County Magistrate Song knew that the little boy had a bird at his house. It was named Pearl, so he pointed behind him and said, "I saw it flying in that direction just now."

The little boy nodded. "I know." Then he looked at them, sized each of them up, and asked, "What are you doing at my place?"

County Governor Song then explained to him, "Your mother and I have an agreement. Two lords will be staying at your east yard for the next few days. If you have nothing to do, don't bother us, do you understand?" small

Chun Dong saw that this child was cute and genuinely liked him from the bottom of his heart. He then rubbed his hair until the child's head almost fell off before he stopped rubbing it. of

Afterwards, the little mistress led the way and brought everyone to the East District.

Cheng Qi chose the largest room first, then ordered the people to pack up the things he brought with him.

Ji Chun didn't ask for anything and just chose a smaller room. Seeing that the bed was already prepared, he saved himself the effort and sat down, dusting off the rain on his clothes.

The little boy followed Ji Chun Dong into the house and sat at the other end of the table, looking at him with a smile. period

Chun Dong raised his head and looked the child in the eye, casually asking: "What's your name?" small

The boy replied crisply: "Liu Xiaoli."

"How old are you?"

"Six years old."

"Oh? Six years old. " Ji Chun Dong deliberately teased the child: "Then that is enlightened, do you know how to read a thousand characters?" small

Li pursed his lips but did not reply. He only smiled at him. period

Chun Dong guessed that this kid's grades weren't that good, but after thinking about it again, since he was only 14 years old and could recite a thousand characters, he heroically said: "It's fine, boys, what are you doing with such good knowledge, you're not getting married."

Xiaoli said: "Do you have to be knowledgeable if you want to marry someone? It's not the top scorers who need to be knowledgeable? "

Ji Chun Dong smacked the child's head: "The martial arts scholar doesn't study much, but the girl who wants to marry has to have some ability. Think about it, this young lady's family wants to marry into someone else's family, not call her own mother, not her own father, serve her in-laws, raise her children, she has suffered a lot, if she doesn't have a brain, she won't be easily bullied to death by her husband."

Xiaoli was immediately shocked: "My mother is also married, will she be bullied by the husband's family?" period

Chun Dong froze for a moment, feeling that the child was foolish: "Isn't your mother marrying your father? Did your father bully your mother? "

Xiaoli shook her head.

Ji Chun Dong said, "Then it's fine." small

Li added, "I don't know my father. My mother is married to the Uncle Rong." period

Pure Winter suddenly realized: "Marry me again."

Xiaoli didn't understand and just looked at him. period

Chun Dong looked at the child again and felt pity for him. He couldn't help but soften his tone: "Then you are a burden, then did your stepfather bully you? Beat you? Is it good for your mother? "

Xiaoli recalled carefully, and then said the same thing. "Uncle Rong didn't bully me, didn't hit me, and was good to my mother."

Xiaoli froze for a moment, then muttered: "I have to see Uncle Rong …." period

Chun Dong paused for a moment, thinking that his stepfather must have treated this kid really well, and he didn't know them, so there was no reason to sow discord between them, he said: "Uncle is saying if, if he treats you guys badly, then you guys can leave."

Xiaoli immediately guaranteed: "Definitely not, Uncle Rong is the best, better than mother.

In the world of children, the most severe form of punishment is the punitive one! small

Li stayed in the house and chatted with his new uncle until the rain got heavier outside and someone called him away. period

Chun Dong got his peace, walked to the window again, looked at the misty sky outside, his expression slowly became serious. Arrived

It was almost noon. Laughter and laughter could be heard from the main courtyard. The sounds of rain and frolicking could be heard as they were separated by a wall, making the place especially lively and deserted. again

After a while, a servant called Ji Chun Dong for lunch, and the lunch of the East District was placed in a side hall to the south.

When Ji Chun arrived, Cheng Qi had already arrived. When he saw Ji Chun, Cheng Qi greeted him and told him to sit beside him. two

After people sat down, they first politely exchanged a few words before starting to eat. It was not a good dish, nor was it as luxurious as the food in Yuanzhou. However, it was not difficult to eat either.

"I heard that the yamen side has already fallen out. They originally wanted to set up a hall to interrogate everyone, but for some reason, after a whole morning of work, they said that it would be delayed, but it seems that someone was unwilling to do so. They haven't even finished their meal yet, so let's go take a look and greet some of the officials from the Patrol Department."

Ji Chun Dong "En", two chopsticks to eat a plate of fried white meat on the table.

Cheng Qi saw that he really ate a lot and was very barbaric, so he took the initiative to push the braised pork in front of him towards him. period

Chun Dong said politely, "I have enough, Cheng will also eat." adult

Qi Qi had already lost her appetite. She laughed dryly and said, "I'm full too. You eat."

Ji Chun Dong was no longer polite. He poured the plate of Red Braised Meat into his bowl.

Cheng Qi looked at him as if he hadn't eaten his fill in eight lifetimes. He was speechless, but he couldn't say anything. He could only pursed his lips and slowly continued to drink. Positive

At this moment, a sound came from outside.

Cheng Qi subconsciously looked over and saw shadows of people moving outside, as if someone was running in the rain. He

"Who is that?" division

Qi was slightly disgusted: "Don't you have servants in this Rong family? Why did everyone enter? "Hurry up and kick him out." division

I summoned two guards and told them to chase him away.

After a while, there was a commotion outside.

Cheng Qi had a bad temper after drinking too much. He slammed the table and asked the Grand Master, "What happened?" division

"That crazy girl seems to be someone from the Rong family. The guards went to chase her away, but the girl stayed on the ground. The people from the Rong family came over and started a ruckus." adult

Hearing this, Qi Chun frowned. Ji Chun Dong had finally finished his meal. He put down his chopsticks, stood up and said, "I'll go take a look." adult

Qi wanted to shout out something, but when he saw Ji Chun Dong standing there like a mountain, he swallowed the words that were about to leave his mouth and said, "Then go take a look."

Ji Chun Dong saw a farce in the rain when he went out. And …

In the rain, the first thing he heard was a girl crying, "They hit me, they hit me … …" Father... They bullied me … Father, Father, Father … "Where are you, dad …"

Ji Chun Dong frowned as he listened. He took two more steps forward, and when he walked down the corridor, he finally saw clearly what the girl who sat in the rain, crying and gasping for breath, looked like.

A face with its features obscured by the rain. But

If one were to carefully distinguish it, one would still be able to see a delicate and pretty face. Most importantly, there was something slightly familiar about it. period

Chun Dong stood on the porch for a long time, recalling his memories for a long time, he finally muttered a name uncertainly: "Li … …" Li Yu'er? "

(End of chapter)

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