Outside of the Sun family's Dye Workshop, there had been a lot of people coming and going these few days. Everyone was curious about how terrible the Feng Shui of this workshop was. How come two young masters had died in a row?

Compared to Huang Erbao and Gao Huai who didn't have any background, the deaths of Sun Jian and Sun Tong were the talk of the town!

The county town was not big, and most of the people could only look up and not see them. It was hard to not be familiar with one of the bailiffs here, and one of the bailiffs was even his own family's uncle. While chasing people away, he did not have his guard up, and had his head pushed against by the bailiffs.

However, when they arrived at the sky well, their mother suddenly stopped. Looking at the huge square hole that shot up into the sky, she slowly raised her eyebrows.

Xiaoli immediately became spirited: "Mother?"

Liu Wei's gaze turned. There was a well in the sky well, but it looked to be broken, the barrels placed beside the well were all broken.

Liu Wei walked over and looked at the bottom of the well.

Xiaoli then said, "Mother, I have already checked this well on the first day, it is already a little dry. Normally, it is only enough for Zhao Wu to wash up and use it in the near future.

Xiaoli went over: "It hasn't withered yet, but I think it will dry up within the next year. Maybe there is something under the water, and I heard that the water flow is becoming less and less in recent years."

The well here in the Sun family's Dye Workshop was there before the workshop was built. It was not the only well there, but it was also the only well there.

Liu Wei squatted by the half dried up well and looked inside.

Xiaoli waited at the side for a long time, then carefully asked: "Does mother think that the culprit used this well to bring Sun Tong's corpse up?"

Liu Wei turned around, and glanced at her son: "What?"

Xiaoli blinked her eyes, looking at her mother and then at the well.

Liu Wei was helpless: "The murderer entered through the main entrance! I think this well is weird! "

Xiaoli ignored his mother's last half of words, and was only surprised to see something in front of him. "Did they really come in through the main entrance? Why? Mother, what did you discover? "Where did you find it? Tell me quickly, tell me quickly!"

Being constantly shouted at by his son, Liu Wei was unable to focus his mind to think. He could only pull his son to the front door.

This was the largest front door in the entire cloth shop.

Since Sun Jian's body was found in the cloth workshop, the entire front and middle courtyard was sealed. Only the back courtyard could be entered through the side door.

Allowing his son to stand in front of the gate, Liu Wei pointed at him: "What do you see?"

Xiaoli stared at the copper lock, and said in detail: "The big lock has been in use for many years, and the lock is very old. The area around the lock is extremely messy, and there are traces of a keyhole."

Liu Wei clicked his tongue: "Who told you to look at this, I'll let you look at the door knocker."

Xiaoli was startled, then looked at the two round door rings.

Compared to the weathered lock, the knocker was much cleaner. The knocker was also made of copper, with a black half-circle showing traces of rust on the top. The lower half of the semicircle was exceptionally bright, because people often pinched the lower half of the semicircle, causing it to wear out more and become cleaner.

Xiaoli examined the door knocker back and forth, left and right, all the corners and corners but she did not find anything wrong. She innocently looked at her mother and hid her neck into her collar.

Liu Wei sighed: "What about your observation skills?"

Xiaoli was about to cry, and rubbed the back of her hand across her eyes in grievance.

Liu Wei did not want to make her son cry on the second day so she could only patiently ask: "What's the difference between the left and right knocker?"

Xiaoli held back his tears and looked again. Then, he said. "Area …"

Xiaoli was stunned, her mouth opened wide in a daze, unable to comprehend what was happening.

Liu Wei began to explain to him: "The cloths shop is a closed operation environment, so the doors here are always closed. Do you remember that there is a cloth-dyeing workshop in the Qujiang County, what is it like?"

Xiaoli recalled back and immediately said: "They are all closed, because every cloth shop has their own secret recipe, what kind of material can be dyed in cloth, normal materials are not rare, but the more detailed the cloth is, the harder it is to dye, and there are even some that are complex, requiring it to be contaminated for dozens of days as a whole. Thus, this kind of factory type business environment that involves trade secrets, is mostly closed other than the shops at the front, and outsiders are not allowed to go near it easily."

Seeing that his son's memory was not bad, Liu Wei felt a little more gratified, and pointed to the door knocker: "These two doors are always closed, and if someone enters, they must be knocked on. Most of us are right-handed, so logically speaking, the door knocker on the right has a higher chance of being used."

Xiaoli kept nodding her head: "Yes yes yes, it's really like that, other people's gate rings are like that."

Liu Wei continued: "Go and feel what the two doorknobs really feel."

Xiaoli then went to feel it. After she was done, she hesitated for a good while and then said: "It's nothing much … "It's too, too big a region …"

"Right, why is there no difference?" Liu Wei retorted. Then, under her son's helpless gaze, she pointed to the left door knocker and said: "Years have passed, the left side has been used less, the right side has been used more. Logically speaking, the right side should be more smooth and the left side more rough.

Xiaoli's eyes widened as she stared at the two door knobs.

"Because someone else wiped it clean." Liu Wei frowned: "Someone used his hand to grab onto something, then held onto the left door knocker, and especially wiped it on afterwards. He even wiped it for a long time, to the point where the rough feeling on it felt smooth."

"In other words..."

Liu Wei nodded her head: "Yes, that is to say, when the culprit entered the cloth-dyeing workshop through the main entrance, the main door was not locked, so he knocked on the door. Let's say that the murderer, with his right hand holding the corpse, had knocked on the door knocker on the left side of the door because he was used to standing, and then someone opened the door for him, and then the murderer, or whoever opened the door for him, had wiped away what they had touched on the knocker, in case anyone found out. They had wiped it for a long time, and had wiped the knocker clean, so as to leave no evidence, but instead, the right knocker, except for the part that has been held by someone for years, is still covered in rust, and the left knocker, because it has been specially wiped, and even looked a lot cleaner. "

"Then... That is to say, the culprits are not the same? "

Liu Wei patted her son's head.

Xiaoli didn't actually think that his observation skills were so weak that it could blind, but compared to her mother, he was truly too lacking. After pardoning him, he became spirited again: "The accomplice opened the door for the murderer, so the accomplice was a person from the dyed cloth shop, but that's not right, the cloth shop has already been sealed, and the only use of the back door is for Zhao Wu, could it be that the accomplice is Zhao Wu?"

Liu Wei couldn't take it anymore, she poked a finger into his son's forehead, regretting that he did not meet his expectations. "I just praised you a bit, then immediately turned stupid."

Xiaoli pitifully hugged her head and looked at her mother.

Liu Wei had a terrible headache: "Zhao Wu Ruo is an accomplice, why would they go through the main entrance? Wouldn't it be fine if he just went to the back door? And since the culprit entered through the main entrance, the culprit must be someone who has a key to the main entrance, understand? "

Xiaoli had an idea, "Management?"

Liu Wei nodded her head: "Although Zhao Wu is also a manager, I think that he doesn't have the qualifications to be in charge of the door key. Go back and look through the information of all the employees in the cloth shop again.

Xiaoli agreed quickly, and promised solemnly: "I will definitely look good, I will definitely find the culprit's identity! Mother, you believe in me! "

Liu Wei was at a loss...

(End of chapter)

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