"Did you give her any money?" Xiaoli asked.

Jiang Shi shook her head and smiled bitterly, "She wants three thousand taels, I don't have any."

"You fool, tell me!" Madame Sun shouted again. While scolding Madame Jiang, she couldn't help but want to make a move. "Where did this fox spirit come from? Did you tell me that I'm going to tear her apart?"

"How did Second Young Master Sun return?"

"I haven't seen him." She said, "He's in my concubine's room, and I sent word that the person who sent the message came back later on, saying that my husband said he knew, it's not a big deal, but don't ask me to mind it, I just don't care, I just thought that Miss Huang was just a newfound greed of his, and probably did not contact her after that. But this time, I found out, that Miss Huang actually gave birth to her child, and she's also … And he died. "

Xiaoli digested the information. Even though he didn't know if Huang Erbao was related to Gao Huai, she did know of him.

And so, the three corpses that had been found in succession had all been strung together.

Triangle? Lust?

After the Jiang family felt that they had said all that needed to be said, they stood up, holding their daughter's hand and asked, "Can we leave now?"

Madam Sun was rather impatient. "Why are you so anxious to return?" You are Tai Su. You are just too inflexible. You can't even protect your husband! Causing him to find flowers and stir up trouble everyday! " Jiang Shi did not argue and lowered her head.

Madam Sun glanced at her white clothes, then looked at the other white flowers on her head. "Go home. Kneel before my son's soul. Don't be lazy!"

"En," Jiang Shi answered as she dragged her daughter out carefully.

Xiaoli was already done thinking, she did not care about Madam Sun who refused to leave, but looked towards the Master: "Have you remembered?"

This was the first time the master teacher had recorded a confession, so he didn't know if he had done it well. He quickly passed over a stack of paper for him to look at.

Xiaoli flipped through, and recognized most of the words, she nodded: "Alright, I'll think about it."

The Grand Master answered and stood up, saying, "I'll go to the front hall to take a look, the lord is still in front."

When he left, he even called for Lady Sun spiritually to leave, so as to not let this noisy woman obstruct the little spirit child from thinking about the case.

The mountain near the Black Water Village, let's not talk about its name on the map. The nearby villagers have always called it "Huaishan".

Because of the continuous rise and fall of the mountain, the unfurled mountain had developed into a cicada shape after the baptism of time. From afar, it looked like a mother's embrace, protecting the countless villages on both sides of the mountain.

The Huaishan Mountains were very steep and had abundant resources. For many years, the mountaineers who could not rely on fishing for a living had been hunting and logging on the Huaishan Mountains. It seemed that they had been living quite well.

Yama Minamiya had raised many people, and at the same time, he had given the mountain-shaped wild beasts a natural environment to survive in.

The mountain was simply too big, connecting dozens of villages from beginning to end. Therefore, many villagers stepped on small paths in the middle of these paths. From these small forks, they could enter the mountain.

The resources within a radius of 50 miles of a village close to a fork in the road were basically owned by the village. Although no one would be willing to say it out loud if people from other villages crossed over to the other side of the border to harvest and cut things down.

The place where the locust was found was within the boundaries of Four Seasons Village. However, the place where Xiao Ye was dragged away by the mother leopard was within the boundaries of the same moon village.

The mountain regions of the two villages were basically next to each other. Because he wanted to avoid any trouble, when Xiaoli went up the mountain again, he took the opportunity to go to the same moon village and climbed the mountain through the small path that the same moon village had made.

Recently, the news of Third Bai Village's Huang Erbao had spread like wildfire. The villagers of Full Moon Village had also heard it, so they naturally recognized the little brother Liu who came from Black Water Village.

The Four Seasons Village's villagers brought the corpse of Gao Huai into the city. After a day of interrogation, they did not manage to find any clues about the situation in Gao Huai's house, but Xiaoli had already guessed that the case of Gao Huai should be started from his network of connections.

Originally, he was worried about Uncle Rong, because when he went out in the morning, he had never seen Uncle Rong before. Furthermore, Uncle Rong's injuries were severe, so he wanted to come back early to take a look.

But as soon as he returned, he was pulled aside by Yun Meng.

Big brother Yun Mu mysteriously talked to him for a long time before finally saying, "Don't enter the room anymore. Your father missed your sister. He hasn't eaten for an entire day."

Only then did Xiaoli regain his senses. Then, he patted his short leg and said: "I'm going up the mountain now!"

Yun Mi pulled him back, "Look at the time, are we returning to the village now? It's already midnight! "

Xiaoli shook her head while carrying the small bag that she had just put down, and said: "It's fine, Uncle Tai also entered the city in the afternoon. When he came out of the yamen just now, I saw that he was about to return to the village.

This time, Chen Tai did not bring his daughter with him. He was the only one on the donkey cart, so it was not stressful for him to bring an extra child with him.

After Xiaoli finished talking to Yun Xun, she was afraid that there was not enough time, so she did not greet Uncle Rong and quickly ran away.

Seeing him leave, Yun Mo couldn't even scream.

Yun Chu, who was pulling Li Yu'er down the stairs, saw it too, and asked curiously: "Where is Brother Xiaoli going?"

Hearing Xiaoli's name, the timid Li Yu'er who had been holding onto the corner of Yun Chuyi's mouth immediately raised her head and looked around with glowing eyes.

Yun Mi sighed, "Go and fetch his sister. Didn't Young Master Rong already desperately go down to the ground? He's maiming himself to the point of losing his life."

Yun Chu shook his head, "Your son is already so busy. As a father, he really doesn't understand."

"That's right, little brother Xiaoli has worked too hard …"

The more the two siblings spoke, the more enthusiastic they got. In the end, they described Young Master Rong as a beast with a human's appearance, and Xiaoli as a small vegetable that sold its body and buried its father. Only then did they heave a sigh of relief.

And Rong Ling who was in the room: "... "Achoo." Twisting heart and lungs! Even breathing was painful!

Yun Xi, who had just put away the medicinal cloth, looked over and asked, "Is it typhoid?"

Rong Ling shook her head and looked out the window.

The mat followed his line of sight, only seeing the sky with colorful clouds. "Wait for your son?"

Rong Ling's expression became slightly richer, and her mouth formed a helpless smile: "He is exactly the same as his mother."

"Appearance?" the matron asked.

"He's got a temper." Rong Ling lowered her eyes, her gaze filled with deep yearning: "His mother is legal medical expert."

Yun Xi was stunned, she didn't expect that Madam Rong, who had never seen her in person, would actually do this … Hm, a loathsome profession?

Even if it was a burly man, there were not many who were willing to become a legal medical expert, let alone a woman.

"Quite the nerve." Yun Xi sincerely evaluated.

Rong Ling laughed again, feeling even more helpless.

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