In the dark, narrow cell, the floor was wet and reeking of moisture.

He passed by many dilapidated cells, and from time to time, he could see pairs of eyes shining at the edges of the cells.

When he thought of the five hundred silver taels he had agreed on, the fear he had of the dungeon vanished like smoke in thin air. That was five hundred taels! With that five hundred silver, what kind of woman couldn't he have?

Zhang Peizi looked at his wife. His wife had already walked to the corner of the cell and was squatting down. Her long hair was hanging in front of her chest.

"Ah Juan …" After all, he had been following her for a few years and was about to die. He wanted to say a few more words to her.

But his wife did not move, much less raise her head. It was so quiet that it was as if she had blended into the darkness.

"What are you doing, hurry up!" Seeing Zhang Pi procrastinating, the head of the prison let out a loud roar.

He looked at his wife again, and in the end, he could only hurriedly say: "Leave in peace, I'll order the best coffin for you later. Back then, your entire family was starving to death, and it was my mother who paid 10 taels of silver to save them.

Zhang Pingzi's wife moved. Her eyes, which were covered by her hair, looked outside faintly.

Unfortunately, Zhang Pi didn't have the time to look. The head of the prison was already about to attack, so he had no choice but to follow.

The man's cell was different from the woman's. After walking for a while, Zhang Pi was locked in one of the cells.

The air in the dungeon was really poor. Zhang Pai Zi's wife's cell had no windows, but Zhang Pi's room had a small window, about the size of a palm, which was just enough for breathing. He definitely couldn't do anything else.

When Liu Wei rushed over with her men, it was already an hour later. The yamen runner hastily told the head of the prison that something might have happened, but the head of the prison did not understand what happened, and immediately led the way.

They passed through a series of forks in the road. When they arrived at Zhangzi's cell, they saw Zhangzi sleeping on the straw with his face facing the wall.

As the head of the prison touched his keys, he said, "See, what can I do for you? It's not going to be good."

Liu Wei frowned, looking at Zhang Ma Zi's back, she pursed her lips and said: "Quickly open the door."

The jailer swiftly unlocked the door, and when he opened it, he called out, "Zhang Pi!" "Get up!"

The person on the straw didn't move, but stayed in the same position quietly.

Liu Wei already knew that something was wrong. She walked forward silently and patted Zhang Ma's shoulder. Immediately, a person who was sleeping soundly collapsed.

Zhang Pi was flipped over, and a bloody face with seven holes appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah!" The head of the prison and the bailiff simultaneously sucked in a breath of cold air.

Xiaoli, who was originally standing right at the back, walked to the front and stood by her mother's side and said softly: "I was poisoned."

His face was crisscrossed with blue and white, and his eyes were rimmed with black blood. This was his reaction after he had been poisoned by the rat poison.

"What about his wife?" Liu Wei turned to ask the jailer.

Under the intense shock, the head of the prison took a long time to recover before he pointed in another direction with his trembling hands.

Liu Wei pushed open the door and ran in that direction. Xiaoli followed behind her mother, followed by the head of the prison guard and the bailiff.

When everyone rushed to the cell where Zhang Pingzi's wife was, they saw that at the side of the cell, Zhang Pingzi's wife was holding her head against the wall, doing something unknown.

"Is he dead as well?" The jailer was so scared that he was about to cry.

Liu Wei said: "Open the lock first."

The head of the prison hurriedly unlocked the door. Because it was too dark inside, they couldn't tell whether Zhang Pai Zi's wife's eyes were open or closed. They could only slowly approach.

And just as Liu Wei was about to reach out and touch Zhang Ma Zi's shoulder, the other side moved, her neck standing straight.

"He's dead?" A hoarse voice came out from her throat as she straightened her body and stood up from the ground.

Liu Wei took half a step back and looked at her.

Zhang Pingzi's wife slowly walked to the darkest corner. When she reached a place slightly lit up, everyone realized that a ferocious smile was floating on her face.

His eyes were bulging, his skin pale, his lips cracked in scarlet, but the corners of his mouth were raised high.

"Dead? Isn't it? "Isn't it?" She walked forward step by step. She walked slowly, but every step she took, her entire body would shake crazily for some reason!

The head of the prison and the bailiff retreated step by step in fright from the woman's crazed expression, and finally left the prison, stuck at the door trembling. Liu Wei and Xiaoli did not leave, the two of them just stood there, waiting for Zhang Pi Zi's wife to come to their view.

"Rat poison!" She has the smell of rat poison on her hands! "

Zhang Pingzi's daughter-in-law laughed again, from a low and secretive laugh to a raging one. Finally, tears flowed out of the corners of her eyes, and she laughed until she was twitching and crying: "Dead …" Dead …. I killed him. "I finally killed him …"

Liu Wei could see that she was in a bad mood, so she quickly walked over and held her shoulders, allowing her to look at him. "Tell me, how did you kill him?"

Zhang Ma Zi's wife stared at Liu Wei, her gaze became absent-minded, and muttered: "I'm walking behind him. I'll put the medicine. The wind blew into his ears. He didn't know … He doesn't know anything. Hehehe... He doesn't have me in his heart. He only knew that money … Haha... He's dead. "He's finally dead …"

Liu Wei then opened the hands of his wife, and as expected, she saw that there was even powder of the special poison rat poison in the gaps of her fingers. If it was such a powder, it could indeed blow into one's ears, and detect the itch in one's ears.

"Did you buy such a potent poison?" Liu Wei asked again.

Zhang Ma Zi's wife leaned forward, leaned close to Liu Wei's ear, and sighed: "Yes …. Madam... For me. "

(End of chapter)

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