Yun Xin was a little disappointed, "Then … "Then let's talk about it in the future..."

Liu Wei could not bear to see her like this, and said: "There is still time, go to your room and wait for me. I will inform Rong Ling and will be over in a while."

Yun Xin immediately smiled and happily replied before returning to her room happily.

However, Yun Zhi didn't seem to understand much about acupuncture points either. She would often look around and find the wrong place to ask her to correct it.

Perhaps this was normal for Yun Chu, but he was still a doctor with limited knowledge of the acupuncture points.

Afterwards, Liu Wei was more strict with her. When Yun Che wanted to look for the wrong acupuncture point, Liu Wei's tone became heavier.

The short duration of the lesson did not last long. An hour later, after Liu Wei had calculated the hour, she left the room.

She didn't bring Xiaoli along this time, she went there herself. She went to the pier looking for Zhong Ziyu and Wei Chou.

But when Liu Wei arrived, she only saw Wei Chou, not Zhong Ziyu.

She asked Wei Chou: "Where is she?"

Wei Chou was holed up in a corner of the warehouse eating noodles. Seeing Liu Wei coming over, he stood up, carried the noodles and walked over while saying: "He has some matters to attend to so why are you here?"

Liu Wei carelessly said: "I can't come?" Then she added, "I'm the one who paid the rent for this warehouse."

Now she was very sensitive to the question of money.

Wei Chou did not dare say that, as the money was stolen by you, she muttered: "What is it?"

Liu Wei looked at Wan Shi who was tied up on the other side, and was still unconscious, and asked: "How many times has she woken up?"

Wei Chou recalled for a moment, and said: "About seven or eight times. There are a lot of sedatives anyway, so when I woke up, I fainted. I just lied there."

Liu Wei frowned: "No food to feed?"

Wei Chou said: "I gave two buns and drank some water."

Liu Wei nodded and asked again, "What about the vegetable buns or the meat buns?"

Wei Chou was startled, and then replied: "Meat."

Liu Wei said with a cold face: "Give me the vegetable bun next time, it's cheap."

Wei Chou choked and recovered her composure: "Alright, I understand."

Liu Wei came mainly to look for Zhong Ziyu. In terms of abnormal crimes psychology, she believed that Zhong Ziyu had very deep attainments.

Since Zhong Ziyu wasn't here, Liu Wei had nothing else she could say to Wei Chou. She could only leave the noodles to his and wait by the side.

Wei Chou continued to eat in a squat. After eating two bites, she felt that something was not right, he could not eat anymore. She placed the bowl down and said: "Can you not watch me eat?

Liu Wei stared at the bowl in his hand and asked: "Where did the bowl come from?"

Wei Chou frowned: "It's from the shop."

"Did you bring the bowl here and give the deposit?"

Wei Chou was stunned, and only after a long while did she come to a realization. He snorted: "Don't worry, I won't use your money, mine alone!"

Liu Wei laughed: "That bag of silver from the Jiang Clan?"

Wei Chou immediately covered his bag and said vigilantly: "This time you can't take it away, it's ours!"

Liu Wei didn't want it, so she leisurely leaned back, and continued to stare at Wei Chou.

Wei Chou decided not to eat it. She put the bowl down and closed her eyes to take a nap.

But he could not sleep, for there were dark eyes staring at him, and he could not be ignorant.

Finally, he got annoyed and opened his eyes to ask, "What are you trying to do?"

Liu Wei stretched out her hand. She did not say anything else.

Wei Chou held back her anger: "Then take a look, I don't care."

After that, he really did not care anymore. With a straight face, he pretended to be asleep with his eyes closed while carrying Liu Wei.

After nearly an hour, Zhong Ziyu returned, with a bundle in her arms. She was not surprised to see Liu Wei, so she put the bundle down and walked over.

The two talked for a while, and then walked out together. Before they left, Liu Wei mentioned something else to Zhong Ziyu.

Zhong Ziyu paused for a while, then walked in front of Wei Chou and stretched out her hand. "Give me some silver."

Wei Chou stared at him vigilantly: "What do you want the silver for?"

Zhong Ziyu stretched out his hand: "Just give it to me."

Wei Chou looked at Liu Wei for a moment, seeing that she was standing far away from them, he did not notice them, and carefully took out some silver, planning to give it to Zhong Ziyu.

Liu Wei took the bag of money and nodded: "Don't worry, I promise you."

Wei Chou was shocked, he immediately charged towards Zhong Ziyu and hit him on her back: "What are you doing? Are you crazy? Why did you give her the silver again! Is there something wrong with you!? "

Zhong Ziyu did not reply him. Instead, he stared at Liu Wei and asked seriously: "You have news?"

Liu Wei smiled but did not speak. She looked at Wei Chou who was about to collapse and patted her shoulder: "I'll wait for you outside."

After she went out, Wei Chou grabbed Zhong Ziyu's shoulder and crazily asked from inside the warehouse: "Why on earth? Tell me why? Why did you do it?! "

Zhong Ziyu was annoyed by him and frowned: "She has news of Yue Dansheng."

He pounded on Zhong Ziyu's chest time after time, his eyes reddened. "Are you stupid? Are you crazy? What relationship does Yue Dansheng have with you, what does it have with her? In other words, he is a distant cousin, so what if he has news or not? "I don't care if you just want to mess around and spend money blindly, just give me some silver and bring it back!"

Zhong Ziyu impatiently pushed him away, and looked at Wan Shi who was at the corner of the wall, and said: I'm going out for a while, watch her, watch her carefully.

Wei Chou sobbed and choked with sobs, "Not staring, unless you return the silver to me."

Zhong Ziyu glanced at him, "Don't be childish." And then she added, "Money, worldly possessions."

Wei Chou cried out loud.

(End of chapter)

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