He never expected things to turn out this way. Only now did he realize that he had been tricked. plum

The broad confession led the case to Wan family. And …

Murder? "Me?" Wan Shi's spirit was not good, her lips were pale, her cheeks were thin, and she was used to eating extravagantly. In her half month of drowsiness, she didn't even eat as much as her belly. She was weak now, hungry, thirsty, and her head was still full of paste. can

County Magistrate Song was already scared to the point of hiding behind the Grand Master, but the procurator who was closest to Wan Chong acted as if he hadn't noticed anything and calmly asked, "Zhang Pai, do you recognize him?" ten thousand

He shook his head. "I don't." Zhuang

The prosecutor raised his eyebrows. "Don't you want to think about it?" ten thousand

"How could I know someone with such a vulgar name?" Zhuang

The procurator turned his head to look at the magistrate. Sung

The magistrate looked as if he was about to kill ten thousand people. He swallowed his saliva and spoke with difficulty, "I am Yin Xiu, the servant girl."

There were many servants in the Wan family, but there were four servants closest to him, two men and two women, with the names Gold, Silver, Copper, and Iron respectively. officer

The magistrate had the authority to summon anyone to testify at court. Yin Xiu had been brought here early in the morning by a yamen runner. silver

Xiu herself was panicking, not knowing what was going on. After being brought into the hall, she first looked at the young lady blankly before looking at the proctor in the hall and kowtowing inexplicably, "This humble woman pays her respects to the lord."

The magistrate's voice was calm as he spoke, "Yin Xiu, I am asking you, what did you do on the fourth day of the previous month?"

Yin Xiu was stunned. She thought for a long while before replying, "Reporting to my lord, then …" This humble girl does not remember what happened that long ago … " Zhuang

The prosecutor reminded her, "Last month on the fourth day of the month, it was the day your young master was found dead. What did you do that day?" one

She secretly glanced at her young mistress, and at last said with a stern face, "Reporting to my lord, that day, when my family's young master met with a great calamity, my family's young miss was heartbroken. From start to finish, this humble girl accompanied my young lady by her side, taking care of my consoling young miss."

You didn't go out? " silver

Xiu shook her head. "No." Zhuang

However, the words that came out made chills run down his spine: "This is what you said, I have never gone out. If I had a witness who testified that I saw you that day on East Martial Street, what you are saying now is a lie, deceiving me and looking down on the imperial court, this is a great crime of military conscription." silver

Xiu was startled. Her face showed panic as she hurriedly changed her words, "My Lord, My Lord, it has been too long. I have really forgotten …" No, but now this humble daughter remembers. That afternoon, Miss was unable to eat due to a loss of appetite. This humble daughter … "This humble girl went to the Soup Dumplings on Dongwu Street and bought Soup Dumplings for my Young Miss …" Zhuang

The prosecutor asked, "Which soup dumpling shop?" silver

Soo Soo's mind raced as she stammered, "Pleasure, Sweet Creed Shop …"

"Nonsense!" The magistrate slapped the wooden board and shouted: "There is no record shop on East Martial Street!" silver

Soo Soo hurriedly changed her words. "It's not a joyous occasion. It's a virtue … de …"

"De Pai?" silver

Soo Soo hurriedly nodded her head. "Yes, the Moral Lodge, the Mortal Lodge …"

Procurator Zhuang's face was so cold that it looked like it was about to freeze. He said, "County Magistrate Song, please speak."

County Magistrate Song raised his voice, "From the beginning of last month to the end of the eighth month, the owner of the De-Pin Temple will marry his daughter and close his business for eight days."

The sweat on Yin Xiu's face was already pouring out. She panicked as she looked at her young mistress. She then stammered, "No, it's not the Luck Lodge. It's …" "It's …" "

"What is it?" The magistrate was overbearing.

"Yes..." "

If you said you were going to buy dumplings, then what rice dumplings did you buy? Sesame seed? Fresh meat? Or is it from the Eight Treasures? "

Yin Xiu swallowed her saliva. "Fresh..." "Fresh meat..." "

If you don't buy an appetizer for your young miss, you can buy a greasy, fresh meat Soup Dumplings for her? "

"Eight, eight treasures …"

"Is it the Eight Treasures or the Fresh Meat? Did you buy them all? "

"I bought them all. No, it was the Eight Treasures … "No, it's... fresh meat..." silver

Xiu was in complete chaos. Her entire mind was in a mess, and all the words she had thought of beforehand were useless. She was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

At this time, Prosecutor Zhuang's eyes turned to Wan Shi: "She doesn't remember, what about you? What did you eat yourself, and do you not remember? "

"I …"

Wanshi was about to say something when the magistrate cut her off: "Have you ever eaten dumplings? "It's not the New Year, not the Mid-Autumn Festival. There are very few people who eat Soup Dumplings during this season, and most of the Soup Dumplings do not include Soup Dumplings during the festive season. Tell me, what do you eat? I'll send someone to ask, on the 4th day of the new year, did they sell Soup Dumplings to you?"

Wan of the Clouds wanted to say something, but she stopped herself. She looked at her sworn brother in panic. ten thousand

At this moment, he was already frowning. The darkness in his eyes couldn't even be hidden.

At this time, the magistrate looked at Yin Xiu and asked loudly, "I can't remember which soup ball you bought and what you bought. What did you go to Dongwu Street for?" Who sent you? How much did you give Zhang Pi? And Chang's wife, you've seen her, haven't you? What did you tell her? "

Several questions came one after another, completely crushing the already flustered Yin Xiu. companion

As she felt mentally weak, she suddenly covered her ears and shouted, "I gave her the rat poison, I told her that my husband tried to kill her!" one

The moment those words were said, the entire hall fell silent. straight

After an unknown period of time, the chief prosecutor's voice returned to its gentle tone, "Then you admit that you have come into contact with Zhang Pai and his wife?" silver

Soo Soo was half-paralyzed on the ground like a balloon that had been punctured.

It was as Liu Wei said, it was very easy to find evidence against Wan Shi. Wan Shi was not a cautious person, relying on her influence, she had always been bold and daring, but it was precisely her fearlessness, which made her so perfunctory in cleaning up the evidence. silver

Xiu's testimony was tantamount to grabbing onto one of Vanderbilt's legs and dragging half her body into a magma filled hell. And …

Liu Wei's following evidence would place Wan Shi's entire person into the lava, letting her have a taste of the scorching lava.

(End of chapter)

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