Rong Ling was truly alright. can

Liu Wei just couldn't be at ease, he gave him another check, and the result was that he was very happy to see and hear about it. small

Li was also very happy. At the same time, what made the little fellow exceptionally excited was that he found out that there were a few medicinal herbs of Immortal Swallow Country that were even more potent than those of Greencloud Kingdom.

Ling thought for a moment, then asked, "Where's the pearl?" willow

"The wild," said Wei. "All day long, I haven't seen him. I've been staying at home in Yeshan, and I can't even call him back."

"Will it be dangerous?" willow

Wei was puzzled. "What danger could there be?"

Liu Wei thought that no matter how he listened to her words, it sounded like she was making it up. She was a little unsure, so he asked gently: "Why do you want to push Xiaoli away?"

Rong Ling did not make a sound, and only looked at her with a bit of hidden bitterness. willow

Wei Wei did not understand the meaning behind his eyes, but at that moment, she brushed against Rong Ling's abdomen, the warm and moist cloth slid around Rong Ling's waist, and when she removed the cloth, she was surprised to find that Rong Ling's waist seemed to have recovered a little.

At first, she wasn't sure, but after comparing a few times, she realized that she had really recovered. willow

Wei was very puzzled: "Wasn't it a pile of bones the day before yesterday? "It's only been two days, how could it have grown so much flesh?" As he spoke, he rubbed the meat on the floor to confirm it was real.

Rong Ling didn't even want to speak, she turned her head and closed her eyes.

Liu Wei came back to reality and understood the meaning behind it: "What did Xiaoli give you to eat?"

Liu Wei was busy going to the yamen, and was not at ease having others take care of Rong Ling, so she left Xiaoli in charge of Rong Ling's food.

Rong Ling couldn't eat solid food right now, she could only eat liquid food. Liu Wei really didn't understand, how liquid food could be fed to such an extent? It's a bit unscientific.

Seeing that Rong Ling was really desperate, Liu Wei could only advise: "I will give Xiaoli a menu later. From now on, you will eat as you eat, your recovery is very critical right now, and it's not that you will recover from eating too much, it will affect your body's fat, and will hinder your recovery."

Liu Wei explained in a very precise manner, and Rong Ling listened to him in such a manner. No. 1

On the second day, Liu Wei headed to the yamen in the morning as usual, and returned to the house in the evening when it was ten. yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtzu

Returning back to the house, she saw Xiaoli running towards her with a jar in her hands.

Mother, let me show you something. "

Liu Wei curiously bent over and asked, "What is it?" small

Li excitedly moved the jar to his mother's nose and gently opened a small opening. Immediately, the medicinal fragrance wafted out, intoxicating Liu Wei.

When the jar was completely opened, Liu Wei saw a stalk of White Orchid Ganoderma that was filled to the brim.

Her eyes widened as she reached out her hand to touch it. "What a thick Yun Zhi."

Xiaoli's happy voice changed as she said, "It's too thick, I've been raising it for a few days already. It's all been fed to this Lingzhi." willow

Wei Wei paused. "Worms?"

Xiaoli laughed until her eyes narrowed into slits: "I don't know how the Lingzhi here grows, and can actually be nourished using protein, I think that this might not be the White Orchid Ganoderma, but it's definitely something good. Mother, it smells so good." This

But it was true, the medicinal fragrance was truly too fragrant. willow

Uncle Wei treated it as a type of medicinal plant that she had never seen before. She stretched out her hand and said, "Let me see it again."

Xiaoli generously passed all the bottles to her mother, and then took out a pair of scissors from her bosom. With a * Ka-cha *, she cut off a piece of Lingzhi leaf.

This is Uncle Rong's dinner, I'll take it to the kitchen first … " The little guy was about to leave. willow

Wei Wei's mind raced as he reached out his hands to pull his son back. He asked with a strange expression on his face, "These few days, this is what you gave your Uncle Rong … This... "Wild Mountain Ganoderma that doesn't even know its breed?"

Xiaoli laughed, thinking that her mother was praising him and was even being modest. "This is a good thing, how can Uncle Rong grow meat, he is too skinny, I have to make it up for him!" willow

Wei didn't know what to say, so she quickly took the jar and went to find a mat. Cloud

Xi actually knew this Wild Mountain Ganoderma, it was a type of meat lingzhi, not relying on the soil to be fertile, relying on the carcasses of animals and insects to be fertile, it was also a great tonic.

Yun Xi asked curiously, "In the river area, there aren't many such lingzhi root. Where did Xiaoli buy them from?"

Xiaoli followed behind, and happily replied: "In the medicinal herb shop across the street, they have entered three, and this one is the largest, I spent twenty silver to buy it." Cloud

Xi Shi nodded. "20 taels. It's quite cheap. Maybe it's a small place, so it's not expensive. You can only buy it for 50 taels of silver in the capital." small

Li exclaimed, "Then I picked it up cheaply?"

Yun Xi smiled. "I have taken advantage of her."

As Liu Wei listened to their words, the expression on his face turned from deep and complicated to subtle. In the end, she decided that he must not tell Rong Ling about this matter, even if he were to kill him, she must not let him know. Her son spent twenty silvers on an unknown herb.

Liu Wei was afraid that Rong Ling would be angered to death.

However, it was still a good thing after all, so after Liu Wei thought about it, she decided to remain selfish. He said: "The medicinal effect is too strong, in the future, put half a tablet into his porridge for every meal. It will be too nourishing for him if he eats an entire piece." small

Li nodded and replied, "Alright."

But even so, half a month later, when Rong Ling was able to get off the ground, everyone else would have already done the same. quaque

As if he was blowing on a balloon, Rong Ling became completely fat and took off his clothes. Liu Wei looked at his body sorrowfully, and deeply missed his previous eight abs. semi

During the night, Liu Wei touched Rong Ling's face and pinched a piece of her cheek. After that, she realized that Rong Ling was frowning, and immediately let go, consoling him mildly, "Actually, after a major illness, people will more or less get fatter. Look at how fatter I was when I was pregnant, I'm not skinnier now, so when my body recovers, I'll definitely get skinnier like this." volume

He didn't even want to talk to her, so he just turned around and went to sleep.

Liu Wei stuck close to him again, and whispered into his ear: "Being sick for a while is better than being sick for a while, if you're sick for looks, then that's terrifying, and even your facial features have changed. Moreover, you're not very fat, just a little, it's just a little bit." volume

Shen Jingbin was annoyed. "Are you sleeping or not?"

Liu Wei replied: "Sleep, sleep." Then she leaned in and hugged the man from behind, very, very tight, the kind he couldn't get rid of.

(End of chapter)

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