It was as if he did not plan to hear an answer from Yue Dansheng's mouth.

"Since you promised Ben Wang that you would fulfill your duty and assassinate him, that doesn't mean Ben Wang wouldn't pursue this matter. Your friend truly has the heart to do Ben Wang harm. This is an iron-like fact." Yue

Dan Cheng frowned, "Then kill him."

After staring at him for a while, Thousand Meng Yao let out a long laugh. He didn't say anything about the rules and continued moving forward, heading toward the county magistrate's office.

After about a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the yamen. Thousand Meng Yao met with Zhuang Chang and closed the door. Then, he began to speak with him in private. Yue

However, this conversation did not last long. Very quickly, Thousand Meng Yao came out again, accompanied by Zhuang Chang. When he came out, he saw Yue Dansheng, and even sized him up, his eyes were full of caution.

However, Thousand Meng Yao laughed and said, "He's the same as you. I personally took a liking to him, and he's also someone who's wasted a great deal of effort to rope me in. Rest assured."

When Zhuang Chang heard this, his face turned red, and he immediately thought of the time when the young King of Judgement was walking back to his house day in and day out. such as

Now that he thought about it, he wasn't sure if the decision he had made at the beginning was right or wrong. can

There were some things that he had already done and there was no way to turn back. Moreover, the Prince had brought him unexpected good news! Notice

After bidding farewell to Zhuang Chang, Thousand Meng Yao brought Yue Dansheng back to the tea house. yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtzu

Not long after they sat down, six panting guards arrived.

Qian Meng Yao didn't even spare them a glance as he continued to listen to his teacher's eloquent speech from the second floor. His eyes were closed, and he was happily sipping his tea.

… …. time

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye. During these seven days, the case of the tens of thousands of people in Western Emergence County had become a common and well-known farce. Beijing

Cheng Qi also relied on the relationship between the Yun siblings to start settling down in the Rong Mansion. After knowing that Liu Wei was also the legal medical expert in the case of Wan Ruxue, Cheng Qi was even more confused, and everyday shouted for Liu Wei to tell him more details. willow

She just wanted Liu Wei to scold all the families together with her. Every time Liu Wei just spoke a few sentences, Cheng Qi would immediately spew out a single performance, and in the end, Liu Wei would not say anything, since it would be useless no matter how much she said.

Later, Rong Ling found out that the Yuanzhou Prefecture Elder, who was staying in his house, was running behind Liu Wei. With a wave of his hand, she chased him out of the residence.

Cheng Qi was stunned when he was chased away. He had never expected to be kicked out of his house on the day he was ordered by the imperial government. He

Unsatisfied, he went to find Yun Xi and Yun Xin to have an argument.

Yun Xi ignored him and directly closed the door, refusing to meet any guests. Yun wanted to see them, but he took Cheng Qi to a relatively good inn in the city and booked a first-class room.

Cheng Qi was so angry that he wanted to complain to Yun Yang, "Your friend is too rude."

Cloud wanted to glance at him and say, "Lord Ji is very well-behaved, so Big Brother Rong didn't chase him away. You said that it's bad to pester someone, but you pestered Sister Liu. Didn't you say that Big Brother Rong isn't easy to get along with? He's jealous and extremely petty.

Cheng Qi was annoyed to death. "She was wearing men's clothing and spoke rather manly words. I kept forgetting that she was a girl."

Yun Meng wanted to snort. "Then you deserve it."

In the end, there was no room for negotiation, Cheng Qi could only temporarily stay in the inn, but because Xicheng County had recently become a tourist destination, with many people coming from all over the place, the inn was unable to meet the demand. Cheng Qi's inn was one of the best in the county, and many guests who came from afar also chose this inn.

As a result, the moment he went out, Cheng Qi ran into Qin Yuanchuan, who was in the room next door.

Qin Yuanchuan was Wan Li's henchman. Cheng Qi hated Wan Li, so naturally, he couldn't like Qin Yuanchuan.

This time, Cheng Qi felt extremely uncomfortable. In order to avoid meeting Qin Yuanchuan, he decided not to go out of his room. Every day, he would stay in his room with Grand Master and curse Wan Li.

In comparison, the longer the case dragged on, the busier Qin Yuanchuan became. He

As a small county magistrate, logically speaking, he shouldn't stay in a non-jurisdiction area for too long. Yuan Xiao County needed him to take charge of the situation, but Western Jin County really couldn't leave him.

During these seven days, he was so busy that his feet barely touched the ground. Every day, he would go out early, and at night, he would often come back late at night.

He had already been busy to begin with, but now that the snow had gotten worse, something had happened.

A piece of unfavorable news came from the capital.

In the narrow and eerie cell, this time Qin Yuanchuan bribed the guards and directly entered the cell. Full

The cold, sticky straw on the ground only had a weak, mottled light in the skylight. After Qin Yuanchuan entered, he held Wan Ruxue in his arms. long

He only patted her back lightly and coaxed: "Things originally went smoothly, but the people who came over from the capital two days ago mentioned an old matter. Your majesty, it seems that you know the whereabouts of the tax payment of two million taels from three years ago." ten thousand

Hearing this, Ru Xue deeply frowned and immediately said: "Why is it like this? "That silver was on my dowry list, how did the people in the capital find out about it?"

Qin Yuanchuan shook his head, stood up slightly, and looked at Wan Ruxue's face up close. ten thousand

Ruoxue's face was dirty, she seemed to have realized it, and she took half a step back and lowered her head. Qin

Yuanchuan stepped forward, dragging her chin and stroking her cheek. "Let me see you again." ten thousand

Ruoxue had a bitter look on her face as she said, feeling wronged, "I really hope that this matter can end soon and we can return to how we were before."

It will be over. " He said, "Not only that, I heard that the emperor is also mentioning Sir Wan in the imperial court, saying something about embezzlement and protection. Logically speaking, the emperor should not have fallen on his knees at this time, but the emperor's heart is hard to predict, and someone might have whispered something to the emperor, so I'm afraid that because of the matter of the two million, the emperor will no longer protect Sir Wan." ten thousand

Ru Xue became nervous: "Then what do we do? Yuanchuan, Daddy must not be in trouble! "

"Of course I know." Qin Yuanchuan lowered her head to look into Wan Ruxue's eyes. After a moment of silence, she shifted her gaze away. ten thousand

Ru Xue understood him so well and asked, "What did you hide from me?"

Qin Yuanchuan shook his head and exhaled. "No."

Wan Ruxue struggled free from his embrace: "There must be, what exactly is it. Quickly tell me, at this time, I beg you, please tell me everything!" Qin

However, Wan Ruxue dodged it. A struggle flashed in the depths of Qin Yuanchuan's eyes, but in the end, he clenched his teeth and said: "Your father said that if we are to delay this matter, it would be best for us to end it quickly. If you can take over all of it, he has a way to deal with it."

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