Li You was a smart person, if it wasn't so, he wouldn't be brought back by Master Li. Not only that, she had made preparations for the entire Li Residence after returning, even Lady Li, who harbored hatred towards him, had been pacified by him.

Li You knew clearly in her heart that she could not let anyone else capture him.

Li You actually still did not want to take the risk, but the boy had leaned so close to him, and every breath, and every movement, seemed to be telling him that he had no choice. This "doing something" did not have the words "doing it or not", and from the beginning, the only outcome was to "do it".

The man and the bird slowly made their way to the mouth of the alleyway, then completely disappeared around the corner.

Immediately after, Li You heard the big sized man shouting angrily from outside: "Inside! Go in and capture this tramp for me! I will kill him! "

Li You trembled. He knew that she wouldn't be able to avoid this blow.

Not to mention how Li You had been beaten, how she vomited blood, and how she had been brutally abused, the only one among the three who had left had already reached the entrance of the Mi residence at 23 North Sixth Street.

The house was the last one on the east side of North Sixth Street. It was a small house, inconspicuous and secluded.

The big man knocked on the door. After a long time, an old woman finally opened the door.

The old woman only opened the door a little, revealing one eye, its big, cloudy eyes bulging. "Who?"

The big man was shocked by the old woman's strange appearance. He shook the goose bumps on his skin and said: "I'm Young Master Li's attendant, I came to find my master."

The old woman looked him up and down and said hoarsely, "No one." As he spoke, he was about to close the door.

The big man reflexively blocked the door and explained, "I know this is Aunt Mi's house. I won't talk too much. Please help me out. I really have something important to discuss with my master."

The old woman did not say anything. She forcefully pressed against the door with her hands, but the big man did not step back either. He stuck to the gap in the door, refusing to let her close it.

At this moment, the sound of a crying girl came from inside the house.

Just after entering the front yard, the big sized man heard the woman's reprimanding voice from the house: "I told you to look after the young lady properly, is this how you look after her? Hurry up and fetch the water. See how much sweat my Little Flower is sweating, and not wipe her clean. Do you want her to catch cold and get sick? "

Then the old woman's hurried footsteps.

While he was waiting, he heard Aunt Mi coaxing the child, "My little flower, mother, don't cry here. Come into my arms, mother loves you, mother loves you. Little Flower is the only one left. Don't scare mother."

Just as the big man was muttering to himself, he didn't expect the young master and Madame Mi to have a daughter. He heard the girl sob and say, "I want Grandma Wang, I want Grandma Wang, Grandma … "Grandmother …"

Aunt Mi said angrily, "What granny? That old slut isn't your grandmother. Look at mother, mother is here, we don't want granny. Tomorrow morning, mother will bring Little Flower out of the city. Let's leave this disaster area and head for Jiangnan."

"Grandma, Grandma … "Grandmother …" The little girl only wanted her grandmother, and the more she shouted, the more she cried, and the more she cried, until her voice became hoarse.

The old woman got some water and helped the little girl clean herself and change her clothes. Then, the big man heard Aunt Mi ask, "Why is Li Kuan not here yet? You go and see, where is he? "

The old woman replied, "Yes." Then she came out. As expected, she saw the big man in the center of the courtyard and hurried over to pull him away.

After pushing the man out of the house, he said viciously, "Don't try to harm me by punishing me. If I were to be punished, you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

The big man quickly curried favor with her. "This one is really looking for master for something important. Is that Aunt Mi who's in the room?" This little one does not dare to disturb you, much less offend you. Please send this little one a message. This little one is extremely grateful. "

The old woman was annoyed. "Didn't you hear what my aunt said? The young master hasn't come over yet, where can I send a message to you? "

"This …" The big man didn't know what to do.

She has been waiting here for two days now, waiting for the young master to come over and give her an idea. No matter what you have to do, I dare say it's not as important as what she has to do for the young master. I advise you to leave now. Don't even think about it! "

The big man was frightened, but he was a simple-minded person who didn't dare to go back without knowing the reason. He could only ask the old woman for help, "Then can I wait here? "If the young master doesn't see, let him know for me after he finishes with Madame Mi."

"You damned donkey head, why are you not listening?" The old woman was so angry that she wanted to hit him, but just at this moment, the sound of a carriage came from outside the alley.

The old woman was very familiar with this voice. She quickly pulled the big man over and hid him behind the door. After reminding him not to speak, she respectfully greeted him at the door.

The person who came was indeed Li Kuan.

On the way, Li Kuan obviously knew what had happened. Without even looking at the old woman, he rushed into Aunt Mi's room and slammed the door.

The old woman heaved a sigh of relief and said to the big man, "You can go out and wait. When Eldest Young Master and Aunt are finished, I'll pass on the message."

The big man expressed his gratitude. Just before he was about to leave the hospital, before the gate closed, he heard a woman's whimpering and resentful voice come from Aunt Mi's room. "It must be that slut, Madame Wan. How could she be so bad? I can't accept this, Ah Kuan, I can't accept this! "

Then, it was Young Master Li's slightly cold reply, "No matter how unwilling you are, you have to wait. The matter with Li You has not been settled yet, at this critical juncture, you must not provoke that mother of yours."

(End of chapter)

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