What else can you do?

In the end, it was Zhong Ziyu who entered the medicine shop again.

After going in for fifteen minutes or so, he finally came out. When he came out, his expression was very bad, but when he arrived in front of Liu Wei, he nodded and said: "In front of us." every

After a while, two women came out of the consultation room. One of them wore a thin veil covering her face, while the other accompanied her on the way out. Should

Which family's young maid would accompany her master? Then …

When the woman saw that there was someone in the hall, she subconsciously lowered her head and pulled at the gauze covering her face, obviously not wanting to be recognized.

Liu Wei had also noticed that the woman's bun was that of a woman, not a girl. In other words, she was a married woman. anterior

After a customer had left, the youngest disciple entered the examination room to inform them. Not long later, he came out and said to the two new guests, "Please come in."

Liu Wei and Zhong Ziyu went in one after the other, and when they did, the two were a little stunned, because this Dr. Ma was actually a female doctor. See

She was around forty years old and had a simple bun. When she saw the customer enter, she did not even raise her head. She wrapped the medicine in her hand and gestured to the chair in front of the table. "Sit."

Liu Wei walked over and sat down. Then …

Doctor Ma raised his head. "I heard that you two Young Masters want to buy medicine?" May I know what kind of medicine you would like to purchase? "

Liu Wei looked around the room, and in the end, lowered her voice a bit, and implicitly said: "A few, I can't say for sure." Horses

The doctor nodded.

She opened the drawer in front of her and took out a medicinal bag. "Fu Long San, cook three bowls of water into a bowl. I guarantee that Young Master will be full of energy and will be full of vigor."

Liu Wei laughed, then shook her head: "Not this way."

Doctor Ma paused, then she understood. "Dissolving Spring Powder. It's just a small bag, but it dissolves immediately after being placed in the wine. When the medicinal effect is used, no matter how strong the virginity is, it will still soften into a pool of spring water." willow

Wei Wei shook his head again.

Doctor Ma did not understand. "Please enlighten me, Young Master." willow

Wei Wei's eyelids twitched. With a casual tone, he said, "It's nothing much. The rats at home are a nuisance. To prevent them from getting infected, I want to buy some rat medicine."

Doctor Ma smiled. "Rat poison is sold everywhere. Young Master doesn't need to come to my place. You must have a lot of it, right?"

Liu Wei gestured: "These."

The smile on Dr. Ma's face gradually disappeared. After that, she lowered her head and continued wrapping the medicine in her hands. Her voice turned cold as she said, "I'm sorry. My store is small, so I don't have that much stock."

Liu Wei leaned forward, stared into Doctor Ma's eyes, and said softly: "Young Madam told me to buy it." Horses

Doctor Bao Yao's movements paused, he raised his head and looked at Liu Wei. willow

Wei was also very understanding. He took out a hairpin. It was the same hairpin that he had taken from Wan-shi and had tricked her earlier this morning. willow

Wei Wei really didn't have any confidence. There was definitely more than one doctor in the whole of Xijin County, but this place was the closest to Donwu Street, so she decided to take a gamble. Horses

The doctor looked at the hairpin for a moment before lowering his head again, "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean."

This time, his tone was much softer than before. willow

Wei Wei finally understood. She took out the silver bag that she snatched from Wei Chou and proudly slammed it on the table, then said: "I want it by tonight."

Dr. Ma's face finally broke into a smile again. She wrapped her hand around the silver bag, weighed it in her hand, and then put it into a drawer with satisfaction. She even passionately asked, "Is there a suitable candidate for the young mistress this time?"

Liu Wei immediately heard the contents of the words, she rolled her eyes and sighed: "The Young Mistress told me to go look for her, but I am also not familiar with this West Entering County, I wonder, does Doctor Ma know anyone? "Don't worry, if the person is useful, the introduction fee will also be yours." Horses

The corner of the doctor's mouth drew back from her ear as she said, "I still have a few candidates. Let me take a look." She

As he spoke, he flipped open a book and started searching.

Liu Wei could not see what was written on the booklet, and when Doctor Ma was looking through it, she casually reminded him, "Just like Zhang Pi, it's very good. It's convenient, direct, and has no future troubles." Horses

The doctor nodded. The booklet stopped at one of the pages. She said, "Hong San." With that, she tore off the page from the booklet and handed it over to Liu Wei. willow

After folding the paper and putting it into his pocket, Liu Wei stood up and said, "Then I'll be leaving first. Horses

The doctor also stood up to see her off. "Don't worry, definitely."

After exiting Doctor Ma's courtyard, Zhong Ziyu was curious, "You really gave her that bag of silver?" willow

Wei's heart ached as well. "It was six hundred and thirty-two dollars and nine pieces of paper, I remember." clock

"You're not going to capture her?" willow

Wei Wei shook his head. As he walked, he said, "Now is not the time. Even if we capture Wan Family, we won't be able to punish them."

"That rat poison?"

You come and get it tonight. " clock

Zi Yu's face darkened. With an unhappy expression, he said, "Don't always let me run errands."

Liu Wei scoffed, he turned and looked at him, then asked back, "Then what else can you do?" clock

He choked on his words before asking, "Where are we going now?"

Liu Wei said lazily: "Third Lane, Wen Xi Street."

Wen Xi Street, number three, used to be called Su Clan Lane because this alley, more than ten years ago, had belonged to Master Su's family.

After Lord Su had been imprisoned, this street was taken back by the yamen and then sold to a merchant in the capital. Soon after, this street became Wen Xi Street. The street.

Liu Wei encouraged him by patting Zhong Ziyu's shoulder: "It's your turn to show off later, don't lose face for me."

Zhong Ziyu, who did not know what Wen Xi Street meant, asked: "?"

(End of chapter)

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