There was a young maid standing outside Emissary Sun. That young maid was the maid who had been entrusted by the Jiang Clan to take care of her daughter.

The three-year-old Sun Ke stood behind his grandfather, the tip of his nose slightly red.

Steward Sun was unclear about Liu Wei's identity, and did not wish to offend his. Thus, he nodded to his granddaughter.

… ….

The Jiang Clan left for a very long time, and only after Xiaoli had interrogated more than half of the Sun Clan's servants, did she return. She came back alone.

Everyone knew that they had hit a nail on the head and did not invite the Eldest Young Madam over.

Seeing this, Madame Sun's face became extremely ugly. When Madame Jiang entered, she held back her anger and scolded, "You can't call anyone over! What's the use of keeping you alive! "

Lady Jiang was not as timid as before. Instead, she said, "Mother, Eldest Sister-in-Law said that she will come over after she changes her clothes. She asked me to return first."

Madam Sun was surprised for a moment, and her complexion immediately improved as she heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, Madame Jiang had brought her order to call for someone. If she didn't manage to call for someone, it would be a disgrace for an old granny like her.

When Xiaoli asked all the servants once, then ran back to his mother's side and whispered to her, there was a commotion coming from outside.

The one who had just arrived was the eldest wife of the Sun family, who was said to be the daughter of the branch family in the Ting Jiang Prefecture, Wan family, Wan Ruxue.

Liu Wei had seen many noble women. To put it lower, her second sister Liu Yao was a representative, to put it in a higher context, even the princess, princess and empress had all seen his before.

However, none of them had the presence of this Prefecture Overseer's daughter.

Maybe it was because Qingyun Country was different from Immortal Yan Nation, it was Liu Wei's first time seeing this kind of woman, who had just died and was dressed no worse than someone who drank wedding wine.

She wore a bright red dress with a full set of pearls hanging from her head. Her hair was tied with a butterfly hairpin, and she wore earrings inlaid with pure gold.

Seeing this, Liu Wei was speechless.

Then, Liu Wei heard a "bang" sound.

The Jiang family's daughter, Sun Ke, immediately cried again. He grabbed his grandfather's sleeve and shouted, "Grandfather, stop hitting my mother … … Grandfather, stop hitting my mother … "

It was as if a farce was unfolding in the entire lobby.

As for the heavily made up and red and purple Madam Wan, she glanced contemptuously at Madam Sun as she walked into the hall. She coldly blew on her nails and asked: "Granny, you're not referring to me, the son of a b * tch who insulted me, right?"

Madam Sun's face was livid. At any rate, she stopped hitting Madame Jiang's hands, and her entire body was trembling.

There was a large bruise on the corner of Jiang Shi's mouth and her eyes were torn, but she did not utter a sound. She lowered her head, rushed over, and hugged her daughter, coaxing her not to look, cry, or listen.

Madame Sun was so angry that she wanted to vent her anger on her second daughter-in-law.

Steward Sun didn't stay idle either. With an ashen face, he slapped the tea table, turned his head, and shouted at his little granddaughter who was still sobbing, "Crying, you only know how to cry!" Your father made you cry! If I had known that your mother would give birth to a bereaved star like you, I would have immediately sent you down the well.

Wan Shi walked around the hall before finally stopping in the middle of the hall. She arrogantly looked at the hall and asked, "Why did you call me out?"

When Vanjit had finished, his eyes fell on the two strangers in the hall.

Liu Wei said softly: "Eldest Young Madam, the reason I came today was to ask, when your husband was still alive, did you know that he had the key to the Dye Workshop?"

Liu Wei was faking it by saying that he had the key, but he didn't say that he had already handed it over. She wanted to see if he knew anything else.

But Liu Wei was disappointed. Wan Shi touched his nails and said: "I have not."

"Think about it carefully. Such a key." Liu Wei said, as she took out the key in Jin head and shook it.

Wan Zhenghao didn't even raise his head. "I've never seen him before."

Liu Wei continued: "Take a look."

Wan Zhenghao frowned. He raised his head and asked coldly, "What's your name?"

Liu Wei had a good temper, "My surname is Liu."

"I asked what your name is."

Liu Wei hesitated for a moment, but still answered: "Single name with the word 'Wei'."

"Wei" was a word commonly used, but when it came to names, especially for men, most people would think of "Wei". Therefore, he heard Wan Shi ridiculing him, "You're not a member of the yamen, right?"

However, Liu Wei said: "You even know of the people from the yamen?"

Lady Wan snorted. "You're not from the county yamen. Don't tell me you're from the state yamen?"

Liu Wei did not reply and took out the key again: "You should tell me whether or not you have seen it before."

Wan Shi proudly walked in front of Liu Wei and raised his hand.

Liu Wei handed the key over to her.

Wan of the Clouds suddenly stopped, and with a "Pa La" sound, the key fell to the ground.

Wan Shi smirked. She stomped on the key and took the opportunity to kick the key into the corner. "You, Bai Shan Zhou, don't even dare to put on airs in front of me. Who do you think you are?"

Liu Wei felt that he had experienced it himself. Previously, she thought that Infanta Yuehai, who was being maliciously raised by the Qianling Emperor and the Empress, was rude enough.

"Then who do you think you are?" These words were not from Liu Wei, but Xiaoli who had been obediently staying by her mother's side the entire time.

Seeing that his mother was wronged, especially when other people were still pointing and scolding his mother, the little guy immediately became angry. After replying, he used his two black and bright round eyes and maliciously stared at Wan Shi.

Liu Wei wanted to say that his son's expression was really not that of a ferocious beast, but before she could order her son to stop, a little brat had already provoked his. "Where did this little bastard come from? After he finished speaking, he raised his leg and wanted to kick Xiaoli.

Liu Wei was kind before, no matter how arrogant the Wan family was, she did not put the other party in her eyes, but when he saw that she was about to do something to a child, her eyes instantly narrowed.

It was obviously impossible for Wan Shi to kick Xiaoli, let alone Liu Wei, even if Xiaoli herself was here, she would not suffer such a loss.

The little guy's body flashed, dodging Wan Zhenghao's attack. Not only did Wan Zhenghao miss, he also lost his balance. He leaned forward and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the maidservants by her side were able to support her in time, preventing her from falling to the ground.

However, Wan Shi who had never experienced such grievances in her life was enraged, she flung away the servant girl's support and reached out to grab Xiaoli.

Xiaoli frowned and moved to the side, she then warned: "I have the ability to hit women, do not provoke me!"

Wan Shi burst into laughter in anger: "I will teach you a good lesson on behalf of your parents! "Stop right there!"

In the end, Xiaoli didn't attack her, she only circled around to dodge. Wan Shi herself couldn't catch him, so she scolded the servants in the room: "Arrest this lowly bastard right now!"

After hesitating for a long time, the servants looked hesitantly at Lady Sun and Lady Sun, unable to make a move.

Steward Sun and Madam Sun hated this behavior to death. Although they didn't dare to provoke her, they didn't need to stick close to her and flatter her. As a result, the two of them remained silent with cold faces, let alone express their opinions.

If the master did not say anything, the entire Sun family would not dare to act rashly.

Wan Shi was furious. She laughed and said, "Alright, alright, alright. If you dare to insult me, wait for me to tell my father that your Sun family is waiting to be slaughtered. Do not leave any chickens or dogs!"


Before he finished his sentence, he felt a burning pain on his left cheek! She covered her face and looked at the white-clothed youth in front of her with disbelief!

Liu Wei expressionlessly gave Wan Shi a slap. While the other party was still in a daze, Liu Wei turned her hand and slapped Wan Shi's right cheek.

Wan of the Clouds covered her face with her hands and took a few steps back.

Liu Wei stepped forward, grabbed her by the collar, and threw her onto the ground.

Wan Shi was so frightened that she couldn't even speak, she didn't care about the pain in her face or her butt, she only extended her finger and stammered while pointing at Liu Wei: "You, you, you … …"

Liu Wei stretched out her hand and grabbed her finger.


Liu Wei once again covered her mouth, pulling her hair and pulling her head up in the air, making her look at him.

Wan Shi was trembling with fear.

Liu Wei also did not say anything, she only narrowed her eyes and looked at the crowd who were dumbstruck, and then at Ole Gold who was the most eye-catching among them: "Give me the key."

Fatty Jin did not come back to his senses first, but when he reacted, he immediately rushed over and picked up the cloth shop key that was kicked into the corner by Wan Shi Wu, and handed it over to Liu Wei while trembling.

Liu Wei held the key and pulled Wan Shi's hair, causing her to grimace in pain. She pointed the key's tip at Wan Shi's eyes, approaching her pupils, and said: "I ask you, have you ever seen this key before! "Look carefully!"

(End of chapter)

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