Zhong Ziyu had originally wanted to help her, but after hearing her words, she lost all of her mood.

His face was covered, as if someone owed him several hundred taels of silver. His nose was not his nose, and his eyes were not his eyes. He said, "I don't know how to do that."

Liu Wei raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Liu Wei went over to pull his ear again, and twisted it completely, shouting at him: "Did your skin itch? Do you need a beating? She even tied a lantern? I'll skin you and tie you up like a lantern! "

Zhong Ziyu's ears hurt so much that it pierced her heart. While carefully touching the tip of her ears, she stammered, "Let, let go of me … "Let go …"

Before wrenching off his ears, Liu Wei still let him go, and warned him: "What I say, what you do! "If you dare to play however you like, you can see whether or not you can live until the next day!"

Zhong Ziyu was unconvinced and angry, but he had no inner force, he could not beat Liu Wei!

After fighting in his heart for a long time, Zhong Ziyu finally gave in to Liu Wei's obscene might, and reluctantly let out a "yea".

Liu Wei snorted coldly, she felt that this man was simply stepping on his nose and not giving him the slightest bit of face, or else he would not know who she was.

After teaching Zhong Ziyu a lesson, Liu Wei brought him to the back door of the Sun palace and told him to wait while she went around to the main entrance and entered the mansion through the main entrance.

The gatekeepers at the Sun family were all familiar with Liu Wei, and had been in and out of the house countless of times, did they really treat this place as their home?

However, when the Sun family was in an accident, the Sun family was able to make the decision either by lying in bed or by going to the yamen to argue with the magistrate. Today, the defense of the Sun family was at its most relaxed, even the servants were busy listening to the gossip.

Just like that, Liu Wei casually strolled through the main street and headed straight into the Sun Residence.

After passing through the gatehouse to the pavilion in the front courtyard, Liu Wei saw Xiaoli. Xiaoli sent Sun Ke back to the second room to wait for his mother, who previously said that she would return to the Sun family estate.

When he saw his mother, the little guy ran over to inform her, "Sun family's eldest young mistress is still in the main house. I heard that she hasn't been out for an entire afternoon."

Liu Wei nodded, and asked a few more questions.

Xiaoli had obviously asked around and answered all the questions.

Finally, after thinking for a bit, Liu Wei said: "Go to the Sun Manor's back door and wait there. That's right, Zhong Ziyu is outside, don't worry about him, I'll look for him to help out."

Xiaoli did not say anything in the first place, but the moment she heard the three words "Zhong Ziyu", he opened her eyes wide: "Guyong Mansion, that … The one with the surname Zhong? "

Liu Wei nodded: "That's him."

Xiaoli frowned: "Why is he here? What did he want to do? Mother, he is not a good person! "

Liu Wei waved her hands to calm him down: "I know, I know, don't worry about me. I met him on the way here, it took a long time to talk, I'll explain it to you in detail later."

Xiaoli's face was stern, her entire body was filled with unhappiness.

Liu Wei had no choice but to coax him: "Go to the back door and wait. I'll be there shortly."

In the end, Xiaoli was sent away. Liu Wei walked straight to the Sun family's main house, which was located in the middle courtyard.

In the morning, Liu Wei and the others visited his. She went to the Main Hall and stayed in the courtyard ever after, and even when Liu Wei went to look for her, she still met him in his courtyard.

There was no need to inform anyone about the gate outside, but the mansion was heavily guarded. As long as there was one more step, there would be servants blocking it.

Even after being stopped, Liu Wei did not get angry, and calmly expressed that she wanted to see Wan Shi.

The servant spread the news, and soon, the Wan family came out.

She looked at Liu Wei, and her condescending attitude, and her lips lifted slightly. It was obvious that she was in a good mood, to the point that she did not care about the fact that the person in front of her had abused her twice, making her angry like a puffer fish and did not dare say anything.

With a wave of his hand, Wan Shi Sang dismissed the servants around and personally led Liu Wei to the pavilion in the middle of the courtyard.

Seeing her act this way, Liu Wei knew that he had underestimated the Prefecture Lord's daughter. After waiting for everyone around to leave, Liu Wei opened his mouth first: "Good method First Young Madam."

Hearing that, Wan Shi burst into laughter and said without concealing anything: "You know about it, hahaha, I said, this is going to be such a sensation, you should be thinking about me."

"Deny what?" Wan Shi stroked her nails that had been painted a bright red, and said, "If you're a straightforward person, then I won't lie to others. I'll still pretend to be against others, but towards you, I'll save this effort. Aren't you amazing?" Now, tell me, are you strong, or am I strong? "

"Buying a murderer and instigating it to kill, it's naturally you who are stronger." Liu Wei said.

She laughed again, "It's good that you admit it. This lady isn't afraid to tell you directly that the next person is that slut, Jiang Lady. Didn't you notice that she wasn't in the mansion?"

Liu Wei rolled her eyes: "Do you know where she is?"

"I don't know where I went before, but now I know." Looking at the sky, Wan Zhenghao estimated, "In about fifteen minutes, the good news will arrive."

Liu Wei was silent for a moment, then said half an hour: "Then let's just wait for a quarter of an hour?"

Wan Shi raised her eyebrows and humphed lightly, "I'll let you see just how capable I am."

There was a brief silence.

It was already dusk, and the sun was setting very quickly. As the horizon turned completely dark, a quarter of an hour passed, an hour passed, and two hours passed …

Wan Shi's complexion became uglier and uglier. Finally, after an unknown amount of time had passed, her servant girl hurriedly ran in and whispered a few words into her ear.

When Wan Shi heard this, her face turned serious. She got up and slapped the servant girl hard on the face, causing blood to flow out of the corner of her mouth.


The servant girl covered her face in grievance, not daring to make a sound. Liu Wei slowly stood up, and spoke with a smile: "It looks like you've failed."

Liu Wei shook her head: "I didn't do anything, but with this, I managed to guess a few things. First Young Madam, are you willing to come with me?"

Wan Zhenghao was alarmed. "Where to?"

Liu Wei laughed: "Originally, I wanted to prevent you from disregarding your own life and making a move against Sun Ke. I wanted to lock you up first, but now … I think you've already discovered that your enemy isn't as simple as you think he is, so I still have to lock you up, not to prevent you from harming her, but … In case you get killed. "

(End of chapter)

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