Wan Shi's tone didn't sound like she was joking. She really did think that her words would be able to make Grandma Jiang beat her to a pulp. It was simply too interesting. She was so happy that she didn't even try to cover it up.

Liu Wei didn't know what to say. She only thought that this Sun Tong was also bold, and actually had a secret relationship with Jiang Clan, knowing full well that his wife was an overlord flower that no one could afford to offend.

Damn, Sun Jian's coffin was glowing with a green light.

The servant girl finally heaved a sigh of relief after walking out of the Sun Residence's gate. However, before Liu Wei even walked far, he heard her cry out "Ah!", and cried out in a small voice.

Liu Wei turned her head, only to see the servant girl and a young boy suddenly appearing out of nowhere and entangled together.

The two of them fell on the ground at the doorstep. Behind the little boy was a large group of maids, and they started shouting at each other when they saw the situation.

"Young master Jun, please slow down! Aiyo, did the fall hurt? Which room is your servant from? How do you walk? "

Liu Wei recognized that the little boy was the son of the Jiang Clan called Sun Jun. He was also in the hall earlier and had been carried by his wet nurse this whole time.

Liu Wei had heard about the Sun family from Xiaoli and knew that Sun Ke and Sun Jun were siblings, but the two of them did not look like each other. Sun Jun had raised Steward Sun and Madam Sun since he was born, while Sun Ke had grown up with the Jiang family.

Perhaps because he was still too young, Sun Jun was not spoiled by the servants that ran away like smoke. After the little boy was lifted up from the ground, he did not blame that servant girl from Wan Shi who fell down with him. He even said to the wet nurse behind him, "I hit her."

A three year old child, his speech was still rather sloppy. He sounded so childish that he couldn't even straighten out his tongue.

The wet nurse examined his limbs and said, "Our Young Master Jun is walking slowly. Tell someone to arrange a carriage for you where you want to go. How can you move your feet?"

The little boy nodded, then he threw himself into the nurse's arms.

The wet nurse held his hands and looked at the servant girl who had crawled up from the ground. She recognized the owner of the house and didn't dare to say anything else: "Be careful next time. Young master Jun is still young and has been knocked down."

Nanny's words weren't very loud, but the servant girl's face was tense and extremely unhappy. It was probably because she was a member of the family of the Great Empress, this servant girl had a very grand style, she directly snorted, and even glared at Sun Jun before turning her head and leaving.

Just then, a carriage came by the door, and a group of people walked past Liu Wei's side, and got on the carriage.

After Sun Jun was placed onto the carriage, he leaned curiously towards the window and pulled open the carriage's curtain. His eyes were fixed on the spot where Liu Wei was standing, as if she recognized this uncle of her that she had met in the great hall.

Liu Wei had no ill intentions towards this child. No matter if he was a friend of the Jiang Clan or had a secret relationship with Sun Tong, she felt that this child was nimble and waved her hand to greet him.

The boy blinked and reached out a hand to her.

Liu Wei thought of something and walked over to the car. She took out a peanut candy from her chest pocket, just like what she had fed Sun Ke.

Sun Jun curiously received the candy before turning his head to give it to the wet nurse who was sitting behind him in the car.

The nanny looked at Liu Wei through the window, she did not want to greet him, so she only hugged the little mistress closer to her chest and said to the front: "Let's go."

The carriage moved forward evenly, Liu Wei did not care about this matter, following the opposite route, they went to the Sun family's cloth-dyeing workshop.

When she arrived, Xiaoli and County Magistrate Song were both there.

County Magistrate Song did not know why the little boy wanted to pull him out. Only later on did he find out that it was the little boy's mother who wanted to see him.

He felt that he was a parent official and an order official of the imperial government. If the commoners wanted to see him, they had to go to the yamen to get someone to notify them. How could they let him come personally?

He was particularly unhappy, and his face was tense. He had long turned around and left, not out of respect for the little boy.

When he saw the mother of the little child, County Magistrate Song still wanted to put on airs and put on airs, but he suddenly thought of the corpse in the morgue that morning. The appearance of this person fiddling with the corpse, his impulse to reach the top of his head was suppressed.

Liu Wei did not talk about the money first, but carefully led County Governor Song to the front gate of the cloth shop, explained the matter about the door knocker, and told him about the progress they had gotten from visiting the Sun family. County Official Song did not know that after doing so many things today, they had already exploded when they heard that there were two murderers.

"We can't even find one, and there are still two of them?" He was about to collapse.

Xiaoli looked down on them: "What do you know, one is limited in scope and the other is wide in scope. Since we are working together to commit the crime, as long as one of you is exposed, the root of the crime can be uprooted, do you understand?"

County Magistrate Song did not expect this. He gave an "oh" and asked, "Do you have any clues?" Has anyone made a mistake? "

Xiaoli did not make a sound, holding back her anger she turned her head away.

County Official Song looked at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei said: "Not at the moment, but it will be soon."

County Magistrate Song listened attentively, "What do you mean?"

"I wonder how much authority does County Governor Song possess? "Let's put it this way, I want you to keep every single person in the Sun family under surveillance. Can you do that?"

"You still suspect that the culprit is in the Sun family?" County Magistrate Song pondered for a moment. He felt that the possibility of the murderer being in the Sun family was very high, so he said, "Everyone? It should be possible. "

Liu Wei nodded her head, "A few masters should be extra meticulous, Lady Sun and Lady Sun are no exception."

County Magistrate Song wanted to say who killed his son, but in the end, he chose not to. He only agreed, "Sure."

Liu Wei then said: "Prepare another two thousand taels of silver for me. Will that be difficult?"

County Magistrate Song was stunned, his mouth agape. "Two thousand taels of silver?"

"Is there a problem?"

County Magistrate Song laughed: "Of course there's a problem, where can I go to steal it for you? What do you want two thousand silver for? That much money for the murder? If I haven't solved a murder case before, don't lie to me. I've also never heard colleagues from other counties mention that you need to spend money to solve a case! "

County Commander Song was an economic official. He was able to manage Xijin County with increasing wealth. What he could not do without was opening up his sources of income, opening up the sources of wealth for the gentry and merchants, and spending money on festivals and festivals.

In short, County Magistrate Song was a stingy person. He was stingy to the point that even the reward of solving the case for the little spirit child had to be paid out of half by Steward Sun.

But Liu Wei obviously did not buy it.

"No money?" Liu Wei raised her eyebrows, and extended her hand to hold her son's hand: "Let's go."

County Magistrate Song quickly stopped him, "Wait, where are you guys going?"

Liu Wei replied: "Beijing."

County Magistrate Song frowned, "Going now? But the case is not solved. "

Liu Wei said naturally: "That is a matter of your county's yamen, what does it have to do with us?"

"You …"

County Magistrate Song finally understood that this person was blackmailing him! Blackmail the imperial court's officials!

"You can't leave. Little Ling Tong promised to help me solve this case!"

Liu Wei lowered her head and asked his son: "Do you want to stay here alone, or do you want to go with us?"

Xiaoli didn't know that his mother was trying to make him retreat in order to advance. She thought that his mother was really going to abandon him and leave by herself, so she hurriedly hugged her waist, the tip of her nose turning red. "I want to be with mother, mother can't leave me …"

Liu Wei held his son's small body, raised his head and looked at County Official Song, her meaning clear.

County Governor Song was about to blow his top, "You, you guys... This is extortion! It's a bandit! "

Liu Wei brought her son and left.

County Magistrate Song hastily rushed forward to stop her. "Aunt, our West Entering County is just a small county. It really doesn't have two thousand taels."

Liu Wei continued to walk.

"If you are willing to let it go, the less it gets, the less it will be. Two hundred, two hundred lines, won't it?"

Liu Wei walked faster and faster.

"Three hundred liang, I really don't have it …"

"Then four hundred, four hundred …"

"Good, good, good. Six hundred and six hundred, let's make do with some lucky numbers."

"800 is fine, right? 800 is fine, 800 taels of snow silver ah, big sister, big brother, listen to me first, don't be in such a hurry to leave … …" "800 is fine, 800 is fine, 800 taels of snow silver ah. Big sister, big brother, listen to me first … …"

"One thousand one hundred, one thousand taels, I really don't have any. Really, I didn't lie to you!"

Liu Wei finally stopped and turned, a smile appearing on her face.

County Magistrate Song was suddenly overcome with grief. His throat was choked with sobs as he squatted on the ground, clutching his face and crying out loud.

Liu Wei led her son past him. Beforehe left, she comforted him gently: "Don't worry, this money is definitely worth the money you have spent. It's the murder case of four people.

County Magistrate Song was not happy at all. He raised his head and glared at them, his eyes red!

After spending a thousand taels of silver, he had finally outsourced all four murders.

When County Magistrate Song left the dyeing workshop, he was still muddleheaded and he swayed from left to right as he walked.

As a result, he was almost knocked to the ground by a passerby who was in a hurry.

Since County Magistrate Song was not wearing official uniform, the passersby were too busy to notice who he was, so they didn't have time to apologize. They hurriedly walked forward while shouting loudly, "Someone come quickly! Sun family's carriage is on fire! Sun family's three servants and one Young Master Sun! Burned alive! "

As the screams of passersby filled the end of the street, County Magistrate Song abruptly regained his senses. His eyes widened as he stood on the spot in disbelief.

Behind him, he could faintly hear someone asking curiously, "What? The Sun family's carriage was on fire? Which young master Sun burned to death? Isn't there only two young masters in the Sun family? "

The person who shouted said, "It's the son of the Sun family's second young master. He just turned three last month, Young Master Sun is called Jun'er!"

(End of chapter)

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