Xiaoli uttered in realization, then said crisply: "My grandmother is also surnamed Ji."

Ji was not a rare surname.

The old man gently smiled and said, "What a coincidence."

It was unknown if Xiao Ye understood, but he happily smiled without teeth and even reached out his hand to touch the back of Xiao Hua's fur.

"This is?" The old man at the side asked hesitantly.

Xiaoli then handed the spider over to the old man, and said: "It's Little Flower, my good friend."

The old man's gaze subtly fell upon the spider. The spider seemed to be aware of the stranger's gaze as it raised its head to look at him. Its eyes locked for a moment before the old man laughed.

Xiaoli scratched her head in confusion when she saw the old man laughing heartily.

The old man laughed for a while, then patted the boy's head and said: "I really didn't expect that I would ever meet a kid who likes bugs in my life." He touched his chest and took out a white rock.

Xiaoli didn't know what it was. She extended a finger and poked it.

"This is a Gu worm. Have you heard of it?" The old man said.

Xiaoli opened her eyes in shock and said in a strange tone, "Yes, I heard my mother say that!"

The old man asked, "What else did your mother say?"

Xiaoli thought for a moment, then said: "My mother said that the ancient school of Gu doctors responded to the path of Gu worms, feeding the worms and protecting the world, but the method is too extreme, thus the Gu doctors have never been accepted by the apricot forests of the Central Plains, and the Gu doctors that still exist in this world are not one in a hundred. Furthermore, there are a few who are deceitful, and many of the common people who do not know the truth think that Gu doctors are nothing."

The old man nodded. He seemed to feel that if he had to think twice before an adult, he would be able to be magnanimous in front of a child. He smiled warmly: "Back then, I was saved by a Gu Doctor."

Xiaoli excitedly asked, "What happened next?"

"Later?" The old man raised the white stone in his hand, "That person asked me if I wanted to marry her. On the night of our wedding, he even planted this twin Gu in my heart. Afterwards, we gave birth to children, and she followed me to the Central Plains."

Xiaoli was startled: "Your wife, Grandma Bai?"

"You can call me Grandmother." The old man seemed to be in a good mood when he mentioned his wife, but then his expression darkened, "However, I have been away from home for a few years. I don't know if she is still here."

"She must still be here!" The little boy didn't say anything comforting, he only believed it.

The old man smiled, "Life and death are a process that everyone will experience in their entire lives. I don't dare to hope that one day I can return, but it's true. I really want to see her again."

"It will definitely work!" The little boy vowed.

He clearly knew that the child was just saying something nice, but he couldn't do anything about it. The old man loved to listen to this. He patted the seat beside him and let the child sit.

Xiaoli carried her sister and climbed up the brick bed, sitting on it with both feet in the air.

"Do you want to hear the story of the Twin Twins?" The white rock looked clean and smooth, probably because it had been in his hand all year round. From afar, it even looked like a white egg.

Xiaoli nodded and looked at him expectantly.

He told her about his wife, his daughter, and how, when he left, his daughter had been a naughty child, and his favorite thing was to bully other boys, and climb trees, and once when he dug out a beehive and let the bees hide their heads and let her mother rub the medicine on them, her head was bundled like a ball, but she was still strong, and the part of her mouth that wasn't covered was still covered in honey, and she was eating honey while her mother gave her a good beating to stop.

The old man was very happy when he said this. He even had a smile on the corners of his eyes.

Xiaoli was also happy to hear it, and she explained some of the interesting things about herself when she was young. Just like this, the two elderly and young people who were thousands of miles apart started to get along well, and in the end, it wasn't too early for Xiaoli to see them leave, and the old man was even particularly reluctant to leave.

"Stay a while longer, I'll make you some cured rice." The old man smiled and said as he held up the piece of cured meat Auntie Xu had given him.

Staring at the fragrant and oily meat, Xiaoli also wanted to eat it, but heshead a general idea of the situation. She remembered that she had something to do back at the county, so he could only bear with it and refuse, "Grandfather Bai, can I come and see you again later?"

When the old man saw that he was really going to leave, he stroked his head and said, "Grandfather is going to leave."

Xiaoli was startled: "Where are you going?"

The old man glanced at the white wolf lying on the brick bed with a baby girl sitting on top of it and said, "The white wolf was afraid that your sister would be in danger, so it told grandpa to come pick your sister up. Now that he's back, grandpa should go back."

Xiaoli was extremely reluctant: "Can't I not go? Aren't you from Red Village? "

The old man shook his head. "Grandfather is living somewhere else. This place … I'm afraid he won't be coming back in the future."

Xiaoli held the old man's hand, "Then where does Great Grandfather live? I'll come and see you in the future! "

The old man shook his head again. "You will be in danger if you go to that place."

Xiaoli said: "I'm not afraid of danger!"

The old man still did not agree, but in the end, he did not say anything anymore. Xiaoli had been unable to come up with anything after asking for a long time, but in the end, when she got Village Chief Hong to bring him away, she had a face full of disappointment.

All good things must come to an end. The elders who had lived for decades were very open-minded to this sort of thing.

At the same time, he was also very happy. In his old age, even on his deathbed, he was still able to meet such an interesting little friend.

Not only that, he was also from Greencloud Kingdom.

After the child left, the old man sat back on the brick bed. He looked at the mother leopard, who was still drowsy due to the injuries, then looked at the white wolf lying on the ground. He bent over and patted the head of the white wolf, saying, "Let's go back now."

The white wolf raised its head and gave him an "Ao Wu".

The old man laughed and asked, "You also can't bear to part with that child? Then you'll go find her after I leave? "

The white wolf didn't say anything, but lowered its head dejectedly.

The old man said: "I'm already satisfied that I was able to see you again before I died. Don't be angry."

The white wolf was unwilling to give up.

(End of chapter)

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