In the end, Liu Wei threw the golden thread back to Zhong Ziyu, passed by the two of them, and headed towards the stern area.

Only after she had walked far away and could no longer see did Wei Chou heave a sigh of relief. She then angrily slapped his old friend's face: "What are you still standing there for? Hide your thread and let her see you again.

Zhong Ziyu did not move, her eyebrows knitted together. She looked at Wei Chou and said: "Say, this line, will it really kill her?"

From his appearance to his departure, this short process was extremely clear to the man dressed as Liu Wei on the deck of the ship.

After the surroundings quieted down, Liu Wei sighed. His fingers tightly gripped the shuttle's pole at the edge of the boat.

He stayed on the deck until dusk and didn't eat anything in the middle. When he returned to the cabin again, Liu Wei's face had already turned pale due to the sea breeze.

Wei Chou carefully pointed towards the direction of the room, meaning that there was food left for her.

Liu Wei did not say anything and went straight in.

The cabin door closed, and in the quiet room, there were no sounds of babies crying, men asking questions, and even more so, little boys shouting.


Sitting on the flat bed, Liu Wei who was dressed in men's clothes, stared dumbly in the direction of the window.

From here, he could still see the scenery outside the boat, the dark sea water, and the goose flying towards the last sunset in the horizon.

Yes, it should be Hongyan.

Only the geese would fly in this manner at this time. Liu Wei didn't really care about it, but after a while, she realized that the group of wild geese was getting closer and closer.

After that, she realized that it wasn't a goose, but … Hawk?

It did look a bit like an eagle, but those flying wings, including its body size, were indeed similar to an eagle's.

When he thought of the eagle, he thought of his home.

During his stay on the boat, Liu Wei had met fishermen who went out to sea before. He had already figured out where this place was.

This was Immortal Swallow Country, a country that he had never heard of before.

She had a vague idea that this was probably the place they were looking for. That day, the tornado had dragged them into another part of the continent, and she had survived this ordeal.

As for the others.

Is he still alive?

After searching for half a month, other than the two people on the boat who she did not want to see again, she had not found any of her family. She did not know whether she would be able to see them again.

Now she missed them.

Look, even a hawk passing by on the horizon made her think of goo.

However, it was only a young falcon. Although it could fly, it wouldn't be able to fly for too long. Furthermore, because it hadn't grown up with its parents, it didn't have much independence, so it had to accompany Pearl wherever it went.

Yes, Pearl.

She thought about pearls, thought about Xiaoli again after thinking about pearls, and then took turns to think about everyone who had missed Xiaoli for who knows how many times today. She heard the cry of an eagle.

"Gu gu gu... "Gu gu gu …"


Liu Wei raised her head almost immediately and looked out the window.

When she looked, she saw a sturdy gray eagle standing in front of her window, calling out to her.

"Goo goo?" Liu Wei called out softly.

The gray eagle was not cuckoo, and its appearance was also completely different from cuckoo, so much so that its size was not even comparable to cuckoo, but when it heard Liu Wei's response, it cried out again, "cuckoo … "Gu gu gu …"

"Goo goo?" Liu Wei did not understand what it was saying.

In fact, she didn't think it was the eagle's cry. When they first adopted it, it was still too young to croak, and could only produce a "croak" sound from its throat. And because of this, it would always croak when it matured later on.

Liu Wei sometimes wondered, was it her own problem? She didn't correct it in time, so when she grew up, she wouldn't cry out like a hawk and only know how to crow like a chicken?

This was the first time Liu Wei had seen an eagle cry like his own, so she was a little curious.

GrayEagles called to her for a long time.

After a quarter of an hour, the gray eagle flew away.

Liu Wei looked in the direction it left in disappointment.

Just like that, the day passed. HNA was not fast, they were still at least 10 days away from White Mountain Continent.

In the middle of the night, Liu Wei heard the sound of "Ke ke".

At first, she thought it was the wind blowing against the window, but it didn't sound like it. She opened her eyes and looked towards the source of the sound. With that, she met with a pair of large black eyes.

After being stunned for a moment, Liu Wei immediately sat up, and casually lit up the candle.

When he looked again, he saw that there was an eagle outside the window.

A sharp falcon was knocking on the window. It had young teeth and a head full of dark brown hair. Young eagle.

Liu Wei placed the candle down and quickly rushed over.

Outside, the wind was blowing and the young falcon was still wet. Looking at its master who had been separated for days, it howled in grievance, "Gugugu..."

Then he tried his best to get in through the window and into the master's arms.

But the window was too small.

Liu Wei left the room in a hurry, and shouted in the misty night sky: "Gu gu."

Flapping its two wings, the well-built young falcon charged forward and buried its big wet head into its master's embrace.

Liu Wei did not know how he found him, and she did not care about anything else, only hugging him, a big smile appearing on his face. After laughing for a while, she led him into the house, and helped wipe the water on her body, and started rubbing her hair.

After it had been wiped clean, it told its master what had happened to it during this period of time. "Gugugu …"

Liu Wei didn't understand a single word, but she understood it himself, so he asked: "Are you hungry? I'll go find something for you to eat. You've already lost weight, so you definitely haven't had a proper meal yet. "

Feeling sorry for her mother's loss, the woman hurried to the kitchen, grabbed a chicken cage and brought it out to eat.

As he ate the chicken, he continued to talk to his master, "Gugugu …"

Liu Wei nodded, indicating that she had heard it, and then asked: "Are you thirsty? Let me find some water for you."

After the young falcon had eaten and drunk its fill, it quickly finished what it needed to say and obediently laid down on the master's warm bed.

In the end, after struggling for half a night, Liu Wei finally hugged and fell asleep.

But after she fell asleep, the obedient baby eagle jumped out of her bed. Then, it went to the window, opened the window panel with its sharp beak, and began to croak softly at the group of gray eagles hovering in midair outside the window.

By the time it had finished, the gray eagles had scattered. Gurgle gurgle. They climbed back onto the bed and pushed themselves into the arms of their owner.

He had slept for more than ten days, the most peaceful and peaceful time he had with his new master.

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