Along the way, he had listened to these warnings many times.

Chen Tai nodded. At the same time, he was also worried. "Can you enter alone?" He was a child after all, and the beast he was facing was fierce!

Xiaoli confidently patted her chest: "It's okay, I will definitely bring my sister out!"

The important thing tonight was to take his sister away. He didn't want to play hide and seek with the big bear anymore.

The little guy circled around the danger zone that he had identified while moving forward. When he was certain of his position and was about to reach the panther nest, he suddenly heard a wolf howl coming from the distance!

That's right, it was the Howling Wolf!

He had heard the white wolf howl before, this was the sound!

Xiaoli's heart trembled, she could not help but increase her pace.

Wolves were social animals, and very few were left alone, so hearing a wolf howl usually meant that there were countless others lurking in the same direction.

Like he said, Xiaoli only wanted to stealthily steal her sister from the female leopard's embrace tonight. She did not plan to have any other interactions with any ferocious beasts in the forest.

But just because he didn't want to, didn't mean he didn't want to.

A moment after the wolf howled, a second sound rang out, then a third, then a fourth …

Gradually, the howls of the wolves sounded out in unison. The howls never stopped …

Xiaoli already had a bad premonition, his footsteps were even faster. The panther nest was just right in front of him, and he could recognize the direction.

But before arriving, Xiaoli planned to make the deal with Pearl first. If she could let Pearl lead the female leopard away, then she could successfully steal his little sister from her.

He had planned it well, but when he saw the panther nest in the distance, he could not find the pearl nearby.

No matter if they whispered their names, or called them "jie jie" like Pearl did, there was no response.

The bad premonition in his heart grew stronger and stronger. Xiaoli took a deep breath and immediately dashed out in front of the panther nest.

There was not a single panther hair on the empty surrounding, and in that pit filled with thick hay, Xiaoli felt that it was warm.

So it was like that.

As he regretted it in his heart, Xiaoli clenched his teeth, staring at the direction of the howls, feeling extremely angry.

Leopard are very sensitive and agile animals. In the wild, once they realize that they have a natural enemy that they can't suppress, they will run away and try their best to hide.

The pack of wolves howled as if they were in a meeting. When the female leopard heard such a commotion, even if it wasn't for her own sake and for the sake of the young leopard, she still had to leave quickly.

Therefore, when Xiaoli arrived, she directly pounced on empty air.

As he was annoyed at the wolves for calling out so loudly, he subconsciously looked up to the sky. But when he looked, Xiaoli saw the full moon that was round and bright like a big ball in the sky, and became silent.

Wolves loved to call themselves the moon. Every full moon night was when wolves gathered together. They loved to call out to the moon in a happy manner, like a kind of ceremony or a kind of faith.

Xiaoli reached out to wipe his cheeks. He felt that he was really too unlucky, how did he happen to meet the Full Moon Sun?

The howls of the wolves continued as if it was New Year's, making all the surrounding animals, large and small, that could hear them restless.

But they don't feel it.

It must have woken up the other animals, and they finally came out and accused them of making noise late at night.

It was the cry of a bear.

"Roar! Roar …" It was a very familiar sound.

Xiaoli listened for a while and thought that it might be the family of four from last time, but she couldn't guarantee anything. After all, there might be other families in the forest.

After the bear had cried, there was the tiger's cry, and then the owl's cry, and finally the cricket's cry, and even the rabbits had joined in, and for a moment all the animals and insects in the forest began to cry, and the wolf's cry became unintelligible when it became disorderly.

Xiaoli felt as if she was surrounded by beasts from all over the world. There were beasts howling from all directions, and they were even eyeing him like tigers stalking their prey.

On the other side, Pearl flew away with her mother, the leopard.

The mother leopard gently held the baby girl, who could not walk yet had no hair, in her mouth. She then led the two young leopards, who could already run on their own, from the boundaries of the Moon Village to the boundaries of the Black Water Village. If they continued forward, they would enter the depths of the forest.

When she felt the danger was far away, the mother leopard finally let go of her daughter. Then she cupped her hands around the two young leopards to ensure that their family was safe. She then laid down and buried the three puppies under her belly, exposing her three small heads.

However, not long after it had calmed down, it heard the sound of thin footsteps approaching from afar.

The female leopard immediately became alert. She stood up and blocked in front of the cub, her back arched as she stared at the darkness ahead.

After a while, a white wolf came out.

When she saw the wolf, she picked up her daughter, jumped onto the tallest rock nearby, placed her on top of it, and jumped down to pick up the other two leopards. While she was doing this, she kept letting out a low growl from her throat, warning the white wolf not to come any closer.

The pearl on the branch looked at the female panther and then at the large white wolf that had suddenly appeared. After being stunned for a moment, it flew to the top of the rock and landed beside the baby girl.

The baby girl didn't know what was going on, she just stayed on the top of the rock, holding her two leopard brothers weakly. Seeing a black bird fall beside her, she took the chance to hug it as well.

Under the rock, the female panther had a ferocious look on her face, ready to pounce and bite the white wolf at any moment.

Strangely, the white wolf didn't have any intention of responding. It didn't even move, only standing under the moonlight with its azure eyes staring calmly ahead.

After a moment, the sound of footsteps came from behind the white wolf.

The sound of footsteps was much softer this time. Then, the female leopard saw a human walking out from behind the white wolf.

He first looked at the mother leopard in front of him, then looked at the baby girl on the stone. Finally, he bent over and patted the head of the white wolf in front of him with difficulty, and asked in a intimate tone: "This is the purpose of you bringing me here? One, child? "

The white wolf raised its head at the right moment and howled, "Awoo —"

Its howl was clearly far away, so the wolves should not be able to hear it. Then, the pack of wolves started howling again. This howl also angered the other animals, making them race after race to hear it …

The howls rose and fell, growing louder and louder.

Xiaoli, who was cowering in her panther nest, trembled, "..."

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