It had already been a few days since Wei Chou had an opinion of him, and now that she mentioned it, it was not the end.

In the end, it was Zhong Ziyu who interrupted him: "Alright." sound

Listening to the two cursing, Wei Wei heard what Yue Dansheng had said to her.

In that special period of time, he truly thought that Zhong Ziyu would be like him, taking care of Yue Chongming as his own sister, which was why he felt at ease to leave.

There was no reason for them to be together. There were no parents and no parents. The three of them met by chance and formed a new family. He

That's what I really think. But

In the end, Yue Chongming's death destroyed everything.

Chanming's death was the worst possible outcome for anyone, and the result that would lead to the breakup of their brothers was something they would never be able to resolve. Wei

He and Zhong Ziyu were friends, and they subconsciously stood on his side. However, the one who had lost his little sister was Yue Dansheng, and he was the one who had to bear the most pain and suffering. willow

Wei also didn't agree with Wei Chou's evaluation of Yue Dansheng. What did it mean to be able to lead a better life when things were tougher than others?

At that time, Yue Dansheng helped him to reunite with her family, so he had acknowledged such a brother. She sincerely believed that they were brothers, Yue Dansheng did not lie to anyone, and Zhong Ziyu was not the big guy either. It was just that at that time, reality played a part in their relationship, and there was no conspiracy theory in it, Wei Chou's words were too extreme.

And Zhong Ziyu was also one who did not agree with those words. He continued to shout at Wei Chou, "I know who he is very well, stop talking."

Wei Chou was even angrier.

Zhong Ziyu did not want to talk about the past anymore. She turned and asked Liu Wei: "Where is the Rage King?" willow

Wei paused for a moment, then said: "Li Residence, Official Li's Mansion."

Zhong Ziyu understood, nodded, then turned and returned to the tavern.

Wei Chou wanted to follow him in, but she did not, and turned towards Liu Wei in anger: "Just trick him, just coax him, why are you really giving him information about Yue Dansheng? Aren't you afraid that he'll find someone to settle the score with? " willow

"He doesn't look like he will."

Because she didn't think so, she told him honestly. After getting along with him for more than two months, she felt that she hadn't misjudged him.

Whether it was Yue Dansheng or Zhong Ziyu, if it were not for the fact that they were separated by such matters, they would not be willing to be enemies with each other.

Wei Chou's lungs were about to explode: "You saw it correctly, he doesn't, he's a fool, we all know that." willow

Wei Wei looked straight at Wei Chou, and frowned slightly: "Your reaction was too big." Wei

He doesn't know how to explain it to her. "He's got a bad temper and a bad temper, so the best way to deal with him is to keep him away from me and me. Heh, just wait and see a good show! " Wei

Liu Wei was unable to guess what the so-called good show was, but she quickly found out.

The King of Arc was assassinated.

This happened on the second day. The servants of the Li Residence came to look for Liu Wei without touching the ground, saying that a thief had entered the Li Residence last night, and even injured the Prince. They said that this matter had alarmed all the officials of West Ending County, and because they did not know the identity of the assassin, the Li Residence was completely sealed off.

Li You had specially sent someone to inform Liu Wei that he would help him gather information on other people and could only put it on hold for now. cause

If he were to ask now, it would be easy for him to be accused of being an assassin's accomplice.

Liu Wei understood very well, so she didn't need to worry about it. gyri

The leader went back to the inn, but this time Liu Wei did not find him, he only saw Wei Chou.

Liu Wei's face turned ugly.

On the other hand, because something had already happened, Wei Chou was in a terrible situation, "Did you see that? Alright, I used the golden threads that I wiped off for more than ten days. I almost strangled that bullshit prince's neck. " willow

"Where is he?"

"Ah, the Li Residence." Wei Chou said in a very bad tone, "I didn't come back last night, but Yue Dansheng was really there. I'm afraid the two of them have already met!"

The situation had gone beyond Liu Wei's imagination. She wanted to know what the situation was in the Li Residence.

Right now, the Song County Order was the only way for her to find out the truth. And …

When Liu Wei and County Magistrate Song converged, the Li Residence was far from being as serious as everyone had imagined. kilo-

Although Meng Yao was injured, it was only a slight scratch on his skin. As for the assassin who tried to assassinate him, he had already been caught.

The reason why he told the assassins in the outside world that he had escaped was all to mystify things.

He knew that someone wanted to kill him, but he didn't know who it was. He was being watched, and the other side could make a move at any time, but now that he had caught an assassin, he didn't know who was behind the assassin. He didn't know if the assassin had any accomplices, so he hid the matter and slowly moved on. KNOWN

Other than a few close guards, Thousand Meng Yao had also hidden the matter from the other guards. However, he had not hidden the truth from Yue Dansheng.

"Let's go take a look." This was the second time he had summoned Yue Dansheng in half a month.

The first was yesterday, when they talked about something unpleasant in the garden kiosk. kilo-

Meng Yao personally led the way. He looked to be in high spirits, his complexion was rosy, and his eyes were bright and clear. When he talked to Yue Dansheng, he was even smiling.

Yue Dansheng was not proficient at interrogating methods, he said straightforwardly: "I can't help you with anything." kilo-

However, Meng Yao waved his finger and said, "Take a look at his martial arts skills. I want to know how he does things." This

I can take a look myself.

Yue Dansheng had no objections and followed Thousand Meng Yao to the wood shed where the people were locked up.

A day and a night passed. They never gave the assassin a sip of water or ate anything. When facing captives, the guards of the Rushing King's Mansion would not show mercy. Door

When it was opened, Yue Dansheng first got used to the intense light difference inside and outside the house. The woodshed was very dark, and had a very heavy stench, he squinted her eyes, and looked at the figure curled up in the corner with her back facing the door. She felt that the stooped figure was very thin.

With such a thin and fragile body, it didn't seem like something a martial arts practitioner would have.

On the other hand, Thousand Meng Yao was brave. He stepped in first, followed by Yue Dansheng, and walked to the center of the woodshed. house

"The people inside should have known that someone had arrived a long time ago, but he didn't turn around. Instead, he faced the wall and hugged himself."

"Let's go take a look." The potential customer spoke up.

Yue Dansheng took two steps forward and stood behind the figure, her hand on the figure's shoulder, slowly turning the person around.

Then, he saw a refined, refined, and gentle face, with a trace of blood leaking out from the corner of his mouth.

(End of chapter)

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