"A smart person moves his mouth, but a stupid person makes a move." County Magistrate Song, who had been silent the entire time, suddenly uttered this sentence.

Liu Wei and the Grand Master both looked at him.

County Magistrate Song snorted and muttered, "Didn't you say that? "It's hard to say which of the two might be the one who suggested the idea. From the looks of it, it should be the Jiang Clan."

Outside the warehouse at the pier, Xiaoli crossed her short legs and sat on the roof of a teahouse opposite the warehouse. It was a dark night and her position was not easily noticed, yet he could clearly see all the traces left behind by the people below him.

When the moon was high on the treetops, Li Kuan appeared.

Xiaoli did not know Li Kuan, but at this time he appeared outside the treasury, dressed in silks and silk, with the word rich and oppressive on his body. Other than Li Kuan, he could not think of anyone else.

The young man knocked on the warehouse door.

Almost immediately, the door opened.

The young man looked to his left and right, seemingly certain that no one was following him, before entering the warehouse in a flash.

Xiaoli then leaped into the air, and in the blink of an eye, he flew from the roof of the teahouse to the roof of the warehouse.

There were no windows on all four sides of the warehouse, but there was a window at the center of the roof, Xiaoli laid on the side of the window and observed what was happening inside.

The young man who entered the warehouse was indeed Li Kuan, he heard the two big men calling him "Young Master", and after Li Kuan entered the warehouse, the first thing he saw was Li You who was tied up with a bloody nose and face.

"Still alive?" Li Kuang frowned and asked.

The leader was stunned, and asked tentatively: "Didn't Third Brother go to ask you?" You haven't seen him? "

Li Kuan's face turned ugly, "I haven't seen anyone!" After he finished speaking, he walked in front of Li You, squatted down, and used his hands to grab Li You's hair, making him raise his head.

The leader was still wondering where his hand was going, but when he saw that young master was paying attention to that tramp, he immediately walked over and said, "This tramp was trying to run away on the road, but we caught him and brought him back. Now we only have a few breaths left, but I'm not sure if young master wants his life or something else, we don't dare kill him, we just wait …"

"Kill him." Throwing Li You's head aside, Li Kuan took out a brocade handkerchief and wiped the blood off her hands as she spoke.

The leader immediately said, "Then could I trouble young master to turn around so that this thing doesn't dirty your eyes with blood!"

Li Kuan smirked and said carelessly, "Go ahead and kill them, I'll watch you guys kill them."

Since the master had said it like that, the big sized man dared not say anything anymore. He took out a blade and was about to stab Li You.

Xiaoli who was at the window had already taken out a stone, and was ready to throw a hidden weapon to interrupt her attack, but before he could throw the hidden weapon, Li You had awoken.

In other words, he didn't really faint just now, but now, he woke up at the right time.

"You … you … won't be able to tolerate me?" His weak voice showed that his current physical condition was indeed not good.

Seeing that he had woken up, the big sized man became anxious, the knife, just as it was about to pierce into Li You's chest, Li Kuan suddenly said: "You should not have come back."

Well, these two grandfathers still had something to say, so he should at least be able to find a place to rest.

After the big sized man kept his blade, the warehouse became the home ground for Li You and Li Kuan. Li You looked to be in a very sorry state. Previously, the big sized man did not stop there, he had used all his strength to beat, the corners of his mouth and cheekbones were broken, and the blood flowed out from the corner of his eyes, as though he was crying blood.

"I didn't get much …" Li You stared at Li Kuan weakly: "Going to the capital, and even more so, being old and dying with you, going back and forth..."

"Heh." Li Kuan was furious, he stepped over and kicked Li You down, then scolded: "You dare bring up the capital, who the hell are you? What kind of status do I have?! That old bastard actually entrusted you with such an important branch! He was confused, I'm not confused, it's all your fault, you little bastard! If it wasn't for you, the Li family would all be mine! "

Li You felt dizzy from being kicked, he barely managed to keep her breathing in place as she said with difficulty, "The Li Clan, is your … Your mother, could it be that your mother didn't tell you? "

Li Kuan was stunned. He subconsciously felt that this little tramp was going to start babbling nonsense again. But since the matter at the branch office was decided, he really didn't go home often and never saw his mother again.

His mother, hmph, wasn't she tricked by this little bastard? This little bastard had a mouth that could change black and white!

Seeing that he really did not know anything, Li You took a deep breath and slowly said, "Your mother loves you, but she can't possibly snatch what belongs to you the moment she sees someone. My appearance, she doesn't accept at all …. That was why his father had suggested opening a branch in the capital … His original intention was just to get three thousand taels of silver to go to the capital alone... Adventurer, and you, who will remain in West Jin County, inherit, and inherit all of the Li Clan …. It was also because of this that your mother was willing to allow me … She knew that once I went to the capital … "Then … forever … will not be able to come back …"

Li Kang froze and his eyes became empty. After a while, he finally realized who the person in front of him was and immediately kicked him, shouting, "Nonsense! My mother is on your side! "And that old fool, now that he has a son, he doesn't want a son anymore …"

"You're the one who's confused!" Li You was enraged by the kick as well. Staring widely, she exhaled one last breath and roared: "Your own mother is … Why are you on my side! Are you f * cking stupid? "Scram!"

Inadvertently, the last sentence, had actually hit the nail on the head on the head with Li You.

But Li Kangfeng was angry, he was furious, he grabbed Li You's head again, and smashed him into the ground.

Li You was angered, although her hands were tied up and she was unable to move, her leg was good, so he tried to kick Li Kuan in the face.

The two of them continued to fight, of course Li Kuan had the upper hand, but Li You refused to admit defeat, and the more Li You fought, the more energy he had, and in the end, one of the coincidentally kicked Li Kuan in the mouth, causing him to lose his head in anger, he stood up and roared: "Kill him! Kill him immediately! "

The big sized man who was spectating for a long time immediately raised his blade and rushed over, his sharp blade was aimed straight at Li You's head, he planned to slice through Li You's head with his blade.

But just as the blade was just an inch away from entering Li You's scalp, Li You shouted loudly: "Somebody help me! Help me!"

At the same time, a rock the size of a fingernail hit the back of the big man's hand. The big man's hand was in pain, and with a wail, he threw away the handle of his blade.

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