dryly: "Actually, my mother would also have me copy the books … "Well, there are a lot of books."

Yun Chu was surprised, "Then you still think she's good?"

"Of course." The little guy said matter-of-factly, "She's my mother, after all. My mother is the best. She's the best in the whole world!"

Yun Chu could not understand it. A pampered little girl who had been pampered since she was young was someone that many people doted on. Hence, her strict mother made her instinctively afraid and resist.

"Then, what about your father?" Having not found the opportunity to talk to him, Yun Xun could no longer suppress his loneliness and secretly interjected.

But who would have thought that the little guy who was shining brightly just now would suddenly become covered in dark clouds and turn into hail!

"Don't tell me about him! He's the worst man in the world, and if I see him, I'll cut him to pieces! Five horses dismembered! "

Yun Xun, "…"

Yun Chu, "..."

Far away in the County City Inn, Rong Ling who was extremely ill said, "Ah choo …"

Yun Xun realized that he had said something that he shouldn't have said and immediately panicked. He frantically tried to explain that he did not do it on purpose, but before he could say anything, the old man who was driving the carriage suddenly said, "Little brother, are you following the wrong path? I see that Dao'er is not right …"

Only now did Xiaoli regain her senses. She looked at the forest in front of him, then at the forest behind him, and then, she stood in place.

The truth proved that it was not a wise decision to let a child, who was not a native, lead the way.

The sudden loss of their way caused the four of them to look at each other. Xiaoli's face flushed red, not knowing what to do.

Although the old man had pulled an oxcart with him for dozens of years and was familiar with the nearby mountain paths, he was still fine before. However, he couldn't find it now, as he had been led blindly by this child for half a day.

There was no need to talk about Yun Chu Yun, the two of them were like trash, they could not help at all.

The ox-cart stopped at a large tree. The old man took out his pipe and took a puff on it, "It seems that I will have to spend the night in the forest."

The Yun siblings looked miserable. This was the result that they didn't want to see the most.

But very quickly, they started to think again, especially Yun Mi, who was looking at Xiaoli with sparkling eyes. He said: "It doesn't matter, I like to spend the night in the wilderness. Brother Xiaoli, if you are afraid, let's sleep together. I, I will sleep in the mountain wind, and I can help you block the wind! "

Before, Xiaoli didn't like this strange little brother, but now, she was moved by his actions and nodded her head with bloodshot eyes.

Yun Xun was extremely happy!

When the atmosphere relaxed, he would face hunger.

Xiaoli volunteered to find food, and the Yun siblings went to find dry grass for the night. The old man led the old cow to graze, and at the same time looked around to see if there were any firewood that could be used for the fire.

Everyone dispersed.

Before this, Xiaoli had already heard that there were movements in the surroundings. He knew that this forest was very wild, there were squirrels and rabbits in the forest.

But after walking for a long time, perhaps because it was dark, he didn't see a single rabbit.

Xiaoli thought that it was weird. When she came over just now, there were rabbits everywhere. Why did she walk over here and not see any of them?

As he was trying to figure it out, he heard a sound coming from the right. He turned around and saw that it came from a crack in the rock.

He ran over and squatted down to peek through the crack, and that made him laugh. Hey, little leopard.

There was something to eat!

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