Procurator Zhuang, whose full name was Zhuang Chang, was the most amiable of all the oil and salt in the Mansion of the Patrol Officer. He liked to laugh, turn a blind eye to many things, and was friendly and easy to talk to.

For every round of inspection, the Prefectural Prefecture's Prefect was most willing to accept Zhuang Chang. can

And because the capital was so far away from the horizon, there were many malevolent filth that was hidden here.

It was unknown how many people had been killed or how many victims had committed suicide. And …

At the same time, the magistrate of Le Prefecture and the magistrate of Lan Quan County had accumulated a great deal of wealth in those three years.

The Lan Quan County Magistrate Order was previously killed by the family of one of the female patients who was raped. However, because of his death, Zhuang Chang came to his post.

Zhuang Chang was still young back then, and under the stimulation of both anger and impact, he had nearly lost his mind. Thus, he snatched away the saber of the bailiff, slashing his waist horizontally, and directly killed that Prefecture Overseer's uncle.

After which, there were a few other doctors and housekeepers along these lines.

That day in the imperial court, it was as silent as a cicada in winter, fresh and bloody.

Before he was executed by the infuriated Prefecture Overseer of the Laizhou Prefecture, the people from the Metropolitan Patrol Office rushed over upon hearing the news. They had saved Zhuang Chang and thoroughly investigated the Lan Quan County. After that, Zhuang Chang entered the Patrol Officer Palace and continued until now.

Wan Zhong did not dare to underestimate this old fox from the House of the Patrol Officer. Compared to his initial appearance, the current Inspector Zhuang was a sly old fox who only saw people laughing at him. He knew how to conduct himself around the world and was more skilled in roundabout way of fighting.

Maybe many people found him easy to deal with, but that was because you didn't offend him. If you did, not only would he make you die, he would also make your entire family die. ten thousand

After he retracted the killing aura around his body, he cautiously bowed towards Zhuang Chang, but his heart was already in a mess.

The disappearance of his sister, the arrival of the prosecutor, what had happened in Xicheng County? "Is it related to the Wan family?"

"Supervisor Wan?" Zhuang Chang Zai called back the absent-minded Wan Chong.

Wan Chong immediately looked at him, forcing out a smile, "I did not know that I would meet Sir here. I am still serving you as an official, Sir has already left White Mountain Continent." Sun

The Wan family had long known that Wan Ruxue was missing, but they did not act rashly. It was precisely because they had received news that the White Mountain Continent would be under the supervision of the Public Prosecutor every day and their schedule would be in the five days or so. Wan Zhong had calculated the time they would take to arrive, but he had never expected that they would meet each other.

"I came to take a look along the way. This Xicheng County is quite a good place." Zhuang Chang smiled as she spoke, her eyes even glancing at County Magistrate Song, her meaning unclear. Sung

The county magistrate was scared to the point that his back was wet, but he could only force a smile.

Because Zhuang Chang had obstructed Wan Zhong, he even suggested that the time was still early and he wanted to drink a cup with Wan Zhong. After the two of them left, County Governor Song did not dare delay any longer and immediately brought his men to the pier. is

In fact, even now, County Magistrate Song was panicking. He had not expected Wan Chong's arrival. If Wan Chong was here, would the trial start tomorrow without a hitch?

However, when he thought of the final look in Inspector Zhuang's eyes, the look that seemed to have seen through everything, he felt his confidence increase yet again.

Forget it, since the sky had already fallen, the procurator and Lady Liu could only bear it. He no longer cared about anything else. antrum

With a heart full of stupidity, regardless of whether he cared or not, County Magistrate Song took away the Wan family.

At that time, Wan Shi was just fed medicine by Zhong Ziyu, to ensure that she wouldn't wake up during the transport. This

He no longer knew what happened between Ye Zhuang and Wan Chong, but on the morning of the second day, he personally went to the inn to look for Liu Wei.

Liu Wei had slept soundly last night and was still full of energy today. Seeing that County Governor Song was actually waiting for her downstairs with her people, she was stunned for a moment, then went down and asked: "Something happened?"

These words could be said to be accurate, County Magistrate Song hastily recounted what happened last night. willow

Wei was silent for a while. After a simple wash, he didn't even say goodbye and left with County Magistrate Song.

On the way to the yamen, County Magistrate Song kept talking, and Liu Wei kept listening. off

According to the rumors, Yu Wanshui's identity in the Ting Jiang Prefecture and his relationship with the Wan Mansion were all related.

The more he spoke, the more afraid he became. Finally, Liu Wei was able to calm him down and asked: "Then what about the procurator?"

County Magistrate Song was stunned. "What?"

"I know that the magistrate office only sends out officials, and that the magistrate is a good and clean official, but from his accurate appearance and taking away Wan Zhong, it is clear that he is not as simple as what we have seen. Do you know the rumors about him?"

County Magistrate Song pondered over the matter and finally remembered the incident where he cut his waist.

After he finished speaking, a smile had already appeared on Liu Wei's face. She nodded and said confidently: "Then there's no need to worry.

County Magistrate Song was still afraid, "But ten thousand times …" "

"County Magistrate Song." Liu Wei interrupted him, and said to him solemnly: "I have seen many dark sides of this world, and I do not wish for even one bad person to be covered, hidden, or protected. This world is far from terrifying, but let me tell you, in some places, this kind of horrifying thing happened. This is what you saw, what you didn't see, what you didn't know? Kindness limits your imagination, but the demons of the world are endless and unending. The meaning of law is to uphold justice, and what most officials lack is courage to punish evil, which is the drive to punish evil. That magistrate, back then, was able to do it. I believe that he will do it a second time. This is his nature, and the intolerance towards evil shown by good people will not change no matter how many years pass. "

Duke Song looked straight at her. Liu Wei spoke very quickly and angrily, but when she finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sense of righteousness and righteousness. Good

The words "the government works for the people" really couldn't just be said …

(End of chapter)

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