Some of the kind-hearted men held Gao Zhu, while the others looked at each other in dismay and panic.

In the end, Chen Tai gritted his teeth and said, "That's exactly the same thing. According to the legends of the old ancestor, when one died, they would grind the meat, grind it into meat paste, and smash it into pieces. Second Young Master Sun … "

Xiaoli stared straight at Chen Tai: "Uncle Tai, what about Hong Lian?"

… ….

Yun Xun did not follow the villagers up the mountain.

This was because these two strangers, to the simple villagers, had the greatest suspicion that someone had died.

He patiently sat on the stone bench outside the ancestral hall, looking at the few villagers guarding them in the distance, and pushed his younger brother, "Tell me, if that Brother Liu is really Brother Xiaoli, then where is Aunt Rong right now?"

Yun Xun replied impatiently, "If you look at how Young Master Rong was rescued, then his wife must have already …"

"Don't spout nonsense." Yun Chu slapped him, "Stop with your jinx. Maybe he's fine and you're the one who said it."

Yun Mo curled his lips: "Compared to this, I still want to quickly go up the mountain. I'm worried that little brother Xiaoli is scared by herself."

Yun Chu: "He's afraid? I am much braver than you are, and furthermore, little brother Xiaoli is so capable, didn't you hear that everyone in Black Water Village calls him Little Spirit Child? "

"But that's a dead man."

"What happened to the dead man?" As Yun Chu spoke, he pouted a few times and said, "I've never seen you being so friendly before. We also have brothers below us, why aren't you treating them so well?"

"Can it be the same?" Yun Xun replied confidently, "Are they brother Xiaoli?"

Yun Chu rolled his eyes, "You've gone berserk!"

As the two of them were talking, they suddenly heard a sound outside.

The villagers in the distance began to whisper to each other. Not long after, they walked back and forth outside of the ancestral hall. Only after a while did someone enter.

"You two, come out." A villager pointed at the Yun siblings and shouted.

The two siblings looked at each other and walked out slowly.

When he went out, he found that the outside of the ancestral hall was packed with people, and they came from more than one village.

"Little brother Xiaoli!" Yun Mo saw Xiaoli in the crowd with her sharp eyes.

Xiaoli also saw them and smiled as she waved to them. Then, he turned to speak to Chen Tai who was beside him.

Chen Tai nodded and walked over.

"I will have to trouble the two of you with today's matter. The sky is fine now. If the two of you want to return to the county, I will get someone to send you back."

"No rush, no hurry." Yun Mo anxiously said, after that he ran over to Chen Tai and ran to Xiaoli's side: "Little brother Xiaoli, where's your sister?"

"It's still on the mountain." Before going down the mountain, Xiaoli intentionally went to look for her sister. Sure enough, on a big rock near the panther nest, she saw the female panther who was bathing in the sun, Xiao Ye and the two young panthers who were napping on her body.

pondered for a moment, even if he took his sister away, he wouldn't be able to feed her. That would probably make his sister hungry, so he steeled his heart, and did not bring his sister down the mountain. He only made a mark in the forest, planning to look for her everyday.

The way they died was bloody, and the way they died was terrifying. Coupled with the death of Huang Erbao a few days ago, in an instant, the originally simple and unsophisticated fishing villages seemed to be shrouded in a layer of blood that could not be seen. Danger and spying were right outside the blood veil, staring at them, ready to act.

The villagers were all discussing. There were those who said that this year was not peaceful, and there were also those who said that Huang Erbao's death was related to the locust tree. In the end, everyone talked about Red Pink.

Anyone who was older would tremble with fear at the mention of the word "red powder". Those who were more serious would even turn their head and leave immediately.

She was a citizen of a city. When she was young, she was the daughter of a landowner, but in the end, her family fell and she was sold to a brothel. Helpless, she lived the life of a pervert for two years.

Two years later, no one knew where she got the money. In short, she redeemed herself and bought a small yard in the village of Pirate.

When Red Powder moved to Third Village, the women in the village made a scene because Red Powder was a brothel girl. Even if she was redeemed, the women in the village still had evil intentions towards her.

As for the men, they would always look at her with frivolous eyes. It was as if she was not a person, but a commodity. Because she was not previously innocent, she could not be any more innocent in her entire life.

At that time, Chen Tai had been of great help. Because of this, Lady Chen had even had a fight with Chen Tai, claiming that Chen Tai had taken a fancy to this county's fox spirit.

At that time, someone also tried to persuade her that no one would welcome her and let her go. It would be best if she could start over in a place where no one knew her.

But not only did Red Pink not leave, she even gave birth to a child.

A child with an unknown father.

From the beginning to the end, no man had entered or left Red Pink's yard. However, she was pregnant in October and gave birth to a baby girl just like that.

The child was also suffering. He was born for three days, and after a heavy rain, he died.

After that, the Red Pink went crazy …

It was not like Li Yu'er's idiotic madness, as it was aggressive.

She hurt someone.

On a certain morning, the villagers would wake up and wash up as usual. However, they were suddenly stunned by the sound of thunder.

When everyone rushed over to check, they saw that Hong Lian was holding onto a saber. She had a sinister and strange smile on her face; the tip of the saber was still dripping blood. Beside her, a dying man was lying on the ground.

The man was not from Bai San Village. Later on, the yamen found out that he was Red Pink's former benefactor and not a local.

After the man recovered from his injuries, he left. There was no follow-up, but the matter of the red powder hurting someone caused the peaceful little village to no longer have peace.

Finally, one day, a village woman, carrying a knife full of black dog blood, ran to the gate of the red powder courtyard and threw it at her head. While she was doing so, she cursed, to the contrary, she said that the red powder had seduced her man, that she was shameless, that she was a whore.

Someone came out to mediate, saying that the red powder was already in such a state, how could it still seduce people?

Who would have thought that the village woman's man would actually admit that he had been bewitched by her and had done something against her.

Crazy red fans couldn't argue. She didn't even know what they were talking about.

When this happened, Chen Tai had helped Hong Lian by supporting her by the waist. He said that Hong Lian was delirious, and even if that happened to a man, the fault lay not with her but with the man who took advantage of her.

However, with this incident, regardless of whether or not Hong Peiqing was innocent, an unconscious woman living alone in a remote courtyard had countless men in the village have thoughts.

Even if they weren't from the same village, the people from the other villages would still be wandering around. Finally, one day, someone witnessed a man from the outer village sneaking out of the red powder room early in the morning.

After that, one, two, three, different men, different mornings.

In the end, as the village chief, Chen Tai personally ordered the red powder to be locked up!

The idea of being locked up was to prevent her from going berserk and wounding others, but in reality, this was a form of protection. If someone was locked up, the red powder would not be able to leave, and others would not be able to come in.

However, on the third day after they were locked up, Hong Lian died. She didn't die in the house, but on the riverbank. She died miserably, with blood flowing from her orifices and no tongue in her mouth.

He died because he chewed the root of the other person's tongue while he was alive. His tongue was taken away by a little imp.

It was unknown when this rumor had begun to spread, but Red Pink had not acted properly before going crazy. After going crazy and losing her instincts, how could she chew the root of someone's tongue?

At this moment, someone else turned their attention to the brothel where Red Powder used to sell herself.

After asking around, he found out that the reason Red Pink had the money to redeem herself was because she betrayed her best sister, Yan'Er.

A romantic woman was selfish and selfish.

It was said that Yan'Er had been killed by the bawd because the red powder had revealed to the bawd that Yan'Er wanted to elope with her lover.

As for her, this was a life for Yan'Er, a life for her.

The changing times, the matter of the red powder, had always been the unlucky story that the people of Bai San Village didn't want to tell.

Everyone felt that the Red Pink was not in the right. What happened after that was even more self-defeating. They all felt disgusted when they spoke of it.

Since then, however, two years later, the village woman who had started splashing red powder with dog's blood had inadvertently slipped up.

The village woman said that her husband had not cheated on her, she wanted to drive her out of the village, so she and her husband colluded in this good show.

However, no one expected that there would be other men that would sneak into the room with the red powder …

The moment he said this, the entire village went into an uproar.

In other words, it was precisely because of this scene that the men from other villages bullied Hong Lian? She didn't even have the strength to fight back when she was humiliated by those men?

This was nothing.

Half a year later, when some villagers who were out doing business came back to the village and heard about the red powder, they slammed the table and cried out in injustice, "Scoundrel my good sister, are you talking about Wan Yanfang's number one, Yan'Er? What a huge joke, that Yan'Er was really alive and well, where did she get a corpse and two lives? "I heard that the reason why Yan'Er could have her current status is because she exposed her relationship with her lover a few years ago. If we were to sell her out, she should have rebelled."

In this way, who was right and who was wrong?

The villagers of Bai San Village were all silent. They did not know what Red Pink had experienced, but in the beginning, other than Chen Tai, who was the village chief, the rest of the villagers had all treated her maliciously.

The pink child died three days after giving birth. How did he die?

That night, it rained heavily. Hong Lian, who was still weak in the middle of the moon, dragged her daughter, who had a high fever, to find the door. However, no one replied even after she knocked on all the doors.

The baby girl had died of an illness that night. Even Chen Tai had not opened the door to ask for help under Madam Chen's control.

Her daughter had died, Hong Lian had gone mad, her man was unknown, and she had been repeatedly insulted by different men, and finally … He had also lost his life.

It was like a story, a "story of someone else" that would soon be forgotten.

However, it had happened right next to the villagers of the Third Village. As they watched, they saw that all of this had happened. It even added fuel to the fire, making them seem like accomplices.

No one wanted to recall the past. When the word "red powder" was mentioned, everyone was silent. In this silence, there was regret, evasion, and apology.

However, this apology had long since lost the person in charge.

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